Great analyst. I think most all are finally seeing what is going on with both these characters.For all the LAA agents on forums that are going crazy about Tim’s post. Remember, Tim has stated many times how he likes to fish. But he isnt always fishing for fish. For those of us that know him, this is no big deal. Nothing new that he is doing. In fact, it’s expected. I could literally write you a chart on what Tim will do next, I’ve seen it so many times. He sits back and laughs at everyone he can get stirred up. And yes, he can say anything he wants, because in the end, he doesn’t have to answer to anyone.
It’s makes no difference to the negotiating team what he says he knows, and what he says we don’t know: it makes no difference to the negotiating team, when he says a T/a will or won’t come out. It will come out just like our 2014 agreement did. When we all think it is good enough to present to the members for a vote as a leading industry contract. That’s it! Nothing else! Also keep in mind, He will only bring up in the future what he was right about. But anyone with half a brain can name 10 things about our contract and be right on 2 of them. So enjoy his post as entertainment, as I think most of you already do. As the old saying goes. If you tell a lie long enough, people will start to believe you. Tim also likes to feed on the people that don’t really know him. Once people figure him out. Common sense takes over. That’s all that is needed: common sense.
CB, in order to keep a better lid on the rumors started by both these guys, could you give a guess of a time frame of a possible AIP or maybe even a T/A? ONly reason I ask is some (I think) are still slightly believing an AIP is coming very soon. I would expect a more likely time frame of mid 2018 not early. What do you think? Thanks for chiming in, I too hope this will settle some folks down a little and wait for the official updates instead of the misinformation coming from both these characters. Happy New year CB...