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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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And your "hand picked" AGC's will be any better? They have ZERO experience! Post their experience here. Post all their mighty accomplishments on here for all to see. Please prove to me right here right now how I am giving up the station I work in, how I am giving up the LUS healthcare. Please prove that to me. You can't tim. Because all you have is rumor and speculation. Oh and lies to further your agenda. Weez hit it on the head with his post #16870. Great post BTW weez. tim Prove on here what you say is true about SCOPE and the LUS HEALTHCARE. Prove it tim. Otherwise just STFU. You are a lier and a cheat. Plain and simple as that.
Im fighting to keep lus health care. Your anger will force you to vote for the guy sito. You dont listen. Nobody is going to stop you or your chair from voting for the people who stole your pension, and you reject all the proof i have given you to show you that you and all of us arent special to sito. It means NOTHING to you that sito just signed a ta with our rail that raised healthcare 200%. They have been voting it down by 95% but we will be outnumbered by the twu. Thanks alot in advance pj.
Tim they’re still going man? WTF?

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Weez, i fully understand you and some other twu peeps dont care about our iam healthcare. Once sito gets out, our healthcare and our rail healthcare will not be conceded. Until then, i guess nobody can stop you and other twu peeps from posing as iam peeps on that page. And tell basket to stop using union resources. The dol ruled against him again. He just dont listen.
JCBA Update 01.26.18

The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington D.C.

Complete Tentative Agreements were reached on:

Seniority M&R-MLS
Hours of Service M&R
Reduction in Force M&R-MLS
Overtime Distribution Procedures M&R- MLS
As previously reported in our last session, Association negotiators presented the company with a comprehensive proposal on Scope for all groups.

The Scope proposals set the foundation for the Association this week to present to American Airlines, the largest and most profitable airline in the world (who yesterday reported year-end profits of $3.8 Billion), proposals on all outstanding economic topics. Those topics include Healthcare, Retirement and all forms of Compensation.

Your negotiating committees are pleased to have all of these topics on the bargaining table, a necessary next step in the completion of JCBA negotiations and returning to our members what we have sacrificed to put the company in the position it is in today.

Your continued solidarity and support are critical to our success at this juncture of the negotiation process.

The future negotiating calendar is as follows:
February 12- DCA
February 20- DCA

Fleet Negotiating Committee:
I have far more qualifications and experience to represent the entire union than the incumbent when you review the actual duties of the position. Martinez has zero experience in the duties and doesn't even know what the hell he is doing so he just goes to 22 conventions and 15 retirement parties a year. Sad.

As IP I won't be actually negotiating contracts but I'll be delegating industries. For instance Robert is a rail guy and shop chairman and knows rail. He will be the GVP rail. Jayson is in the defense industry for Honeywell and is a shop chairman, negotiator, etc. Joseph is a 22 year decorated servicemen with several medals and is also a GNC. Not sure what you are talking about with no experience. My S/T has far more experience as well than Dora. I focused on the actual duties of the job so I wanted someone who was a shop chairman and Director in a District and had a formal accounting education for those duties. And Donald has been a leader out at boeing and will handle the aerospace. Also the duties of GVP are organizing plus any other assignments I assign them to. I'm going to have them focus on organizing.

At any rate, here's to you

Do you know how I can tell YOU are lying?
Weez has gone once again into bad weez mode. He wants to ditch lus healthcare. Sito will give it up. He just gave up healthcare for thousands of rail members but it got turned down. We wont have that option as we are outnumbered by twu.
I dont blame weez but i will blame pj for voting for someone who robbed our pension and will ultimately toss away our healthcare. Nobody will be able to stop pj and if pj is successful in getting another pension cut for lus and health care cut then he will be responsible for the insanity.
Weez just wants the cash and the gig at fll that the iam promised him.
Sorry bro I could only watch 3 minutes of your video. Too much blah blah blah.

But WOW I didn’t realize that “IAM Truth Squad” Facebook page would get under your skin so much? I was just having some fun with you there but it really rocked you huh. I thought you had a thicker skin man.

Tim you can’t expect to attack people and they’re not eventually going to come back and clean your clock for you. You have A LOT of baggage behind you.

BTW one more time you’re lying about the LUS Healthcare cough up and if you weren’t you’d have “some” proof. Not one single thing you wrote over 6 months ago now wasn’t complete BS. Total complete BS. All of it. Everything.

Oh and glad to hear you say Patty Oaks is going after you too. I blocked her a few years ago now. If she’s after you Tim ouch. Big time ouch.
Weez, we will win. Im fairly certain of it. The squad page is interesting as it gives us data and confirms the health of our growing support. There isnt really anything for me to discuss over there but it is helpful that they have stirred up interest when otherwise few knew about the campaign.
Weez, we will win. Im fairly certain of it. The squad page is interesting as it gives us data and confirms the health of our growing support. There isnt really anything for me to discuss over there but it is helpful that they have stirred up interest when otherwise few knew about the campaign.

You’re welcome. My contributions there are to raise awareness to your existence on this Planet. I get the feeling you’ve been pretty much forgotten and neutered over the years and it’s just so so sad.
Weez has gone once again into bad weez mode. He wants to ditch lus healthcare. Sito will give it up. He just gave up healthcare for thousands of rail members but it got turned down. We wont have that option as we are outnumbered by twu.
I dont blame weez but i will blame pj for voting for someone who robbed our pension and will ultimately toss away our healthcare. Nobody will be able to stop pj and if pj is successful in getting another pension cut for lus and health care cut then he will be responsible for the insanity.
Weez just wants the cash and the gig at fll that the iam promised him.

Healthcare costs for the Association Membership was just submitted as a proposal to AA. Here Tim read this. And watch what Doug Parker had to say as well.

JCBA Update 01.26.18

The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington D.C.

Complete Tentative Agreements were reached on:

Seniority M&R-MLS
Hours of Service M&R
Reduction in Force M&R-MLS
Overtime Distribution Procedures M&R- MLS
As previously reported in our last session, Association negotiators presented the company with a comprehensive proposal on Scope for all groups.

The Scope proposals set the foundation for the Association this week to present to American Airlines, the largest and most profitable airline in the world (who yesterday reported year-end profits of $3.8 Billion), proposals on all outstanding economic topics. Those topics include Healthcare, Retirement and all forms of Compensation.

Your negotiating committees are pleased to have all of these topics on the bargaining table, a necessary next step in the completion of JCBA negotiations and returning to our members what we havesacrificed to put the company in the position it is intoday.

Your continued solidarity and support are critical to our success at this juncture of the negotiation process.

The future negotiating calendar is as follows:
February 12- DCA
February 20- DCA

Fleet Negotiating Committee:
You’re welcome. My contributions there are to raise awareness to your existence on this Planet. I get the feeling you’ve been pretty much forgotten and neutered over the years and it’s just so so sad.
I like your efforts. We have done so much fighting for democracy and member rights, and have been incredibly successful i feel really good about this election at the GL and i really thing we will get 70% of the vote.
I like your efforts. We have done so much fighting for democracy and member rights, and have been incredibly successful i feel really good about this election at the GL and i really thing we will get 70% of the vote.

No you won’t. None of you are qualified. Most people have to see at least some qualifications and you don’t post any for your team.

You’re going to get completely and embarrassingly slaughtered.

Funny thing is I think you really believe the things you say and when you do get slaughtered each time I’m not sure how your mind reacts to that?
No you won’t. None of you are qualified. Most people have to see at least some qualifications and you don’t post any for your team.

You’re going to get completely and embarrassingly slaughtered.

Funny thing is I think you really believe the things you say and when you do get slaughtered each time I’m not sure how your mind reacts to that?
Nah, we are far more qualified than the incumbants. We are going to win by a fairly big margin, after some housekeeping matters and a fair election.

Alot of hard work left to really secure a big win.
Nah, we are far more qualified than the incumbants. We are going to win by a fairly big margin, after some housekeeping matters and a fair election.

Alot of hard work left to really secure a big win.

I gotta tell you this stuff is really out there Tim. But then again I guess.

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