A person who needs a clue is yourself.
Every expense report must have a receipt and bills attached to it before the trustees review it, sign it and approve it, then the RS issues a voucher for the ST to cut a check.
Any member, can review the expense report, and if the DOL does an audit, they have access to it also.
If you are getting per diem while out of town, meals are not reimbursed as Per Diem covers that.
Seems you are the one who clearly doesnt know how the process works.
There is a check and balance system in place for a reason, and its called the Landrum-Griffith Act.
Your such an angry person, attacking someone shows to me your nothing but a bully and you try and bully your way to being correct when you are in the wrong.
And the TWU has zero to do with how the IAM's Locals and Districts operate and reimburse expenses.