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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Must be a lifestyle,
Well, I'll give him that. Although I'm still waiting for him to apologize to NYer over the weaasles insistence that Gary Peterson knew what he was talking about with a brand new TA before January 1. Actually, NYer been saying the same things for 3 years and has been "Spot on" and although I can't be sure, my hunch is that Weez just get annoyed with NYer being right all of the time. I like weez but I was told that he is following the money and the gig at FLL to organize JetBlue for the IAM. He picked up where 700 left off. At least he didn't let personal feelings get in the way of supporting the Local's planned picket last year. That's something his IAM handlers simply won't do.
Well, I'll give him that. Although I'm still waiting for him to apologize to NYer over the weaasles insistence that Gary Peterson knew what he was talking about with a brand new TA before January 1. Actually, NYer been saying the same things for 3 years and has been "Spot on" and although I can't be sure, my hunch is that Weez just get annoyed with NYer being right all of the time. I like weez but I was told that he is following the money and the gig at FLL to organize JetBlue for the IAM. He picked up where 700 left off. At least he didn't let personal feelings get in the way of supporting the Local's planned picket last year. That's something his IAM handlers simply won't do.
Another hunch is that weez went off the deep end with my being right all the time over his misinformation about the union and contract, pretty sad.
Here's how your industrial asso. is wasting Billions in dues money with no membership approval what-so-ever. At least in our union the membership has a say on anything above 300 bucks being spent.

Big unions sent over $1B in dues to Dem groups since 2010 without...

Please tell me you aren't using a Fox News story that cites the "Center for Union Facts" as a way to reinforce your point?

I get where you're coming from, and don't disagree. Citing a viciously anti-labor group to do so, just undercuts your own argument.
Please tell me you aren't using a Fox News story that cites the "Center for Union Facts" as a way to reinforce your point?

I get where you're coming from, and don't disagree. Citing a viciously anti-labor group to do so, just undercuts your own argument.
Don't really care who is posting it. Just pointing out how bad they waste the dues monies without memberships approval. Besides political BS, where else are they just blowing the dues? Oh yea, the way outlandish pay they pay their union officers with some making 200-300K that's just ridiculous.
Don't really care who is posting it.

Fair enough, but you should. There is almost zero evidence (or supporting facts) in the article you posted.

Again, I don't disagree with your point; I disagree with your using one of Rick Berman's propaganda vehicles to do it.

Former GST Roach on pensions, Medicare and social security.

If Roach will receive a Grand lodge pension (which is well funded) what is any of this to him? Does he think the GL pension should be eliminated/reformed also?

Is he in step with the needs of workers in the airline industry today? I thought he hasn’t worked the line for decades and last did for TWA at JFK. I wonder how he would like working under the McGee or UGE CBAs.

Here's how your industrial asso. is wasting Billions in dues money with no membership approval what-so-ever. At least in our union the membership has a say on anything above 300 bucks being spent.

Big unions sent over $1B in dues to Dem groups since 2010 without...

And all that “clout” hasn’t gotten labor (the establishment/institutions/AFL-CIO) much. Obama sold out the transport unions disregarding the #denyNAI campaign, yet AFA-CWA went along to organize and collect dues.

At least corporate campaign financiers are able to get results for their special interests on both sides of the aisle.

Heck just look at Roach’s video appeal in the post above.

"I don't think you have all of the information but I guess nobody can stop you from sounding silly". That statement right there from you to me says it all. You sound silly when you say you "know" what will be in our T/A. When you say you "know for a fact" that the LUS insurance is history. Maybe you should take your own advice when speaking on what you think you know about our T/A. You say these things to drum up interest in your ticket for the upcoming election, and you know it is just a lie to further your political gains. So when you ask what you have done to "hurt" the membership, spreading all of your lies and misinformation does just that, it divides us. It also gets the membership mad at the entire NC because you make this crap up. And you are the king of dodging questions. You non answer and misdirect to aviod answering. That is why you have no business being in any sort of leadership role, PERIOD! And the hate comes because you bring it on yourself. It has to be tim's way or the highway. You do not and cannot play well with others, especially when they dissagree with you. So now that I have answered your question, answer mine. Show me irrefutable proof of what you claim to be true regarding the JCBA, and kindly share with us your runningmates. I bet you will not do either. With the first, you cannot and you know it. All you got is a facebook post you authored, and with the second, you simply will not. Why, I have no idea. So bring on the non answers, the spin and the misdirection. It's your forte'.

Answer what? That wasn't a question but no, I don't have all the information. What information I have I provided. Relax brother.
Let me rephrase. Can you show irrefutable proof of what you "claimed" in your facebook post? Because without that proof, what you "claim" is all just speculation on your part, isn't that right? You have no information. All you have is what you made up or what someone wanted you to have. All you are doing is throwing poop against the wall to see what sticks. Kind of like saying a stopped and broken clock is right twice a day. The second question, Who are your runningmates from LUS in the Grand Lodge election and who are the LUS folks you duped into running in the possible district election? Why the secrecy? You see, if you can't, or rather, are unwilling to answer the simplist of questions, like who your runningmates from LUS are, what makes you think you should be trusted with the job of Grand Lodge President? And spare me the build a better union BS. Or the team I have put together crap. You are not able to answer for some reason and you want to be trusted with being the HMFIC of the IAM. Either you are ashamed of your LUS runningmates, which is entirely possible, or you are simply trying to conceal their level of incompetence from the members. Because nobody from LUS with half a brain would throw in with the likes of you.
Let me rephrase. Can you show irrefutable proof of what you "claimed" in your facebook post? Because without that proof, what you "claim" is all just speculation on your part, isn't that right? You have no information. All you have is what you made up or what someone wanted you to have. All you are doing is throwing poop against the wall to see what sticks. Kind of like saying a stopped and broken clock is right twice a day. The second question, Who are your runningmates from LUS in the Grand Lodge election and who are the LUS folks you duped into running in the possible district election? Why the secrecy? You see, if you can't, or rather, are unwilling to answer the simplist of questions, like who your runningmates from LUS are, what makes you think you should be trusted with the job of Grand Lodge President? And spare me the build a better union BS. Or the team I have put together crap. You are not able to answer for some reason and you want to be trusted with being the HMFIC of the IAM. Either you are ashamed of your LUS runningmates, which is entirely possible, or you are simply trying to conceal their level of incompetence from the members. Because nobody from LUS with half a brain would throw in with the likes of you.
I provided information as was given to me and passed it along. It's second hand. It seemed to spark or trigger the company and the union to respond, and it went viral and brought out some issues. Whether or not you believe it doesn't change the debate.

Yea between the 2 tickets I'd say there are at least a dozen LUS candidates. I haven't counted and I'm not sure who else they may have added to their ballot recently but around 12 or more is a good guess. I mean I hope so since there are 46 total spots on these ballots and I'd like LUS to be represented. But you will have to ask the leader on the District ballot.

What will be important is the votes in April and June, as I anticipate both tickets having substantial Local endorsement qualification strength to not only qualify but to win substantially.

At any rate, you never answered what I have done against the membership or is it that you simply don't like my style? And was there anything you disliked about my involvement in standing up to United TA1 or organizing members at airtran, to protect our Southwest members or directing organizing drives to secure IAM at United? Or engaging democracy at DL in officer elections?
According to leftist peanut gallery on here that simply does not happen because it is illegal.........

Though we all know..... it does.

Of course it does. They also don't care if it is illegal. Look at all the illegal activity they have done in the past. They don't care.
Well, the TWU is in a jam. I pounded the hell out of those bastards yesterday with a massive onslaught and told the 6,000 FB group that it would force Mr Mayes up off his fat arse and respond. He did. Unfortunately, the latest line of Bull Shiat is that he is blaming the company for refusing to distribute the equity checks. But the company was never obligated and has thus far told mayes to pound salt. Read the contract. It's the obligation of the TWU to distribute. So check this out dogs, the TWU says it can't figure out the new tax codes thus it will delay the distribution. Say what? Yep. Morons. They have "Top Accountants". "Top" Accountants. Of course they can figure out the new tax codes. The TWU isn't the only organization on this planet. They have no problem cutting $149,000 a year for Mayes and should have no problem cutting a check for you TWU dudes. Of course, NYer was right again. Warning Weez Robinson...Warning!
Mayes from the TWU bust the company for providing $1,000 but he blows smoke about keeping his members money. Him and Alex. NYer was right.

NYer +1
Weez -1


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