I think a lot of what youre saying is plausible. With Parkers recent comments and the continuous birds chirping from the Ass inines there's no question in my mind that Parkers version is much closer to the truth. With the lack of response from the dues collectors, along with their tenured history of fibbing and sneaking in their own members cookie jar, I'm pretty sure a 5th grader can decipher the truth. Hey Tim have a challenge for you since you could've been done with this contract 6mos ago. Post your version of a good ta that you think would pass and that would be acceptable to the companyTim Nelson said:They dont know what they are doing. These negotiations are EASY. shouldda been done a year ago. The fiasco is the egos and the reality that these two moronic regimes are infighting and still have no unity of health care, scope, duration, retirement, or wage. If they put their monkey egos aside and didnt have to negotiate against eachother then maybe they may have been bright enuf to wrap this up 12 months ago. But Nooooooooooo.