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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Thanks WeAA. I was curious bed before our current mgr came out bids were straight lines. I know a lot of our senior agents liked it far better than the crap we have

Robbed like I said before. You guys need to put together a bid committee that can assist management in putting together a bid to address areas of concern to your members.

Instead of being reactive be proactive. If necessary seek out volunteers who are knowledgeable in how the bids work and those people can ask for a meeting with your Station manager and tell him or her that you want to work as a team to improve both the Station performance and the moral of those who work there.

Good luck my friend.
big difference in the way LUS hubs bid and the way LAA ones do, we bid work areas or Teams as they are called in CLT while you guys bid by gate. Just another example of the difference in the two
big difference in the way LUS hubs bid and the way LAA ones do, we bid work areas or Teams as they are called in CLT while you guys bid by gate. Just another example of the difference in the two

How does that work for doling out job assignments?

We sort of bid teams I guess as well in a way. We're all as assigned when necessary. In MIA there are many times we're moved off the gate to do or assist a flight somewhere else if we don't have one coming to our gate for awhile.

In DFW they rarely ever move a crew because they have enough flights on their own gates to not need to be moved.

We also have "as assigned" and "zone support" bid spots as well. The as assigned covers holes in the manning and the zone support is sent out when a flight is heavy and could use the assist.

I'm sure even when we get a JCBA each Station will continue to do it the best way it works for them to keep the operation flowing. Don't think that should be a CBA issue?
I have a question here with regards to shift bids..

our station manager loves to make shift bids so screwy like for example couple lines with 3 different starting times for both pt and ft does any other station do that?
another crappy thing she does is she took all the weekend off lines and converted to either fri sat or sun mon lines
I know the folks who like weekends off wont like it for me I don't take weekends off as I prefer week days but I would like to know if other stations do this same b.s. that our crappy mgr does
I lived under that kind of schedule for years, they can do that brother. And yes I was on the bid committee for three years.
Al the fact is and I can continue to repeat it over and over and over. You guys don't honestly care about us at all because you "think" you pretty much got everything already. I hear it from my guys all throughout the system when they talk to US guys.

"I don't care how long it takes" "I don't want to get stuck with your Medical" "I get more Holidays than you" "I get Double time on second day off"

A lot of the guys I talk to who've heard this crap again to be honest don't have any sympathy for the plight of the poor US guy when they keep hearing nothing but gloating.

Me on the other hand "try" to be a little more understanding. But even my patience has its limits.

To any US guy who says that to me though I say "You want to compare your last 20 years to mine"

That's shuts them down right quick.
I can't see anyone on the US side gloating, you just said it we've been humbled for decades. I think the gloating you speak of is astonishment at the things our TWU brothers have and expect
Thanks WeAA. I was curious bed before our current mgr came out bids were straight lines. I know a lot of our senior agents liked it far better than the crap we have
I know we have our differences, and I do recognise them all, but one of the toughest things to do is a bid, all things must be considered,
1) flight schedule.
2) number of clerks on vacation.
3) the average of the clerks that call in sick.
4) clerks out on ID-sick
5) loads.
6) number of Ft clerks.
7)number of Pt clerks.
8) number of Gates
9) number of bag room piers
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I can't speak for the exact particulars in how many lines we have that are changed or modified from bid to bid here in MIA. But to the credit of both a very good bid committee and I have to think local management cooperation the bids are very good unlike when I worked in DFW.

Most of our straight gates are weekends or partial weekends off and the relief crews who have multiple gates all have weekdays off.

There are always of course things people can complain about but when it comes to the bids here that's not one thing from my perspective working in other places that holds too much water.[/QUo
Why are'
I can't speak for the exact particulars in how many lines we have that are changed or modified from bid to bid here in MIA. But to the credit of both a very good bid committee and I have to think local management cooperation the bids are very good unlike when I worked in DFW.

Most of our straight gates are weekends or partial weekends off and the relief crews who have multiple gates all have weekdays off.

There are always of course things people can complain about but when it comes to the bids here that's not one thing from my perspective working in other places that holds too much water.
Why aren't you rotating like your brothers in other stations, are you special are they special? What gives, certain rules for certain cities? What kind of union is that? We need a system wide vote everybody or nobody
Why aren't you rotating like your brothers in other stations, are you special are they special? What gives, certain rules for certain cities? What kind of union is that? We need a system wide vote everybody or nobody

Already decided Al. That vote will be all yours. I just wish so badly badly badly that we could rotate like you will be soon enough. I've tried hard to convince people here but no one is biting unfortunately.

Having steady days off is way overrated. Much better to have those interesting changes IMO.

You lucky Dog you.
AANOTOK and Bob have been trying to get it in DFW too and again no success.

I just don't understand these people Al?

Quite puzzling?
Already decided Al. That vote will be all yours. I just wish so badly badly badly that we could rotate like you will be soon enough. I've tried hard to convince people here but no one is biting unfortunately.

Having steady days off is way overrated. Much better to have those interesting changes IMO.

You lucky Dog you.
You are being sarcastic ......right.
AANOTOK and Bob have been trying to get it in DFW too and again no success.

I just don't understand these people Al?

Quite puzzling?
If they want it they should have it put it in the contract for EVEYBODY not just 3 cities. Weez maybe LGA,JFK and SJU could vote themselves in larger raises and more vacation than other cities would you vote for that Bob?
big difference in the way LUS hubs bid and the way LAA ones do, we bid work areas or Teams as they are called in CLT while you guys bid by gate. Just another example of the difference in the two
Usually it is a function of the flight operations... if there is a steady flow of flights in and out of a station, then teams (crews) are assigned to a gate, and even then, the assignments are subject to change throughout the day. In PHX we would start on an assigned gate, then as the flights taper off and part-timers go home, the leads (crew chiefs) would be assigned to load and unload assigned flights (I suspect the AA crew chiefs' heads would explode if told to get into a bin).

Judging from the amount of fossilized dinosaur turds in DFW, that will never happen, and I'm glad.
The polite and correct word would be "coprolite" or "coprolitic" to describe your union brothers and sisters.
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