I doubt that strongly, you sound naive and I know you are smarter than that,why not have you in the room then? I'm just curious if you will speak up if they come back with a contract you don't approve of and after all this time if you are not pissed being on the outside looking in you are not humanYou are correct that we are not in the room anymore. However you are not correct on your backdoor deals. Everything is still shared and presented to the committee to review and approve. As far as answering Aanotoks question? I don't know at this time. I don't think they will be forced, but I also think after they have seen the PROJECTED rate for the pension. Most of the TWU won't have to be forced. And yes I say projected, because I am a firm believer that neither your pension, 401k, or social security are guaranteed. We need all of them and maybe if we are lucky we will get 2 of the 3.