Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue
The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of May 22nd, in Washington D.C. and discussed several of the open issues and Articles. For M&R and MLS those Articles include: Vacations, Holidays, Overtime and Classifications. For the Fleet Service group those Articles include: Vacations, Overtime, Reduction in Force and Recall.
The Committee reached Tentative Agreements on the following Articles:
Overtime – M&R, MLS and Fleet Service
Hours of Service – M&R, MLS and MCT
Recognition of Rights - Fleet Service
The M&R Committee received a proposal from the Company on Classifications, and the Fleet Service Committee received a proposal from the Company on Transfers and Promotions that are currently under review.
While the Executive Committee met face to face with the Company, the remaining members of the Negotiating Committees were engaged in reviewing and crafting counter proposals.
Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: June 5th, June 12th, July 17th & July 24th in Washington, DC.
Your Negotiating Committees remain fully committed to achieving industry leading contracts to be voted on by our membership. Progress has been made, and will continue to be made, as long as American Airlines management remains committed to their promises of an industry-leading contract.
Your support is both appreciated and necessary in order to achieve our goals. Knowing that we stand together in solidarity makes us stronger than ever.
Remember, do not listen to rumors – your only official negotiations report is that issued by this Association.