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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Unfortunately, Jester, this is another example of how Members are set up with improper expectations which raises the level of frustration when the obvious reality takes hold.

First, it seems industry leading contract has been modified to industry leading wages and scope. It could have been a Freudian slip, but those are the words expressed.

Then the expectation of having this done by the end of the year is contingent on the airline fulfilling their "promise." So if we're not done by December 31st the blame is already in place.

It's just a shame how this process has evolved.
I think he said the mx would have an AIP by the end of the year then clean up some language in january then a ratification. I dont mind his spin although you are correct in that some will take his rah rah as gospel. It was encouraging that brazil work is coming back.

Nonetheless, your post was the best on this forum in quite a while. I had to skip 6 straight pages of weez and his nonsensical tantrums.
I think he said the mx would have an AIP by the end of the year then clean up some language in january then a ratification. I dont mind his spin although you are correct in that some will take his rah rah as gospel. It was encouraging that brazil work is coming back.

Nonetheless, your post was the best on this forum in quite a while. I had to skip 6 straight pages of weez and his nonsensical tantrums.

Did you win your election yet?
I think he said the mx would have an AIP by the end of the year then clean up some language in january then a ratification. I dont mind his spin although you are correct in that some will take his rah rah as gospel. It was encouraging that brazil work is coming back.

Nonetheless, your post was the best on this forum in quite a while. I had to skip 6 straight pages of weez and his nonsensical tantrums.

That's not what was said on the video, the timeline for a deal by the end of the year had the caveat if the Company fulfills their promise.

What are the chances all the economics (including the IAM pension and medical) plus the Scope for several work groups get finalized anywhere in the near future?

When it doesn't happen, it will certainly create more frustration and divisiveness, that's the unfortunate short term outcome.
about 34th second in video... "there is simply no reason American can't deliver on their promise on an industry best contract when it comes to economics and specifically Scope."

I guess your response is for the person in the video.
That's not what was said on the video, the timeline for a deal by the end of the year had the caveat if the Company fulfills their promise.

What are the chances all the economics (including the IAM pension and medical) plus the Scope for several work groups get finalized anywhere in the near future?

When it doesn't happen, it will certainly create more frustration and divisiveness, that's the unfortunate short term outcome.
I agree with you. I don't see scope for all groups done by end of year then just tidy up words. Remember the days when LAA'ers had to vote without the language being done? Then after they voted it in they finished the language? Hope not a repeat of that again. You also forgot about pay getting done by end of this month too. Too many dates set in Jan and Feb to be just down to final finishes.
Bringing it back to topic. Now of course we’ll see and nothing is 100% set in stone. But I believe that President Peterson would not have made these comments to have it all wrapped up before the years end if he wasn’t given confidence of that happening.

Essentially many items may have been discussed in the Executive Negotiations that have just not been solidified to paper yet. Such as Scope, Medical, Retirement, Wages and length of Agreement.

Let’s have a conversation trying to interject a little basic common sense.

I agree with you. I don't see scope for all groups done by end of year then just tidy up words. Remember the days when LAA'ers had to vote without the language being done? Then after they voted it in they finished the language? Hope not a repeat of that again. You also forgot about pay getting done by end of this month too. Too many dates set in Jan and Feb to be just down to final finishes.

If the comprehensive proposal passed by the Company in August was such an insult and it is now when the sessions from that proposal will be discussed, then it seems unlikely to have a TA in two weeks.

Then again, we're about 12 months into expedited negotiations. 😵
It’s called posturing and pushback for the protests.

So your doubting the word of a negotiator who’s in the Executive talks?

You do realize the JCBA talks with the HP merger took three years and that was way less complex?
It’s called posturing and pushback for the protests.

So your doubting the word of a negotiator who’s in the Executive talks?

You do realize the JCBA talks with the HP merger took three years and that was way less complex?

Yeah and after the HP transaction the TWU ultimately manned up and stepped aside to allow the IAM to “represent” the combined group. This time everyone is stuck with this “association” desperation dues collection agency.

Yeah and after the HP transaction the TWU ultimately manned up and stepped aside to allow the IAM to “represent” the combined group. This time everyone is stuck with this “association” desperation dues collection agency.


Polly still looking for a cracker?
Yeah and after the HP transaction the TWU ultimately manned up and stepped aside to allow the IAM to “represent” the combined group. This time everyone is stuck with this “association” desperation dues collection agency.

Get over your hatred for the IAM, already it’s old and useless and doesn’t effect a so called “banker”.

You do realize the IAM paid off the TWU?

And the TWU leadership didn’t have to accept the pushing and forming of the Association by the AFLCIO and could have forced the IAM to collect enough cards to force an election, or take over all of the representation if the IAM failed in getting enough cards.

Maybe everyone didn’t want a repeat of past issues.

It was negotiated and accepted by both sides’ leadership.
It’s called posturing and pushback for the protests.

So your doubting the word of a negotiator who’s in the Executive talks?

You do realize the JCBA talks with the HP merger took three years and that was way less complex?

Some people have absolutely no grasp of either Chess or Theatrics and how the dance goes. There always needs to be a good Tango before consummation.

Most may not like to dance but there will always be a dance.

Get over your hatred for the IAM, already it’s old and useless and doesn’t effect a so called “banker”.

You do realize the IAM paid off the TWU?

And the TWU leadership didn’t have to accept the pushing and forming of the Association by the AFLCIO and could have forced the IAM to collect enough cards to force an election, or take over all of the representation if the IAM failed in getting enough cards.

Maybe everyone didn’t want a repeat of past issues.

It was negotiated and accepted by both sides’ leadership.

Sure was a lot of fun to stand by and watch just like this time in December 2010-watching the PMNW Unions get decertified one by one like a House of cards caving in (while rocking to Katy Perry Firework).

If I recall standalone DL took every opportunity to capitalize on the IAM-TWU actions in 2006 to show their people why organized labor won’t produce anything meaningful for DL people.

Or in 2011 when the IAM and AFA-CWA had the UA F/A run-off. Was a lot of fun to stand by and watch that one play out.

Good times, good times.

Sure was a lot of fun to stand by and watch just like this time in December 2010-watching the PMNW Unions get decertified one by one like a House of cards caving in (while rocking to Katy Perry Firework).

If I recall standalone DL took every opportunity to capitalize on the IAM-TWU actions in 2006 to show their people why organized labor won’t produce anything meaningful for DL people.

Or in 2011 when the IAM and AFA-CWA had the UA F/A run-off. Was a lot of fun to stand by and watch that one play out.

Good times, good times.



Please cease and desist from your rude behavior and get a grip.
It’s called posturing and pushback for the protests.

So your doubting the word of a negotiator who’s in the Executive talks?

You do realize the JCBA talks with the HP merger took three years and that was way less complex?

To the contrary, I'm taking his words as spoken and his timeline includes the caveat of the Company fulfilling their "promise."

What are the chances of them taking back their comprehensive proposal, over then next two weeks, and giving the Association what they seek to constitute an industry leading contract?

Isn't that the same premise back in the early part of Summer and again in mid-Summer pushing the goal towards the Fall. I'll even remind everyone of the predictions of a quick resolution last December when the Executive Committee was announced as expediting the process.

I'm one of the few that has tried to express the fact that these negotiations would take time because of the complexities. It is a video by a President setting the expectation of this ending this month. It was other NC members that shared other timelines of reaching a TA during the Summer, then by Fall. Setting those expectations only raises the frustrations many feel when the time passes with no deal in sight.

The leadership haven't been effecifient in the communications of the updates or setting the proper expectations of how this process would go. The negativity the TA will receive will be because of that and not necessarily in the totality of the contents.
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Doom and Gloom

You sound like a broken record already.

You think it’s all gonna suck even though TWO of the negotiators have stated on here most of the articles ARE IMPROVEMENTS!!!!!

Just because you keep posting the same crap doesn’t make it true.

It’s enough already.

I can’t wait to say I told you so when the JCBA comes out.

You aren’t in the room you can’t refute with facts what Gary, P Rez and Charlie Brown have stated.

Yes you constantly complain about the OT compromise.

Get over it.
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