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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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"We’re pleased to announce that long-time American Airlines mechanic, International Vice President and Local 591 President Gary Peterson will join the International Staff. In this position, Gary will be working in the Air Division on a number of different issues and projects."
"We’re pleased to announce that long-time American Airlines mechanic, International Vice President and Local 591 President Gary Peterson will join the International Staff. In this position, Gary will be working in the Air Division on a number of different issues and projects."
Yes, another one that got a invite to the exclusive country club.
"We’re pleased to announce that long-time American Airlines mechanic, International Vice President and Local 591 President Gary Peterson will join the International Staff. In this position, Gary will be working in the Air Division on a number of different issues and projects."

Old news. Heard about it on Thursday. Sorry I didn’t mention it. 😉
That's not what was said on the video, the timeline for a deal by the end of the year had the caveat if the Company fulfills their promise.

What are the chances all the economics (including the IAM pension and medical) plus the Scope for several work groups get finalized anywhere in the near future?

When it doesn't happen, it will certainly create more frustration and divisiveness, that's the unfortunate short term outcome.
Gary just got a gig so im thinking he got a bit bought since he got appointed. So, its more practicle that no mechanic will hold out now. Gary gettin that gig will definately move mx negotiations along.
Gary just got a gig so im thinking he got a bit bought since he got appointed. So, its more practicle that no mechanic will hold out now. Gary gettin that gig will definately move mx negotiations along.

Not quite the same as when you bought those hookers in Houston.
Too many people with their own “self” needs/wants to answer that question.

Take NYer here. His main importance seems to be ways of making more money above the FT 40 per week. As an individual because that might be more future restrictive he’ll probably be a no vote.

As for me “individually” I could care less if the two are more restrictive. I rarely utilize either and both items are extremely low on my priorities list.

If for Fleet the “rumor” mill is correct and we at least match many industry standard items and surpass on wages without any job function detriments, I can’t see any reason why I would vote no myself. I honestly don’t want to send them back to the table to try and wring out just a little more knowing that yes it could take years. That would be economically idiotic to me.
Wezzz that explains our situation at SWA in a nutshell, AMFA knows because of the length of time, whatever comes out, unless it is total crap will more than likely pass.
The LAA mechanics complained they had no one at the International level, now they do, congratulations to all.

Yes they did complain. And rightfully so. They were right that they needed a Rep of their own and they were right that a Maintenance Rep (Somone who knows their issues) should be part of the Executive Negotiations TWU.
i agree. OT and CS is low on my importance list - if anything, i love the fact that the CS policy will become more stringent.

i expect a premium over industry standard due to a number of reasons (from expected 'concessions' on insurance to c/c language to the paltry profit sharing). though i do not work freight nor catering, i wouldn't object to the association making on a stand on outsourcing this work area/catering, any other outsourcing or scope, if aa is thinking of making a move here.

from what i understand, the company is looking to 'in-source' more passenger service work (baggage service, as an example). if so, no outsourcing at all.

as far as deicing, i'm not sure how to fight this, especially if cities/municipalities get involved. the airline is too big and has too much to lose, not to have it's own deicers on stand-by....you'd figure there would still be deicing shifts, even if airports provide pads/car washes.

I’m not going to say that I love it being more stringent. I wish people wouldn’t ruin a good thing by taking advantage where the powers that be maybe need to tighten it up.

Haven’t heard anything on PSA getting work such as BSO back?

Deicing comments noted. Outside of the Airports taking over the duties I think you’d have a full blown riot more so on losing that job than the CS and OT changes? That’s serious gravy to guys. (And no I didn’t like deicing either)
- despite your similar experiences with CS portfolio manager FSCs and their related scams, i guess i'm a bit more cynical about it. i understand it's a lifeline to those that need options, i'm just not one of them.

- i've spoken to a few managers, from level 2 to level 5 and they are of the opinion that the 'new' aa will seek this out with the CWA. the outsource employees in my station do a good job with baggage service, it's just that the new aa will streamline the work/job and control the employees. the combined airline will have x-amount more bags to handle...they see the future.

- ord is united's hq and i can't see all airlines' planes waiting 95 minutes in line to get deiced at a city car wash. too many flights from all...i'm sure aa will still have deicers on hand.
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