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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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lol. Well that was a good one PJ. You might want to go back and check your sources on everything you said. Maybe start with the messenger that had an article thanking me and my organizing team for all of the success at AirTran. As far as elections, I believe democracy is worth the cost and fundamental to unions. So I disagree with you and I also disagree with the sitting officers who feel entitled. If they didn't want elections, then they just shouldn't run and the challengers will win unopponsed. Deal?
I also believe theat democracy is fundamental to a unions success. I just dissagree with the way you believe democracy should be. You get beat in an election, file a lawsuit because you were wronged in some way, rinse, repeat. Its your M.O. The members have spoken numerous times in the past elections, and in case you haven't noticed, you have lost all of them. Yet your ego won't let you stop running. Your power grab will not ever end until you retire. And you will get beat in every election you run in because you can't take a hint. The membership does not want you in any sort of leadership role. That is a proven fact. And you still haven't answered the question as to who you duped into being on your ticket. If you can't or won't answer that simple question, why should I vote for you to be in charge? I will even take a PM as to their secret identity. I bet you evade the question again.
The IAM Union Boss Martinez went to 22 conventions and 15 retirement parties. His duties under the constitution say that he is the Chief Organizer and responsible for organizing. Can't organize when you are going to 37 social events. But guys like PJ really don't mind that some of our union bosses have bagged $750,000 a year in total compensation plus have hired their sons, daughters, ex wife, etc. PJ really doesn't mind that Sito has tossed every single airline contract over a cliff regarding health care since the United fiasco. Not just at United but McGee, United Express, and just last month, that jackoff signed a Railway deal that raises their health care between 200%-300%, but PJ thinks that somehow that LUS is the golden child and that Sito will not spar his health care. PJ will be personally responsible for this mess, BIGTIME, if somehow Sito stays. Sad
I am glad I will be personally responsible for keeping you out of a leadership position. I didn't realize I had that much clout though. Me a lil' ole ramper, the sole reason for all the doom and gloom you spit out of your mouth. I must have hit a nerve for that attack. I wonder if I can find that same nerve again in the near future. But like you said " I don't think you have all of the information, but I guess nobody can stop you from sounding silly".
Much like Roach may act outraged in the video I linked the bottom line is he has done handsomely well for himself in the status quo and if there were laws in place guaranteeing benefits and placing workers claims higher there wouldn’t be a Pension Rights Center or Alliance for Retired Americans for him to preside over. Much like broader health care debate nationally there are too many stakeholders at all levels and people with a vested interests for their to be inefficiencies, and this ongoing to debate about reform. So yes Roach may vocalize that this is an outrage but he does so having made out very well on the IAM dime and enjoying grand lodge pension and benefits far above and beyond any IAM member working the line or certainly his TWA counterparts who largely had their careers ended and retirement security shattered.

Please explain how:

Capital Gains Tax Rate
Capital gains are the profits realized from the sale of assets such as stocks or real estate.

Previous law: The profits on the sale of assets held for more than one year are eligible for a tax break. Turbo Tax explains the 2017 tax rates this way for the profits gained from the sale of such assets: “For 2017, the long-term capital gains tax rates are 0, 15, and 20 percent for most taxpayers. If your ordinary tax rate is already less than 15 percent, you could qualify for the zero percent long-term capital gains rate. For high-income taxpayers, the capital gains rate could save as much as 19.6 percent off the ordinary income rate.”

New law: No changes.
Also NY'er, doesn't the capital gains tax also have to be 250K in gains for individual and 500K for married couples? I know that when I sold my house (real estate laws, but I think these two are the same) we were not made to pay any capital gains tax as we did not profit over 500K in gains.
Not saying you guys are not gonna get hit with the capital gains due to this because I believe the gains tax in this equity distribution will have to be paid for the entire amount that the union has been holding for so long and that may make the difference. Double check me but I do know it was the case for us with the real estate sales.
no, that's not the case at all. if you're low income, you can avoid capital gains; up to a humble amount...but, how many low income people invest in the markets?

tax laws on real estate x equity investments are not the same.
no, that's not the case at all. if you're low income, you can avoid capital gains; up to a humble amount...but, how many low income people invest in the markets?

tax laws on real estate x equity investments are not the same.
OK. Thanks for that...
Also NY'er, doesn't the capital gains tax also have to be 250K in gains for individual and 500K for married couples? I know that when I sold my house (real estate laws, but I think these two are the same) we were not made to pay any capital gains tax as we did not profit over 500K in gains.
Not saying you guys are not gonna get hit with the capital gains due to this because I believe the gains tax in this equity distribution will have to be paid for the entire amount that the union has been holding for so long and that may make the difference. Double check me but I do know it was the case for us with the real estate sales.

The problem seems to be the IRS wants the TWU to pay the capital gains taxes because they sold the shares, per Court order.

If the distribution is with a W-2 the value we get would be taxed as income, not capital gains.
Also NY'er, doesn't the capital gains tax also have to be 250K in gains for individual and 500K for married couples? I know that when I sold my house (real estate laws, but I think these two are the same) we were not made to pay any capital gains tax as we did not profit over 500K in gains.
Not saying you guys are not gonna get hit with the capital gains due to this because I believe the gains tax in this equity distribution will have to be paid for the entire amount that the union has been holding for so long and that may make the difference. Double check me but I do know it was the case for us with the real estate sales.

If the house was your primary residence, and you lived in the house a minimum 2 of the 5 years prior to sale, then you may sell the house and not pay anything on capital gains. The new tax law changes the standard that one must live in the primary residence for 5 of the 8 years prior to sale, which was the standard back in the late 1970's until the tax laws were changed.

The new law discourages flippers who buy a dump, remodel while claiming it as their primary residence, and then sell it in 2 years for a larger dump in better area, thus repeating the process without paying taxes on capital gain. Now they must live in the residence for 5 years.
I also believe theat democracy is fundamental to a unions success. I just dissagree with the way you believe democracy should be. You get beat in an election, file a lawsuit because you were wronged in some way, rinse, repeat. Its your M.O. The members have spoken numerous times in the past elections, and in case you haven't noticed, you have lost all of them. Yet your ego won't let you stop running. Your power grab will not ever end until you retire. And you will get beat in every election you run in because you can't take a hint. The membership does not want you in any sort of leadership role. That is a proven fact. And you still haven't answered the question as to who you duped into being on your ticket. If you can't or won't answer that simple question, why should I vote for you to be in charge? I will even take a PM as to their secret identity. I bet you evade the question again.
My whole conversation with you is exhausted it seems. You just don't listen bro. I answered your questions but most of your post are usually crazy Barbie tantrums of "Get Timmy". I get it!
I'm not your enemy, and hopefully you figure that out soon enough.
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Much like Roach may act outraged in the video I linked the bottom line is he has done handsomely well for himself in the status quo and if there were laws in place guaranteeing benefits and placing workers claims higher there wouldn’t be a Pension Rights Center or Alliance for Retired Americans for him to preside over. Much like broader health care debate nationally there are too many stakeholders at all levels and people with a vested interests for their to be inefficiencies, and this ongoing to debate about reform. So yes Roach may vocalize that this is an outrage but he does so having made out very well on the IAM dime and enjoying grand lodge pension and benefits far above and beyond any IAM member working the line or certainly his TWA counterparts who largely had their careers ended and retirement security shattered.

Josh, this union isn't prepared for the Janus ruling. The IAM is worth saving but only with change. After Janus there is a RLA case. Keeping the status quo would be the last nail in the coffin. The IAM pension is a complete disaster but it is only one of many catastrophic problems in this union.
My whole conversation with you is exhausted it seems. You just don't listen bro. I answered your questions but most of your post are usually crazy Barbie tantrums of "Get Timmy". I get it!
I'm not your enemy, and hopefully you figure that out soon enough.
Please provide me with the proof you answered WHO is on your ticket, not HOW MANY. You never answered WHO is running with you. You answerd that question with how many are on the ticket, but not WHO they are. But be honest here tim, this is just you stalling until the 15th when nominations are isn't it? By then everybody will know. And you should talk about the "crazy barbie tantrums". You invented them.
You most certainly are my enemy tim. Mine and the rest of the membership. I have seen your leadership style first hand, and it is timmy's way or the highway, your scorched earth campaigns burning the very bridges you may need in the future beyond repair. It is painfully obvious that you are unwilling to answer WHO from LUS is running with you on the Grand Lodge ballot and WHO you duped into running on the DL ticket. I just can't figure out WHY you won't answer that very simple question. As I have said before, if you can't/won't answer a simple question as that, then you have no business being in a leadership position.
Well if people can back away from Joe Candidate and his assorted band of goofball, crazies and whack pack loonies.

It’s a new year and today the Negotiators go in to begin what hopefully amounts to the final stages in DCA. SCOPE.

Hopefully this will be an interesting week towards at least getting closer to getting this done.
Please provide me with the proof you answered WHO is on your ticket, not HOW MANY. You never answered WHO is running with you. You answerd that question with how many are on the ticket, but not WHO they are. But be honest here tim, this is just you stalling until the 15th when nominations are isn't it? By then everybody will know. And you should talk about the "crazy barbie tantrums". You invented them.
You most certainly are my enemy tim. Mine and the rest of the membership. I have seen your leadership style first hand, and it is timmy's way or the highway, your scorched earth campaigns burning the very bridges you may need in the future beyond repair. It is painfully obvious that you are unwilling to answer WHO from LUS is running with you on the Grand Lodge ballot and WHO you duped into running on the DL ticket. I just can't figure out WHY you won't answer that very simple question. As I have said before, if you can't/won't answer a simple question as that, then you have no business being in a leadership position.
I already told you that the District ticket you are referring to has candidates who will announce at the same time. The endorsement vote is in February so there will be plenty of time for everyone to vote for whoever they want. The election is in June. So not sure what your hangup is about wanting to know NOW. Sorry, but that isn't going to happen until next week I think they said. I do believe their ticket is complete and has been complete for the last week. You will have to wait to see if I'm on it I guess. But my focus is on building a better union and the Grand Lodge. I haven't run on a district ticket in quite a while although I did support the last District challengers and the current ones since our leadership doesn't enforce our contract and cave away health care and part time at United, U express, and McGee. I keep telling you that they aren't going to view me and you at American as the golden children, but you don't listen and somehow insist that Sito and this I'll Ask Management leadership is going to go to the mat for our health care. Like I said before, I hope you are right, but that sorta thinking isn't backed up with their actions on the other carriers in DL141. Never mind that they completely blew up Hawaiian Airline with weekend part time, ready reserve, and all kinds of anti union rules. But those are your boys. Sad.
I already told you that the District ticket you are referring to has candidates who will announce at the same time. The endorsement vote is in February so there will be plenty of time for everyone to vote for whoever they want. The election is in June. So not sure what your hangup is about wanting to know NOW. Sorry, but that isn't going to happen until next week I think they said. I do believe their ticket is complete and has been complete for the last week. You will have to wait to see if I'm on it I guess. But my focus is on building a better union and the Grand Lodge. I haven't run on a district ticket in quite a while although I did support the last District challengers and the current ones since our leadership doesn't enforce our contract and cave away health care and part time at United, U express, and McGee. I keep telling you that they aren't going to view me and you at American as the golden children, but you don't listen and somehow insist that Sito and this I'll Ask Management leadership is going to go to the mat for our health care. Like I said before, I hope you are right, but that sorta thinking isn't backed up with their actions on the other carriers in DL141. Never mind that they completely blew up Hawaiian Airline with weekend part time, ready reserve, and all kinds of anti union rules. But those are your boys. Sad.

You know when you blah blah blah blah that no one actually reads the babbling. Now why couldn’t you just word it this way.

“The full ticket has decided that they want to make a future announcement of who’s running at a specific time for maximum campaigning effect”

Wouldn’t that be much better than your consistently repetitive blah blah blah blah?

And would it kill you to at least try to use paragraphs? Didn’t they teach you that in High School?
You know when you blah blah blah blah that no one actually reads the babbling. Now why couldn’t you just word it this way.

“The full ticket has decided that they want to make a future announcement of who’s running at a specific time for maximum campaigning effect”

Wouldn’t that be much better than your consistently repetitive blah blah blah blah?

And would it kill you to at least try to use paragraphs? Didn’t they teach you that in High School?
time to picket the union
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