"You keep saying the JCBA will go down in flames and send the committees back to the table."
There you go again. Never said the JCBA would go down in flames or even that it will fail a vote. I do believe that it would have a better chance of passing if the membership would be more up to date with the differences and there was a conversation about the compromises needed to make a JCBA possible. We are not having those conversations and unfortunately, that may impact the final choices made by the members.
"What do you want them to tell you?"
What do I want them to tell us? Well, quite frankly it would be nice if we had information about the differences between the two CBA's and the cultures so that members could better understand the position each side comes from and in turn we can them have discussions on why certain changes will go with IAM language and why others would go with TWU language.
Take the CS's for instance. The IAM has contractual language and the TWU has a company controlled CS Policy. There could have been discussions as to why it may be better to have a process within the JCBA as opposed to a policy that can be changed at will. Since it is better to have contractual language then we need to discuss why it may be different from the policy. As it stands, that hasn't been broached so there is negativity that could have been minimized if explained.
"Once again, the LUS members know how JCBA talks go, it took almost three years for a JCBA in the HP/US Merger, and that was way easier than this process."
You're correct and I have been sharing how this is a difficult process and it takes time. That's why I don't believe there will be a TA with only one week of negotiating Scope and the Economics and to express that timeline is somewhat misleading. The IAM side has more to lose than the TWU side, in my opinion, and they may be more deliberate in the process. The TWU side is looking at adding holidays, sick days and getting double time but there has been little in explaining the IAM side and the challenges they face. That void has created some animosity, as can been seen in these pages, only because we don't understand each others position.
"You talk out of both sides of you mouth, you bash the NC saying they should have met more before talks start, that wasnt their choice."
I'm not sure what you're reading but I have always maintained the responsibility of the two side not meeting at the feet of the TWU and have even drawn a timeline to substantiate that position. Have never blamed the NC for that lapse and it would be impossible to do so since the teams were put together after the NMB certified the Association and the meetings should have taken place well before. (In November of 2014 to be exact)
"You say the JCBA is going down and the NC will be sent back to the table."
Don't believe I ever said that, but it is absolutely possible.
"And I call BS, if the members dont read the TA, dont go to the road shows, then they are the ones who are the problem, as everyone should be informed on the JCBA as most as possible."
I agree, but I wouldn't blame the membership. This is a radical change to how we operate and expecting the members to know and understand each CBA and how the JCBA was put together is just not logical. There will be changes in absolutely every aspect of each CBA, each with 40+ articles. If we expect everyone to be versed in that then we are asking for the chaos that might ensue. These topics could have been broached over the last 24 months, it will be a daunting task for it to happen in 6 weeks or so.
Some member have already made up their minds just by what their heard on the rumor mill. That could have been minimized if there was more information and better communication from the Association.
"Things take time to happen, like I said would you have preferred to be in the APA and APFA shoes?"
We seem to be on the same page on most things but you're being a bit defensive so you may not have realized it yet.