JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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This thread has unfortunately turned into a textbook definition of cyber bullying. It seems most have decided to remain silent in the shadows only to ingest the pertinent information that is shared and stay away from interacting with the children.
true that!
So the priority would be to keep the current positions they reportedly want to eliminate, like catering, then if that is successful move onto maintaining stations open and/or reopening others?
Don’t want to start openly negotiating on a public forum. So I’ll say that our goal is to grow and improve our scope. This starts with not giving up anything.
Protecting existing work, cities and jobs. Should be priority one for any labor organization in this cut throat industry. If taking a stand on this issue brings back some stations all the better. Glad to hear it remains the goal of the NC. Let's hope Sito understands this. There should be no retreat or concessions regarding the Scope article. Good luck in future negotiations.
Thanks Ograc.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
I can not address scope right now, as it is very much still being worked out. As far as the cs policy. Everyone at LAA is assuming Your current cs policy was staying the same. I can assure you through conversations with the company and since the cs policy was company policy it was going to change. Your current way of doing cs,s would no longer exist whether you got it in the contract or not. So that being the case, why not get something contractual that can’t be changed by the company. And I can’t aay too much about what is agreed upon, other to say, once you learn the process, and what counts as a cs and what doesn’t, then it’s not going to be as big a issue as people think imo. As NYer likes to point out. There is going to be some educating needing to be done before a vote. But again. People that state they want to keep their old company policy instead, are assuming that it wasn’t changing. They are assuming wrong. But it’s really not a bad policy imo. Biggest change would be for the people that want to give up a last minute hour or two and it not count as a cs.

Since were all guessing what the outcome of the JBCA shift swap would be. Anything more then this will be more than the Cracker Jack negotiate and bargaining team of CWA/IBT Passenger Service Agents!

They whipsawed the reservations agents and the airport agents and allowed RES to have less restricted and just about all areas

Need votes!

Shift Swap OFF 32 per calendar quarter and has to be submitted by 1600hr the day before

Shift exchange in a 30-day period will not count

30 minute overlay ***MAY*** be approved

Employees may swap with 2 other employees

Partial trades minimum 1 hour in ½ hour increments e.g. (1.5) (2.0) (2.5) these count toward 32 quantifier

Can only work 16 hour hours in a 24hour period excluding meal periods

Can only work 14 hours on consecutive days excluding meal periods

Shift Trade can be cancel do to leave of absence paid or unpaid, transfer, jury duty, schedule rebid, OJI, termination

Charlie Brown sound familiar
Protecting existing work, cities and jobs. Should be priority one for any labor organization in this cut throat industry. If taking a stand on this issue brings back some stations all the better. Glad to hear it remains the goal of the NC. Let's hope Sito understands this. There should be no retreat or concessions regarding the Scope article. Good luck in future negotiations.

Mister missing-in-action would argue that for some to give-up in exchange for some to get is not concessionary
I can not address scope right now, as it is very much still being worked out. As far as the cs policy. Everyone at LAA is assuming Your current cs policy was staying the same. I can assure you through conversations with the company and since the cs policy was company policy it was going to change. Your current way of doing cs,s would no longer exist whether you got it in the contract or not. So that being the case, why not get something contractual that can’t be changed by the company. And I can’t aay too much about what is agreed upon, other to say, once you learn the process, and what counts as a cs and what doesn’t, then it’s not going to be as big a issue as people think imo. As NYer likes to point out. There is going to be some educating needing to be done before a vote. But again. People that state they want to keep their old company policy instead, are assuming that it wasn’t changing. They are assuming wrong. But it’s really not a bad policy imo. Biggest change would be for the people that want to give up a last minute hour or two and it not count as a cs.

Yeah sure we believe you!
Since were all guessing what the outcome of the JBCA shift swap would be. Anything more then this will be more than the Cracker Jack negotiate and bargaining team of CWA/IBT Passenger Service Agents!

They whipsawed the reservations agents and the airport agents and allowed RES to have less restricted and just about all areas

Need votes!

Shift Swap OFF 32 per calendar quarter and has to be submitted by 1600hr the day before

Shift exchange in a 30-day period will not count

30 minute overlay ***MAY*** be approved

Employees may swap with 2 other employees

Partial trades minimum 1 hour in ½ hour increments e.g. (1.5) (2.0) (2.5) these count toward 32 quantifier

Can only work 16 hour hours in a 24hour period excluding meal periods

Can only work 14 hours on consecutive days excluding meal periods

Shift Trade can be cancel do to leave of absence paid or unpaid, transfer, jury duty, schedule rebid, OJI, termination

Charlie Brown sound familiar
Sure it sounds familiar, for the cs agreement, but what’s your point? Is there a question here?
This thread has unfortunately turned into a textbook definition of cyber bullying. It seems most have decided to remain silent in the shadows only to ingest the pertinent information that is shared and stay away from interacting with the children.

when the contract conversation gets off-topic, that is irritating.

i imagine you and others are talking about weaasles. when i first started posting, i posted about the LAA X LUS seniority issue that has gone away. weaasles, even as a LAA poster, wasn't impressed. a non-issue for him and as it turns out, a devotee of twu big-shooter, mike mayes.

i've been told that the twu seniority issue is mayes' baby, as in - it's done, don't ***** and moan about it, while someone like charlie brown proudly stated that his mission is to protect his membership's LUS seniority.

good for charlie brown and LUS, i have no comment on the TWU allowing a former psa propeller cleaner or piedmont lav guy cementing seniority in the tree roots of the 'new AA', while fuelers who wore AA patches and paid dues to the TWU...stand in a seniority line behind them - apparently, they have no roots at all in 'AA'.

so, i understand why weaasles tried to get me to see the error of my ways, but, it's only business. nothing personal.

all in all, i think weaasles is good for the forum, he'll keep you on your toes. if you believe he's out of line, then show him the error of his ways.
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And just how do you plan to keep any of your stations open at scope 5, 5 flights per day when ours is at 17-20? I do realize that the TWU has no "ME TOO" clause, but c-mon man, you don't think any of the TWU would allow that to happen would you?

Where have you been man? Don't you realize yet that this cluster f*#k merger was all to make sure the 25%ers dreams came true? Huge raises, 1 flt a day scope, almost free insurance, prbly free massages between flts, and whatever else their minds can conjure up. But they'll throw your cs's, CC rules and OT language down the drain in 5 minutes. Wake up man it's all about them. Maybe they'll afford us a McDonald's gift card when it's all said and done and W will get his gig. Smh still till 2021!
a question for charlie brown:

in regards to the seniority issue, those at LAA that use their company time to bid VC...will they lose this?

what will be the criteria for bidding VC when the 2 seniorities are fully combined? will a twu member once again stand behind the psa or piedmont guy?
when the contract conversation gets off-topic, that is irritating.

i imagine you and others are talking about weaasles. when i first started posting, i posted about the LAA X LUS seniority issue that has gone away. weaasles, even as a LAA poster, wasn't impressed. a non-issue for him and as it turns out, a devotee of twu big-shooter, mike mayes.

i've been told that the twu seniority issue is mayes' baby, as in - it's done, don't ***** and moan about it, while someone like charlie brown proudly stated that his mission is to protect his membership's LUS seniority.

good for charlie brown and LUS, i have no comment on the TWU allowing a former psa propeller cleaner or piedmont lav guy cementing seniority in the tree roots of the 'new AA', while fuelers who wore AA patches and paid dues to the TWU...stand in a seniority line behind them - apparently, they have no roots at all.

so, i understand why weaasles tried to get me to see the error of my ways, but, it's only business. nothing personal.

all in all, i think weaasles is good for the forum, he'll keep you on your toes. if you believe he's out of line, then show him the error of his ways.

Thank you Crema. Actually I’ve come to admire you as one of the few more intelligent and interesting posters on these boards. Certainly not someone deserving of a brush off Meme that’s for sure.

On your Fueler Seniority fight I’ll stand down if you want to keep up that fight. Just don’t like seeing people become obsessed with something that “probably” will never change for them. (Note I’ve softened back to probably)

As for NYer he knows exactly where to find me in real life off these boards if he thinks he can convince me of the error of my ways. I welcome the chance to engage him in any public display of intellectual conversation. But sadly no one that I speak to has seen him on the Ramp for the last 2 years so I highly doubt it. So here on Forums I finally grew tired of what I consider to be a joke.
Thank you Crema. Actually I’ve come to admire you as one of the few more intelligent and interesting posters on these boards. Certainly not someone deserving of a brush off Meme that’s for sure.

On your Fueler Seniority fight I’ll stand down if you want to keep up that fight. Just don’t like seeing people become obsessed with something that “probably” will never change for them. (Note I’ve softened back to probably)

As for NYer he knows exactly where to find me in real life off these boards if he thinks he can convince me of the error of my ways. I welcome the chance to engage him in any public display of intellectual conversation. But sadly no one that I speak to has seen him on the Ramp for the last 2 years so I highly doubt it. So here on Forums I finally grew tired of what I consider to be a joke.

- thanks. no patronizing here, but, like i keep everyone on their toes. keep posting contractual facts, along with opinions and musings. always good stuff.

- no need to stand down for this issue. if you think it's lame or those at LAA with 2 seniorities are out of line comparing the seniority end result to LUS at the 'new AA' be it. if you're friends with mayes and looking to defend the seniority status quo, like i said; i understand completely.

i felt it very unfair. truth be told, there are a few dozen angry FSCs that constantly harp on this. i would not consider myself one of them. i let it go. i like to use sarcasm and cynicism to make my point(s), unfortunately, most people hate other peoples' sarcasm and cynicism.

keep posting.
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