See that’s your problem, OT should be consistent on how it’s applied per station.
Under the LUS CBA you can local OT rules if the members, the union and the company agree. But it can’t be in violation of the CBA.
And I’m pretty sure their TWU counterparts informed and educated the IAM side on how the TWU does overtime.
Your doom and gloom posts shows me your condescending.
You knock the Association and the Negotiating Committee all the time.
You speculate on the JCBA and yet you don’t know its language.
Also FYI, The IAM Constitution discourages the practice of working overtime.
And if people need OT to survive then they are living beyond their means.
So I see you still don’t believe the three negotiators.
From what Gary has said and my IAM reps, I’m optimistic things will get so strong, especially since the company approached the Association for more dates.
And if you are focused on OT and CS only then you really don’t have the priorities in order.
And I for one is very happy that they are taking their time to get it right.
Would you have preferred to be under the gun with binding arbitration like the APA and APFA did and were at Parker’s mercy begging for more money?
People care about their own self interests and are eager to sign up for overtime.
The language, if I recall correctly, is prefaced with “in the interest of full employment”, aka the IAM can collect more dues/initiation fees by hiring more heads OR recalling anyone on furlough.