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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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********* The company wants that....then pay up and pay up a lot to us!**********

MetalMover you see? You see right there Joe Candidate. Joe Candidate says the Company wants something that would cost jobs. Joe Candidate will be MORE than willing to give it to them for the right amount of $$MONEY$$

And Joe Candidate will pass that on to the Membership and the Memebership will gleefully, greedily pass away those jobs.

Joe Candidate is you and me.
MetalMover you see? You see right there Joe Candidate. Joe Candidate says the Company wants something that would cost jobs. Joe Candidate will be MORE than willing to give it to them for the right amount of $$MONEY$$

And Joe Candidate will pass that on to the Membership and the Memebership will gleefully, greedily pass away those jobs.

Joe Candidate is you and me.
you may have to wait a bit longer Weez because if we do get Sito out of there, we won't be giving up any sorta LUS health care. There is no logical reason to do so. And I really don't think Charlie Brown wants to give up any bit of it either but none of us really have any juice if Sito brings it out. Fairbanks will 100% ride with Sito if Sito needs a deciding vote to swing with Alex and your TWU boys.

I'm with you on the pickets and rallies but nobody needs to give anything up. Sorry Weez.
you may have to wait a bit longer Weez because if we do get Sito out of there, we won't be giving up any sorta LUS health care. There is no logical reason to do so. And I really don't think Charlie Brown wants to give up any bit of it either but none of us really have any juice if Sito brings it out. Fairbanks will 100% ride with Sito if Sito needs a deciding vote to swing with Alex and your TWU boys.

I'm with you on the pickets and rallies but nobody needs to give anything up. Sorry Weez.

Whatever you say there Joe Candidate. By your own words you proved to me like everyone else, you can be bought.

Good show Joe Candidate, good show.
Whatever you say there Joe Candidate. By your own words you proved to me like everyone else, you can be bought.

Good show Joe Candidate, good show.
Huh? Speaking of bought, looks like your boys bought Staton. No more Miami, hello Yanks.
One can argue the JCBA gains can increase what little synergies costs that is left (cost neutral) that is why you are still at negotiating and bargaining table
You are a CSA. The company spends hundreds of millions of dollars on aircraft maintenance.

I gave clear and specific examples is what is costing them money.

And of course we at still at the table as we aren’t rolling over as your union did.
You are a CSA. The company spends hundreds of millions of dollars on aircraft maintenance.

I gave clear and specific examples is what is costing them money.

And of course we at still at the table as we aren’t rolling over as your union did.

I wouldn’t use the term “rolling over” when they had a sworn duty to protect ALL of their dues paying Members and not just the ones who’d been organized the longest.

Their circumstances were very different than ours.
MetalMover you see? You see right there Joe Candidate. Joe Candidate says the Company wants something that would cost jobs. Joe Candidate will be MORE than willing to give it to them for the right amount of $$MONEY$$

And Joe Candidate will pass that on to the Membership and the Memebership will gleefully, greedily pass away those jobs.

Joe Candidate is you and me.

Read my latest response to you in mx thread.
For too long I have been told that if I voted to save jobs in exchange for a pittance of a contract, I would be better off. This strategy has never worked and never will. Maybe for the short term, but not for the long.
I advocate taking care of all those who are here now and not so much those not even hired yet.
I wouldn’t use the term “rolling over” when they had a sworn duty to protect ALL of their dues paying Members and not just the ones who’d been organized the longest.

Their circumstances were very different than ours.
I’ve never seen a member of a Negotiating Committee endorse a TA then right before the vote go out and campaign against it.
Read my latest response to you in mx thread.
For too long I have been told that if I voted to save jobs in exchange for a pittance of a contract, I would be better off. This strategy has never worked and never will. Maybe for the short term, but not for the long.
I advocate taking care of all those who are here now and not so much those not even hired yet.

I agree. The future does need something to scratch and claw for and not have it handed perfectly on a silver plate. But we can’t leave them nothing to eat at all either.
You had zero leverage.
The leverage we have is the synergies.
In Maintenance still can’t work each other’s metal in heavy maintenance.
And they can’t do one bid and the like as none of the IAM and TWU workforce has been intergrated.
Still two totally different payroll and personnel departments.

The APFA has grievance with the company trying to get the same things you say is synergies leverage and company is refusing to do
In BWI the airport/state does deicing. Although UA and SW both have their own. SWA usually deices their planes at the gate. We got rid of our deicing trucks long ago
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