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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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You may be but again if the most lucrative customers (for whom AA receives an outsized proportion of revenue) are potentially able to travel on demand what value is there in the AAdvantage program, etc? Sure it may seem far fetched today but in today’s fast paced world in a decade or even a quarter century a remarkable amount can change.

Then you have to reinvent the airline, and become a bus with wings, I guarantee all of the government regulations and taxes on these flying drones because of terrorism threats, only the very rich people will have these drones!
The race card arguemrnt is old already.

And they aren’t my pilots, I don’t employ them nor do I pay them

You are nothing more than a cyber bully who can’t debate so you call people names, make up things and play the race card.

All signs of desperation.
The Truth Will Set U Free are you playing the race card again? By my count that is the third time.

Remember this The Truth Will Set U Free?

What makes you say that Obama is my hero. Oh I guess because I am Black you would just pull that out of your AZZ.

This losers name is Larry. He works in Miami at the hanger on day shift in aircraft maintenance (by his own admission).

He actually came on this site bragging about how he only works half the time (due to CS policy) and being a parasite living off of his wife.

You got it twisted. I DONT ever work overtime. I don't even work 5 days a week. If you knew me you would know that. I only work 2days one week and 3 days the other. just to stay with in the CS rule. Doing what ever the company want. Thats funny. Ask ANY mechanic in MIA if I work at all.

Dont be jealous about me having a wife that makes VERY good money and loves me enough to let me work part time.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Feel free to go here and read his rants yourself. It really shows you what The Truth Will Set U Free is all about. He is just your average leftist professional victim.


I dont sit and cry about what the Company should give me. I am smart enough to live within my means. I also was smart enough to marry a women that was educated and makes enough money that if I lose my job I can still live the same life style. I have put 2 boys through college as engineers. One makes 160,000 and the youngest just started working after college and he make 70,000. So now you can tell me what you have done to make your own life better other than being pissed about American Airline not giving you enough to pay your bills. I got 32 years with AA and I am 53 years old and can retire if I want. But I will stick around and watch you cry babies beg for a bone instead of making better choices with how you live and spend your money.
Notice he presents all of these accomplishments like HE actually accomplished them (I I I I).

He says he learned to live within his means but what he really means is he learned to live within his wife's means while he kicked back and took it easy and made claim to what SHE accomplished, not because of him, but in spite of him.
The Truth Will Set U Free are you playing the race card again? By my count that is the third time.

Remember this The Truth Will Set U Free?

This losers name is Larry. He works in Miami at the hanger on day shift in aircraft maintenance (by his own admission).

He actually came on this site bragging about how he only works half the time (due to CS policy) and being a parasite living off of his wife.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Feel free to go here and read his rants yourself. It really shows you what The Truth Will Set U Free is all about. He is just your average leftist professional victim.


Notice he presents all of these accomplishments like HE actually accomplished them (I I I I).

He says he learned to live within his means but what he really means is he learned to live within his wife's means while he kicked back and took it easy and made claim to what SHE accomplished, not because of him, but in spite of him.
He's like the F117 , what the Air Force called the cockroach. It was subsonic so it only came out at night relying on it's stealth technology not to be detected. Truth wil set u free is no different, he can only play the race card, a one trick pony.
First of all I don’t answer to you, a NON-AA employee, who comes on here with #Fake News, lies and misinformation.

You don’t work here and never have.

I have 28 years as an AMT at LUS.

Go back to you WN boards where nothing is going as the company is playing your group like a fiddle with no end in sight.

We have four open articles left after two years of negotiations and the end is in sight.

That’s how it’s done, not five years and nothing to show for it.

Go stick your nose where it belongs, not over here at AA Fleet Service.

Have the common courtesy and decency to let them discuss their issues, not mine as an AMT at AA and most certainly NOT about WN and it’s lack of a new AMT CBA.
Really? But you answer every single post I post. You avoid answering the questions contained in each post but you go the extra mile to answer the post. So why not answer the questions posted to you Tom? Because you can't. Pretty sad when someone not even employed by either company in this merger tells the membership what will happen before it ever happens. Yea you may have been there 20 something years but most all you still have the blinders on. Again, how does it feel Tom? And again I will ask you, what is contained within the articles that are T/A'd? In other words, what agreements were made to get to a T/A? I am not asking what articles are T/A'd or not T/A'd I am asking for the changes from within each article T/A'd? You don't know Tom, that's why you can not answer. This is why our convo. got so detailed back when we started. It's due to this asso. keeping it's members completely in the dark on info until they release such info on T/A day. The TWU side will be very surprised at the changes that will come in the T/A. As well as most of the US guys too. I will not go away until this asso. delivers an ILC as promised by them and the company. Because once again this TWU/IAM/asso. lied to it's members to keep the asso. in at the new AA and will fail to deliver what they promised they would do.
I’d say I’ll hang around till sw gets a cba but I’ll probably be retired by then and give even less of a damn than I do now when they get one
I’d say I’ll hang around till sw gets a cba but I’ll probably be retired by then and give even less of a damn than I do now when they get one

swamt’s contract talks. Must really suck to be him.

What about if in 15-25 years AAs most lucrative passengers can buy a drone providing on demand travel to the mass market for the price of BMW 5 Series today? Retail executives called Amazon a distraction in the late 1990s and maintained the public at large wouldn’t want to fork over their money without touching and feeling the item.


Then you have to reinvent the airline, and become a bus with wings, I guarantee all of the government regulations and taxes on these flying drones because of terrorism threats, only the very rich people will have these drones!

I hate to be the one to tell you this but modern passenger aircraft ARE buses with wings.

Stack em deep, fly em cheap.


Admins please close this thread. It’s been hijaked beyond repair.
Weaz, William Fa just posted that the LUS negotiators and the company agreed to utilize the LAA seniority guidance on Crew Chiefs and leads and said there wouldn't be two separate list anymore. Can you explain the difference between the 2? And btw, you are getting peed on regarding your equity. Unions need to stay out of ESOP, Stock options, and equity. They always end up hosing the members on those sorta things. Better to focus on wages/benefits/scope.
Weaz, William Fa just posted that the LUS negotiators and the company agreed to utilize the LAA seniority guidance on Crew Chiefs and leads and said there wouldn't be two separate list anymore. Can you explain the difference between the 2? And btw, you are getting peed on regarding your equity. Unions need to stay out of ESOP, Stock options, and equity. They always end up hosing the members on those sorta things. Better to focus on wages/benefits/scope.

Simple. My occupational Seniority as a Clerk/Agent is May of 95 and if I take Crew Chief in the future it will still be May of 95.

And you don’t understand anything about our Equity so honestly best you just stay out of the conversation.
And here are even more unions upset no contracts are completed and claiming non livable wages also at Piedmont Airlines.
Workers At American Airlines Subsidiary Say Starting Hourly Pay...

This is Piedmont Express formerly Henson Aviation In 1983, The Piedmont name was resurrected in 1993, when USAir Piedmont Airlines bought Henson and re-branded the airline as "Henson, The Piedmont Regional Airline." renamed Henson to "Piedmont Airlines", to protect the Piedmont brand name, which could be used by others if not exercised in trade use for a period of time. USAir continued this practice by changing the name of its two other wholly owned regional airline subsidiaries, Jetstream and Allegheny Commuter, to PSA Airlines and Allegheny Airlines, respectively. (Pacific Southwest Airlines was the name of a California-based airline merged into USAir.) In 1997, USAir was renamed US Airways, and Piedmont was likewise re-branded as a US Airways Express carrier. US Airways merged Allegheny Airlines into Piedmont in 2004.
Reread the previous post.

More fake news.

Association never promised, show us where they did.
It was back when the asso was just getting started. It is in print Tom, they (the TWU and IAM) both promised an industry leading JCBA. It has also been mentioned on the videos by Peterson himself, and he also refers to the offers from the company not being industry leading. Matter fact he mentioned it a few times in his update where he was getting very disappointed with negotiations and the progress as well as no "industry leading" offers. I will not do the research for you. 700 as well as others, always revert to saying show us, where is that in writing blah, blah blah. But most everyone here that has been here from the start are aware of it. The ones that seem to have just recently chimed in may not have seen the letters from the asso. stating as such. And BTW; don't forget the company also promised an industry leading contract, but has of yet offered one at the table to the NC as admitted by the NC and folks at the table. It's all there Tom, but I no longer do the research for anyone. Sorry but been thru that before, and proved it to them and they still kept up all their lies and misinformation even after being proven wrong a many of times. All the history is here in the forums but some are closed but you can still research them if you want.
Reread the previous post.

More fake news.

Association never promised, show us where they did.
On a second note. When others were proven wrong in the past (back in the 700, and others days) they would then start to try to get the threads closed as they were brought out into the real light. And now we have the weez trying to do the same thing now, with more than one threads, pretty sad huh?
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