NY'er, as I have stated about the outsourcing numbers, I honestly expect the same with the medical as well. I don't see them going full blown LUS medical, and I don't see them going full blown LAA medical. I see them meeting somewhere in the middle just like the outsourcing numbers i talked about earlier on. If anyones cost to rise for medical monthly, for cost out of pocket and yearly maxes it will be a concession to one side or the other. All raises given thus far has nothing to do with medical, and had everything to do with working each others metals, so don't let anyone tell you that that is an offset for the medical. Also someone posted that a bonus will offset it, it will not, a bonus is only a one time payout (usually used to buy into something) and the concessions of the changes in medical are on ongoing cost to the employees that will just continue to grow in the future, and for some with a lot of medical issues (usually the older crowds) it can be too costly that no bonus comes close to making up for it. I would hope that this asso. would fight like crazy to keep the LUS medical as it has been saved thru 2 BK's.
Not putting words in CB's mouth, but I do think he and I had a personal discussion not long ago and he said something about the medical will not be LUS or LAA that there will be changes, but he did not say the LUS medical was history as ATD is hearing. We will all see in the end. If they could keep the LUS medical that would be industry leading for medical aside from UPS's medical. If closer to the LAA medical not so sure if that would be industry leading.
The emotions will remain high, until the members get fully updated with all details, and then it might very well get even more emotional after they get the full blunt of changes coming to both sides. JMO.