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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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It is fully controllable. We can play in or out daily if we wish. Or we can fund 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. Or we can pull completely out at 0%. Temp pull out and freeze it if a huge emergency arises and go back in at a later date. And just to add a little to that, I am not aware of all companies doing this but if you were out of the 401K for say 4 months, and you came back into it at 15% to help make up, our co. will match dollar for dollar at the 15% until it is balanced as if you never got out then it will return to the norm of 9.3% match dollar for dollar. Cannot do that with the pensions. Matter fact they are cut off at 40 hours max input, if you only worked 30 hours you only get the 30 hours credit and no makeup for lost time which actually sux. I really like the makeup option as I have had to use it a couple of times in the past. There are some rules involved and it also depends on if you have any outstanding 401K loans still actively repaying back. An excellent tool if ya need it in a pinch.

I know of a few guys who borrowed from it to purchase a home, it is not suggested by most financial advisers but the great thing about it is that it is not considered borrowed money. So it is considered part of your down payment, and it may be the difference of paying or not paying PMI insurance.
No way!! I did not think it was possible.

No door prizes (Maybe a beer someday) or the personal satisfaction that I'm not completely rigid and inflexible. (Or need to win every argument or debate either)
I know of a few guys who borrowed from it to purchase a home, it is not suggested by most financial advisers but the great thing about it is that it is not considered borrowed money. So it is considered part of your down payment, and it may be the difference of paying or not paying PMI insurance.

Now you know another guy. # 1 you can pay yourself back however you feel works best for you. # 2 It helps you get the lowest interest rate and avoid that PMI. And the biggest one IMO # 3 it puts you in a property getting you off the renting dole building your own equity investment instead of someone else's. And puts you in a better position if rents start to skyrocket (which they have here)
I know of a few guys who borrowed from it to purchase a home, it is not suggested by most financial advisers but the great thing about it is that it is not considered borrowed money. So it is considered part of your down payment, and it may be the difference of paying or not paying PMI insurance.
I do too. I also say do not barrow from the 401K. Most people making a living at the scale we make have emergency funds, savings and house down payments. But there are still some very, very large cost emergencies that do come up. I too know of a few guys that have done it. Getting out of PMI could be a good reason as they can get up there on a monthly basis. And at least you are paying yourself a tiny interest, but that does not make up for the interest and gains made by leaving it in there.
When we get a JCBA, the last of our issues will be the 401K and/or the IAMNPP.

Doesn't seem like this thing will have a chance of passage in the first go round.
What makes you say that? I don't think many LUS are going to jump for joy over a new contract unless it is a goodie. We already have the money and future pay increases, and decent security and health benefits. But I thought the TWU peeps were ready to pounce on darn near anything? You guys have many needed perks that may make peeps pull the trigger. I don't think we will be getting back many of the stations that peeps want as the company has made it clear in executive talks that it wants a current snapshot and not much movement on stations that should otherwise be a part of our contract. Although there is a rumor that DTW and IND are ready to revert back into your scope.

Hopefully, the JCBA is a goodie. It will be incredibly disappointing if these guys played games for a few years but only brought back a cost neutral or barely cost positive JCBA. I'm guessing and assuming that the greater chance is that they will bring back a goodie but who knows.
United never took the cut as well as they were on a separate schedule.

Very interesting read here. Particularly # 7. We all know obviously which union won that vote. Tim how long had PMUAL Fleet been represented by the IAM and when did they join the IAMPF? Which Schedule are they under A or B?


1952: Employees on 85% of airlines now protected by IAM agreements. 92% of IAM contracts provide for paid holidays.

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What makes you say that? I don't think many LUS are going to jump for joy over a new contract unless it is a goodie. We already have the money and future pay increases, and decent security and health benefits. But I thought the TWU peeps were ready to pounce on darn near anything? You guys have many needed perks that may make peeps pull the trigger. I don't think we will be getting back many of the stations that peeps want as the company has made it clear in executive talks that it wants a current snapshot and not much movement on stations that should otherwise be a part of our contract. Although there is a rumor that DTW and IND are ready to revert back into your scope.

Hopefully, the JCBA is a goodie. It will be incredibly disappointing if these guys played games for a few years but only brought back a cost neutral or barely cost positive JCBA. I'm guessing and assuming that the greater chance is that they will bring back a goodie but who knows.

There had been little done in regards to setting the expectations of what may come out of these negotiations. Most of the Articles will be a hybrid of TWU and IAM language.

The details on the language may be minor, but as they're compounded the negativity that usually follows will be heading towards unprecedented levels.

The expectation is that we should not have any concessions, but the change in language, from what we're used to, will be interpreted as we've moved backwards.

We'll see.
What makes you say that? I don't think many LUS are going to jump for joy over a new contract unless it is a goodie. We already have the money and future pay increases, and decent security and health benefits. But I thought the TWU peeps were ready to pounce on darn near anything? You guys have many needed perks that may make peeps pull the trigger. I don't think we will be getting back many of the stations that peeps want as the company has made it clear in executive talks that it wants a current snapshot and not much movement on stations that should otherwise be a part of our contract. Although there is a rumor that DTW and IND are ready to revert back into your scope.

Hopefully, the JCBA is a goodie. It will be incredibly disappointing if these guys played games for a few years but only brought back a cost neutral or barely cost positive JCBA. I'm guessing and assuming that the greater chance is that they will bring back a goodie but who knows.

There will be good parts but the concern is dealing with those issues that are different and will be interpreted as a negative.

There had been little work done in educating the combined Memberships on the differences in each CBA and going over the differences in culture.

That is necessary, in my opinion, so we could understand and better accept the changes we will inevitably have to consider.
Below is just one of the promises and guarantees from the teamsters when they were doing their card drive at UAL.

7.WhatWillHappenToContinental’sPensionPlan? The CARP defined benefitpensionplanisgovernedandregulatedbyERISAlaws,andCAL cannotusethemergerasajustificationtodissolveorterminateit. Moreover,CALapparently hasnopresentplanstofreezeorterminatetheplan. CAL,however,isnotobligedtoextend theplantoUALemployees,butasourmembersknow,weremaincommittedtoseekingadefinedbenefitpensionplanforallIBTmembers.
Below is just one of the promises and guarantees from the teamsters when they were doing their card drive at UAL.

7.WhatWillHappenToContinental’sPensionPlan? The CARP defined benefitpensionplanisgovernedandregulatedbyERISAlaws,andCAL cannotusethemergerasajustificationtodissolveorterminateit. Moreover,CALapparently hasnopresentplanstofreezeorterminatetheplan. CAL,however,isnotobligedtoextend theplantoUALemployees,butasourmembersknow,weremaincommittedtoseekingadefinedbenefitpensionplanforallIBTmembers.

Where do you see the words "We promise" or "We Guarantee"?

Even though I'm not a fan of the IBT let's focus on the quote. "We remain committed to seeking"

That DOES NOT say promise. That says they wanted to gain a DBP for all their IBT members. That doesn't say they would be successful in obtaining one or that the one they might have secured would be acceptable to their members.

Perhaps however/whatever/if the IAMNPF is offered to us here at (American Airlines) we will also vote no and reject it? Or perhaps we won't?

And the more you throw out BS the more I'm going to hit the ball back over your net.
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The progress has been good with the ENC involved. By my count, we have 6 more partially to mostly complete articles. These I believe, have the potential of being completed in the very near future. That leaves the last 3-5 issues to be addressed in the near future as well. I believe that having a TA this summer is becoming more of a possibility.

P. Rez

The progress has been good with the ENC involved. By my count, we have 6 more partially to mostly complete articles. These I believe, have the potential of being completed in the very near future. That leaves the last 3-5 issues to be addressed in the near future as well. I believe that having a TA this summer is becoming more of a possibility.

P. Rez
If you say so, you're there. I didn't get such a positive impression from reading the last update

The progress has been good with the ENC involved. By my count, we have 6 more partially to mostly complete articles. These I believe, have the potential of being completed in the very near future. That leaves the last 3-5 issues to be addressed in the near future as well. I believe that having a TA this summer is becoming more of a possibility.

P. Rez

Really? What a load of crap. Smdh...
If no ta this fall, maybe in the fall, if not by winter. At the very last resort spring of '18 is looking promising. If not there's always next summer!
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