JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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700UW said:
You dont get per diem for shoes.
Per diem is only given if you are away from your station on company or union business, it is an IRS Regulation.
wrong term. allowance.

Tim Nelson said:
so, this post doesnt touch negotiations but an update for LUS.
As you know, the uniform policy has changed for us on may 1.
The shoes are suppose to be black or brown. Since that is a new policy for us, i believe the company should compensate us a certain per diem to make the transition for shoes "seamless". Up till May 1, our shoes were in compliance. Shoes routinely last 6-12 months so i figure our union person can address this and get us a per diem to purchase new shoes to get back in compliance, or enforce the shoe policy 6-12 months out. Not saying management has been hard and fast on this but if the union persons should b able to address this.
Bring your AA ID into a Skechers store and get 30% off, that should soften the blow if your down and out.
I dont remember seeing any posted bulletin regarding shoes    we got the memo regards to our uniforms    not to mention a 15% off for alteration    Something there tells me if you need to alterations done to uniforms you pay and use the 15% off coupon   In my opin that flat out BS  
ograc said:
Until I see otherwise... I am skeptical, the company's posture in negotiations will change, regarding the $$$ issues. I believe we will see proposals that will be cost neutral to the company. $$$ for jobs. They will remain in bankruptcy mode. If this is the case... I would hope we are in for a long fight. The economic environment and profitability of the company has changed dramatically. ZERO concessions. This JCBA, given the economic environment, should be about improvements with every Article of, both the TWU and IAM Agreements. Both unions, at different carriers, made huge concessions to keep both LUS and AA solvent. It's time to regain sacrifices of the past.

While American Airlines has said the outcome will increase its costs by about $650 million in 2015, analysts view the news as a win for the airline, which appears to have earned the favor of its workers while locking in a joint contract faster than newly merged airlines often do.

The Delta match added about $13 million annually to the cost of the American flight attendant contract, Glading said, bringing the value of the industry-leading contract to $193 million annually above the current value of the combined existing American and US Airways contracts.

A day after announcing it will offer profit-sharing to its more than 100,000 employees, American Airlines said Thursday it would increase pay for its 25,000 flight attendants by about 6%.

American Airlines customer service and gate agents approved a new labor contract that includes average pay raises of 30 percent, the union representing the workers just announced today. (Yes with some minor concessions on jobs)

ograc if the company announces that their Labor costs have risen then that's in the overall cost of what that group now costs them relative to the price they were going to pay before any agreements.

Sometimes your comments make me feel like you think we're the bastard stepchildren of the Airline industry and we're going to wallow in the dumps for the rest of our careers.

Time to stop sounding so negative so much. ok?

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WeAAsles said:
American Airlines customer service and gate agents approved a new labor contract that includes average pay raises of 30 percent, the union representing the workers just announced today. (Yes with some minor concessions on jobs)

So are you OK with minor concessions now W, and exactly what is a minor concession. To some folks, that minor concession impacts their life dramatically, therefore it isn't minor at all.
So are you OK with minor concessions now W, and exactly what is a minor concession. To some folks, that minor concession impacts their life dramatically, therefore it isn't minor at all.
AA I don't know what would or wouldn't be considered a concession? If it all about improvements then so far at least from what it seems like, our negotiating team are batting 1000. To many people not getting back every single dime that was given up financially since 2003 is still a concession in their minds. (The Dreamers) Seeing our CS "Policy" brought in to "Language" that might be more restrictive is a concession. A long time ago members paid nothing for medical, now we do. Concession? 

So I don't really know what people mean by a concession or concessions? We each are going to have our own opinions on that.

And you and I both know 100% that there is no way we are going to see a contract that passes by 100%. So even if it passed by 99% that would mean that 1% didn't consider it good enough for them.

And about impacting peoples lives there's a saying. "Evolve or Die"
I want to get a contract has much or more than anyone but I want them to take the time to get it as right as possible because if the money numbers are where I've been told they will be ,it's going to pass simple as it needs to be as good as they can get it
If Zero concisions means no give and take in negotiations, then we know exactly why this is taking so long and who is the main culprit.
I'm going to make an example here that's only about "JOBS" no other factor for the entire language of what our eventual CBA will be and what improvements it will have in it.

Here in MIA we have around 30 encoders. With the BK we lost about 350 cabin service jobs. Now let's say I have something on my desk that is asking me would I like to gain back those 350 jobs but I would lose the 30? Be realistic and think how I would vote on that.

Now expand out that idea.

The Agents voted to accept a contract that did away with maybe a thousand subcontracted jobs and brought those jobs in house on the AA side. Those jobs are much better paying jobs with benefits that the sub people (who will be hired by AA) didn't have before. And an opportunity to gain the better paying positions. But in return they voted away the BSO jobs on the US side (Lost bags). Did they make the right choice?

If AA offers us all Cabin and Freight on both sides but want (something) in return for those thousands of jobs, how are you going to vote on that?

Each person has just as much right as the next guy to advocate for what "HE" wants. As much as he has just as much right to pack up a bag and move if he finds himself in a position where he has little other choice.
If Zero concisions means no give and take in negotiations, then we know exactly why this is taking so long and who is the main culprit.
There's always give and take. The problem is sometimes when one side asks for Venus and the other side is only offering dirt. Where's the middle ground in that case?
With the CWA getting the contract they have it came at a cost... cost of BSO jobs   not sure how many  but I view it as a concessions type deal    Not long afterwards and by year end this airline recorded 6.3 Billion      The type of contract Fleet and Maintaince should get is definitely not a concessions contract   As for Fleet  Ive heard LUS catering does all LAA metal now in LUS hubs    But in the out stations such as SFO or LAX I dont know who does it  but in smaller cities like mine both of our PHX flights have been replaced by LAA metal    I dont know how long our catering in my station will stay but I do view this as job concessions    And furthermore  since LAA began operating the 738s on our PHX flights  its been delayed and late 90% of the time vs when LUS Airbus did the runs.
700UW said:
We, up is super pro management and non-union.
He lives doug and hates unions.
Green mark for you today sir. Since it seems we both have the same pathetic group of stalkers following us around.

Badge of honor actually.
robbedagain said:
With the CWA getting the contract they have it came at a cost... cost of BSO jobs   not sure how many  but I view it as a concessions type deal    Not long afterwards and by year end this airline recorded 6.3 Billion      The type of contract Fleet and Maintaince should get is definitely not a concessions contract   As for Fleet  Ive heard LUS catering does all LAA metal now in LUS hubs    But in the out stations such as SFO or LAX I dont know who does it  but in smaller cities like mine both of our PHX flights have been replaced by LAA metal    I dont know how long our catering in my station will stay but I do view this as job concessions    And furthermore  since LAA began operating the 738s on our PHX flights  its been delayed and late 90% of the time vs when LUS Airbus did the runs.
It all depends on what the company wants and asks for, then what our negotiators are willing to accept. And ultimately if the members will approve it?

But don't get hung up on all the little rumors mill gossip Robbed. Washerwoman just like to have something to talk about down by that river.
I want to get a contract has much or more than anyone but I want them to take the time to get it as right as possible because if the money numbers are where I've been told they will be ,it's going to pass simple as it needs to be as good as they can get it
I'm hoping that our contract talks are separate with no conditions in regards to the other TWU/IAM talks, i.e., MX.

The MX craft has been under an intensified attack in this industry for quite a while insomuch that the MX craft is under serious dangers, due to globalization, which their craft competes against. The Fleet craft doesn't compete against foreign workers as MX does. Airlines want to move complete overhaul operations to mexico, etc. United still hasn't got a ratified contract with MX since the Continental merger, and the IBT T/A punted all overhauling work outside.

IMO, such things will make it tough for the American MX to attain a TA that will be suitable to TWU and IAM MX members, so I think their talks could drag out quite a while. This may not sound right to some, but I don't want our talks to be tangent to MX as it will be an extra durational weight placed on our craft. That said, I do think that our talks are independent from the MX talks.

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