Tim Nelson
Yes I do. I'm not asking to be removed from the IAMPF. I have a vested interest in it. But, I'd like the same choice, moving forward, as LAA, even if that is just a one time choice for both groups. Instead of just saying "$2 an hour is going into my IAMPF, like it or not" when I could instead choose to stop my future contributions into the IAMPF and shift them into my 401k. I've already seen that it really doesn't matter if they pimp the company for more of my benefits dumped into the IAMPF. Even if they raise it to $2hour, what is the benefit? Nobody knows. We only have history to go on and math. And that isn't a favorable indicator for those who want to believe that $2 will get them back up to $80 a month. The math and history suggest that the Trustees will have to act and so I'd rather stop increasing my benefits in the IAMPF and start increasing them in the 401k or better yet my wage. Granted, the 401k isn't for everyone.And I also agree with you 100%. But all I keep telling you and you have to know this as a fact. Unless the Company puts their foot down otherwise they're never going to let you get completely out of it anyway. That's completely my opinion?
So at best at least for you guys I'd LOVE to see something where you also gain a bit of a match to your 401k contributions as well. BUT you also HAVE to start putting away as much as you can into your retirement accounts on your own to try to stay ahead of any curveballs life throws at you.
20% going into my 401k means with a Nuclear bomb drop (say another BK) I can afford a 20% paycut and keep going.
Borrowing half the money I was approved for with the Credit Union on my Condo gave me another cushion.
I don't work OT or Extra hours so there's another cushion if needed? Not taking CC yet, another cushion. Hording some cash in my Savings account, another cushion.
Get what I'm saying here Tim?
I want choice for all.