JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Tim Nelson said:
You must be talking about personal grievances that take years to be heard if they don't disappear in the Bermuda's Triangle before then. If the IAM filed a grievance and expedited it, then that's different. I didn't hear that any of the sort happened.regards,
Members have filed grievances.
Members have filed grievances.
The differences is when the union leadership, as in district, files the grievance. Members file grievances all the time and most end up in the Bermuda Triangle and disappear, as the grievance procedure is reduced down to a venting system to blow off steam, but then nothing. If the AGC's filed the grievance, and expedited it, then I would say there is a commitment to handle it. For that reason, I don't see this grievance being addressed anytime soon since the company has locked down on its position on this matter.

Completely worthless...the company has zero intentions of getting an agreement unless it's loaded with concessions.
I do wish the negotiators would publicize what AA is asking for so the membership can see exactly how this management team regards it's frontline workers.
 A little easier to read:
They've been burned sitting on their hands while the other airlines made up for years of pay cuts by paying their people. They had lots of opportunities to get things done with us and their greed prevented them from acting. Of course they're getting paid. All the talk of changing the culture with employees has been exposed as false. When the update says the company has no proposals it's pretty easy to see how they feel about doing a deal.
I don't think they are finished yet for example if you go to pick up a shift it doesn't tell you the work area which is pretty stupid but thn it is AA so who knows
I don't think they are finished yet for example if you go to pick up a shift it doesn't tell you the work area which is pretty stupid but thn it is AA so who knows
ok. Thanks. Got it! On Jetnet they said it is now complete. Different.
Tim Nelson said:
ok. Thanks. Got it! On Jetnet they said it is now complete. Different.
Tim OT? You must be trying to figure out for someone else is my guess? With all that scratch you got NO WAY would you be working OT?
Tim OT? You must be trying to figure out for someone else is my guess? With all that scratch you got NO WAY would you be working OT?
OT as in Off Topic. That said, I work about 2 days a week. When I can't get rid of a shift, I will try to pick up overtime just to get as many hours as possible if I have to come into work. This week I only worked one day, next week one day as well. I like swapping off most of the summer but I still have to maintain 32 hours a week average to get full credit on my IAMPF. I try to get in the 32 hours with two back to back doubles if I can then blow off the rest of the week.

Tim Nelson said:
OT as in Off Topic. That said, I work about 2 days a week. When I can't get rid of a shift, I will try to pick up overtime just to get as many hours as possible if I have to come into work. This week I only worked one day, next week one day as well. I like swapping off most of the summer but I still have to maintain 32 hours a week average to get full credit on my IAMPF. I try to get in the 32 hours with two back to back doubles if I can then blow off the rest of the week.regards,
Ah. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I was momentarily concerned that some vile villain perhaps had broken into your vast deposits and beat a hasty retreat to enjoy Marguerites on a Catamaran in the Caymans?

I'm glad all is still financially splendid for you then.
Talos said:
They've been burned sitting on their hands while the other airlines made up for years of pay cuts by paying their people. They had lots of opportunities to get things done with us and their greed prevented them from acting. Of course they're getting paid. All the talk of changing the culture with employees has been exposed as false. When the update says the company has no proposals it's pretty easy to see how they feel about doing a deal.
Well put! Ditto! Not even the courtesy to counter propose. Dig in. It's going to be awhile folks. 
Tim Nelson said:
ok. Thanks. Got it! On Jetnet they said it is now complete. Different.
so apparently the morons think its a good ideal to have to click on the bid button to see where the work area is unless you know the person and their schedule....idiots
ograc said:
Well put! Ditto! Not even the courtesy to counter propose. Dig in. It's going to be awhile folks. 
you notice a pattern here? the dbag company talks all the junk about taking care of their employee but really it's a lying scam.
the two groups that  got a deal are the gate agents and the FA's both whom interact with the public on a daily bases. meanwhile fleet and mx who rarely do are left to get the squeeze .Most of my thoughts on upper management I could never get away with printing here.
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"Your committee received a visit from TWU International President and Association Vice Chair Harry Lombardo, on Tuesday. He addressed the committee with his thoughts, and restated his commitment and support to the Association and these negotiations."
Maybe Harry should sit in on the negotiations, or better yet, pay a visit to Douglas and let him know he's not too encouraged by the progress,
I hope Harry's heart is in it, as I'm sure he's not too fond of playing second fiddle. If I recall, he wasn't even a fan of the Association to begin with.
To date, I honestly cannot recall any accomplishments or victories his regime has gotten for it's TWU members on the Air Division side.
Maybe it is time to see the militant side of Harry, if his heart is in it.
cltrat said:
you notice a pattern here? the dbag company talks all the junk about taking care of their employee but really it's a lying scam.
the two groups that  got a deal are the gate agents and the FA's both whom interact with the public on a daily bases. meanwhile fleet and mx who rarely do are left to get the squeeze .Most of my thoughts on upper management I could never get away with printing here.
Surely you're not insinuating we are not in the company's top ten priority list. But Doug said this and that. Very "spot on" observation cltrat. You've been around awhile. The company PR spin to the employees; yet a cold hearted, demeaning posture in negotiations behind closed doors. Nothing new on the LUS side and, from what I'm reading on this forum, nothing new on the AA/TWU side. DIG IN FOLKS! IT'S GOING TO BE AWHILE! As it should be IMO.
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