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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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we have heard that corporate wants 1 person in cargo bin but its not possible on 738s with 45 min turns in small cities you got 1 bag runner 1 agent doing clp and 1 in the bin load a 738 with say 175 bags and its a definite guarantee it will not go out on time that's not even touching the 30 jetway bags plus or minus we get on the MD80 if the belly is short it is possible to do it but again with delays out bound Ive always felt that whoever in corporate came up with this brilliant idea has never ever worked a day in their life on the ramp in all elements of the weather
It is with the new powers stow. If you don't have them now, you'll get them soon.
we have heard that corporate wants 1 person in cargo bin but its not possible on 738s with 45 min turns in small cities you got 1 bag runner 1 agent doing clp and 1 in the bin load a 738 with say 175 bags and its a definite guarantee it will not go out on time that's not even touching the 30 jetway bags plus or minus we get on the MD80 if the belly is short it is possible to do it but again with delays out bound Ive always felt that whoever in corporate came up with this brilliant idea has never ever worked a day in their life on the ramp in all elements of the weather
45 min on the turn has been inplay for a long time buddy boy. 50 for the 738, 55 752, etc. etc.
we have heard that corporate wants 1 person in cargo bin but its not possible on 738s with 45 min turns in small cities you got 1 bag runner 1 agent doing clp and 1 in the bin load a 738 with say 175 bags and its a definite guarantee it will not go out on time that's not even touching the 30 jetway bags plus or minus we get on the MD80 if the belly is short it is possible to do it but again with delays out bound Ive always felt that whoever in corporate came up with this brilliant idea has never ever worked a day in their life on the ramp in all elements of the weather
And by the way, you can't fit 175 in F1 or F2, just how many flights do you personally do in a 8 hour work day?
Ive gotten 135 in F2 on a 738. Plus 20 in F1. In an 8hr shift its nothing for me to work 6 flights. 4 of which are heavy bombers. We are given 45 min turn times for MIA 738s. DFW MD80 sometimes 738s. PHX 738 n A321 flex flights buddy. In the hubs its different than out cities. I very much highly doubt we will get power stows. We have 4 or 5 new push backs. We been told new belt loaders for over a yr. Still waiting.
BTW. Only way we get 752 is if we have one divert or if they do an a/c swap. Very rare
Tim they(LAA) still have a few things better than us lead pay for one. They also appear to have a lot more agents per flight than we do
And thats why our agcs said they are negotiating. Not to give anything up but to get increases. We dont have to give anything up. We can keep our current contract for years if they dont wanna enhance what we have. Otherwise it doesnt make any sense. Let the twu leaders explain to their peeps why they gave the iam veto power. Not my problem unless our agcs fold like a folding chair on health care.
Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of May 22nd, in Washington D.C. and discussed several of the open issues and Articles. For M&R and MLS those Articles include: Vacations, Holidays, Overtime and Classifications. For the Fleet Service group those Articles include: Vacations, Overtime, Reduction in Force and Recall.

The Committee reached Tentative Agreements on the following Articles:

Overtime – M&R, MLS and Fleet Service
Hours of Service – M&R, MLS and MCT
Recognition of Rights - Fleet Service
The M&R Committee received a proposal from the Company on Classifications, and the Fleet Service Committee received a proposal from the Company on Transfers and Promotions that are currently under review.

While the Executive Committee met face to face with the Company, the remaining members of the Negotiating Committees were engaged in reviewing and crafting counter proposals.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: June 5th, June 12th, July 17th & July 24th in Washington, DC.

Your Negotiating Committees remain fully committed to achieving industry leading contracts to be voted on by our membership. Progress has been made, and will continue to be made, as long as American Airlines management remains committed to their promises of an industry-leading contract.

Your support is both appreciated and necessary in order to achieve our goals. Knowing that we stand together in solidarity makes us stronger than ever.

Remember, do not listen to rumors – your only official negotiations report is that issued by this Association.

CB and P. Rez if you're floating around out there? Cutting through some of the clutter on this thread that came out after this update, what do we still have left?

Besides the ones listed I'm thinking SCOPE, Job functions, CC/Lead functions, Station Staffing, PT Ratios and utilization, Hours of service (Fleet), Medical, Retirement, Wages and of course Length of agreement.

One of my wish lists is Shift Continuance/Penalty hour personally. On my shift getting off at 8:45 we have a flight scheduled in at 8:30 that I wouldn't be surprised they ask us to cover once in awhile that my crew has gladly said they would take if SC/PH were available.

And Happy Memorial Day Weekend all.
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And thats why our agcs said they are negotiating. Not to give anything up but to get increases. We dont have to give anything up. We can keep our current contract for years if they dont wanna enhance what we have. Otherwise it doesnt make any sense. Let the twu leaders explain to their peeps why they gave the iam veto power. Not my problem unless our agcs fold like a folding chair on health care.
AGcs folding? I'd me more worried about Sito folding to get things moving
AGcs folding? I'd me more worried about Sito folding to get things moving

Well it does look like since the Executive Committee took over the main talks items are being TA'd faster now.

Anyone "folding" is going to be up to the individual perspective for what that means?
What items have been TA'd since the Execs took over? Not being a smarty pants, I'm not sure.
And thats why our agcs said they are negotiating. Not to give anything up but to get increases. We dont have to give anything up. We can keep our current contract for years if they dont wanna enhance what we have. Otherwise it doesnt make any sense. Let the twu leaders explain to their peeps why they gave the iam veto power. Not my problem unless our agcs fold like a folding chair on health care.

Great point Tim. We are in the same boat at SWA. If they cannot make a positive offer instead of concessions offer in these times of record upon record profits, the we will just keep what we got and keep the contract as is.
Great point Tim. We are in the same boat at SWA. If they cannot make a positive offer instead of concessions offer in these times of record upon record profits, the we will just keep what we got and keep the contract as is.

Hey you. You're not a Ramp Agent. What the heck are you doing here in our Country Club?

Shoo. We accept no misfit vagabonds here.

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