Remember that chit when they tell you be happy with DL +3
This was put up on Facebook just under an hour ago. Can’t deny that the member does ask yet again a legitimate question.
“Every workgroup on the property at American Airlines is in 2018 and moving forward. The Association is stuck in 2012.
TWU had 13 Union Representatives at the SOTA meeting with Doug Parker (TWU Locals 513, 567, and 591) Why is there ZERO IAM Union Reps there? Just wondering. We are supposed to be in this together. Yet once again, the IAM leadership is absent / silent.
The fight continues for the Industry's Best and Nothing Less!”
View attachment 12423
I have far more qualifications and experience to represent the entire union than the incumbent when you review the actual duties of the position. Martinez has zero experience in the duties and doesn't even know what the hell he is doing so he just goes to 22 conventions and 15 retirement parties a year. Sad.So let me get this straight here. Tim you’re running for the IAM International President position. You want to represent skilled Labor in all fields that the IAM is involved with. You want to represent the whole shebang?
Not being facetious here but do you think skilled Machinists who work at Boeing are going to vote for an Airline Baggage Handler with very little qualifications to represent them and run the entire Union?
And who are these other people BTW?
View attachment 12422
I have far more qualifications and experience to represent the entire union than the incumbent when you review the actual duties of the position. Martinez has zero experience in the duties and doesn't even know what the hell he is doing so he just goes to 22 conventions and 15 retirement parties a year. Sad.
As IP I won't be actually negotiating contracts but I'll be delegating industries. For instance Robert is a rail guy and shop chairman and knows rail. He will be the GVP rail. Jayson is in the defense industry for Honeywell and is a shop chairman, negotiator, etc. Joseph is a 22 year decorated servicemen with several medals and is also a GNC. Not sure what you are talking about with no experience. My S/T has far more experience as well than Dora. I focused on the actual duties of the job so I wanted someone who was a shop chairman and Director in a District and had a formal accounting education for those duties. And Donald has been a leader out at boeing and will handle the aerospace. Also the duties of GVP are organizing plus any other assignments I assign them to. I'm going to have them focus on organizing.
At any rate, here's to you
The current agcs are just awful. You want to give up your station and your health care and you want to vote for an intl president who stole your pension. Thats the story and im not going to waste much of my time talking stupid. If you want to vote for thieves then i cant stop you.tim,
I want to know why you help put together a District ticket that continually has inexperienced and seriously underqualified people running to be our AGC's? It's the same ole song and dance from you. Pick people that drink your kool-aid, people you dupe into thinking you actually have a chance, and ruin their hopes of ever being a trustworthy union rep for the rest of their careers. All because you have a stink attached to you that won't ever wash off once people throw in their towel with you. I can think of a couple good union reps you ruined because you convinced them you were doing this as a noble cause. When really you just want to burn down a house that scorned you. Just like the Wicked Witch of the West, "I'll get you my pretty". We all know what happened to her. Hopefully when you lose AGAIN, you will melt away as she did when Dorothy tossed that bucket of water on her. You will never get your "Ruby Slippers". But hey, you haven't learned anything from past elections, the nominations don't mean anything, it's the vote that counts. And you have had repeated success in getting patsy's to nominate your slate, but have failed miserably in the actual election. This year will be no different, on either of the tickets. Get the nominations to force an election, yet get crushed in the actual election, file another lawsuit that wastes members money because you lost, rinse, repeat. All in the name of Democracy. The members have spoken in the past and will again with this election, so when you lose again, will you please stop this maddness and just fade away?
The current agcs are just awful. You want to give up your station and your health care and you want to vote for an intl president who stole your pension. Thats the story and im not going to waste much of my time talking stupid. If you want to vote for thieves then i cant stop you.
Do you know how I can tell YOU are lying?Sorry buddy but you’re lying. You know how I can tell?
I have far more qualifications and experience to represent the entire union than the incumbent when you review the actual duties of the position. Martinez has zero experience in the duties and doesn't even know what the hell he is doing so he just goes to 22 conventions and 15 retirement parties a year. Sad.
As IP I won't be actually negotiating contracts but I'll be delegating industries. For instance Robert is a rail guy and shop chairman and knows rail. He will be the GVP rail. Jayson is in the defense industry for Honeywell and is a shop chairman, negotiator, etc. Joseph is a 22 year decorated servicemen with several medals and is also a GNC. Not sure what you are talking about with no experience. My S/T has far more experience as well than Dora. I focused on the actual duties of the job so I wanted someone who was a shop chairman and Director in a District and had a formal accounting education for those duties. And Donald has been a leader out at boeing and will handle the aerospace. Also the duties of GVP are organizing plus any other assignments I assign them to. I'm going to have them focus on organizing.
At any rate, here's to you
And your "hand picked" AGC's will be any better? They have ZERO experience! Post their experience here. Post all their mighty accomplishments on here for all to see. Please prove to me right here right now how I am giving up the station I work in, how I am giving up the LUS healthcare. Please prove that to me. You can't tim. Because all you have is rumor and speculation. Oh and lies to further your agenda. Weez hit it on the head with his post #16870. Great post BTW weez. tim Prove on here what you say is true about SCOPE and the LUS HEALTHCARE. Prove it tim. Otherwise just STFU. You are a lier and a cheat. Plain and simple as that.The current agcs are just awful. You want to give up your station and your health care and you want to vote for an intl president who stole your pension. Thats the story and im not going to waste much of my time talking stupid. If you want to vote for thieves then i cant stop you.