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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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I thank Tom is n700 he sounds just like him. You are right we have no clue what is tad I can go to AMFA I know what the union and the company have discussed. Go to twu page no clue what was discussed .

Are you a Baggage Handler now?

P.S. AMFA will be defunct before I retire. Remember my words.
Are you a Baggage Handler now?

P.S. AMFA will be defunct before I retire. Remember my words.
I don't even think he's an AMT two years ago he was installing remote starters at "Carry on Sounds" until he installed one on a manual transmission. You should have seen them chasing that car down the street

More negotiation dates have been added. 2 weeks for January and 2 weeks for February.

P. Rez

More negotiation dates have been added. 2 weeks for January and 2 weeks for February.

P. Rez

Thanks for the update Rez. Hey are you guys going to be at those talks Nov 27 and Dec 4?

More negotiation dates have been added. 2 weeks for January and 2 weeks for February.

P. Rez
So two weeks a month "after the Holidays"will continue to be the norm. I could have swore both sides said they were ready to get this done and would meet anytime, anywhere...again, someone is not being truthful.
A person who needs a clue is yourself.

Every expense report must have a receipt and bills attached to it before the trustees review it, sign it and approve it, then the RS issues a voucher for the ST to cut a check.

Any member, can review the expense report, and if the DOL does an audit, they have access to it also.

If you are getting per diem while out of town, meals are not reimbursed as Per Diem covers that.

Seems you are the one who clearly doesnt know how the process works.

There is a check and balance system in place for a reason, and its called the Landrum-Griffith Act.

Your such an angry person, attacking someone shows to me your nothing but a bully and you try and bully your way to being correct when you are in the wrong.

And the TWU has zero to do with how the IAM's Locals and Districts operate and reimburse expenses.
You can't be that stupid. Your Union will be gone as soon a this contract is done. I love the way I keep getting called angry and a bully. I know you guys are use to a All White Airline. But that is going to get fixed VERY soon. Trust me. LOL
Oh jeez WTF, sigh. Dude I don’t care what you did, congratulations.

Larry I like you sometimes and other times you’re seriously WTF out there.

BTW I’m back on Gate D1. Stop by.
I can't let you get all caught up on me. You know what they say. WYGBYNCB. Lets see if you get that one.

More negotiation dates have been added. 2 weeks for January and 2 weeks for February.

P. Rez
Here is a idea go into negotiations we the members will lock the doors and will not open them again till we get a industry leading contract . If us LAA have to work for time and a half during the holidays then the nc and company should allso . You guys are horrible once are twice a month after a couple of months of not negotiation are not going to get us a contract.
“Thanksgiving is here again and there is no better time to think of the reasons why you are thankful. It is a time when we bring our families together and, regardless of the challenges we faced over the past year, we collectively give thanks for what we have, each other.
The same is true of our Union family.

In addition to wishing every IAM member a Happy Thanksgiving, I’d also like to thank those IAM members who are working today, assuring millions of travelers make it home to their families and loved ones safely.”

General Vice President Sito Pantoja
You can't be that stupid. Your Union will be gone as soon a this contract is done. I love the way I keep getting called angry and a bully. I know you guys are use to a All White Airline. But that is going to get fixed VERY soon. Trust me. LOL
What do you mean? I already feel like that lonely single drop of cream in a whole pot of coffee here in DFW.
This is about Fleet, not Maintenance once again.

I dont answer to you, nor anyone else.

I am informed and thats all that matters to me.

So go back and sit in the corner and twiddle your thumbs as WN is playing you and your group like a fiddle.

Three articles left for fleet, and four for maintenance, in two years and the end is almost near for a JCBA.

Just pointing out the obvious.

He doesnt work here like us, he doesnt know whats going on and is so bitter that nothing is going on at WN, he comes here and spreads misinformation, and I for one wont put up with it, and just had this nice exchange to point out to everyone what he is really about.

Still haven't answered my questions. Speaks volumes Tom.

I thank Tom is n700 he sounds just like him. You are right we have no clue what is tad I can go to AMFA I know what the union and the company have discussed. Go to twu page no clue what was discussed .
Which is why he hasn't answered my questions. Cheers conehead, I hope you guys get an ILC soon.
Still haven't answered my questions. Speaks volumes Tom.

Which is why he hasn't answered my questions. Cheers conehead, I hope you guys get an ILC soon.
First of all I don’t answer to you, a NON-AA employee, who comes on here with #Fake News, lies and misinformation.

You don’t work here and never have.

I have 28 years as an AMT at LUS.

Go back to you WN boards where nothing is going as the company is playing your group like a fiddle with no end in sight.

We have four open articles left after two years of negotiations and the end is in sight.

That’s how it’s done, not five years and nothing to show for it.

Go stick your nose where it belongs, not over here at AA Fleet Service.

Have the common courtesy and decency to let them discuss their issues, not mine as an AMT at AA and most certainly NOT about WN and it’s lack of a new AMT CBA.
Playing the race card and my union isn’t going anywhere.

More #Fake News
That is the 1st thing people do is cry playing the race card. American Airlines never had a problem with treating the public wrong. That came from your airlines. That is a fact. Here in Miami your pilots don't want black Mechanics working on there airplanes. That is a Fact. So before you cry that I am playing the race card do your home work.

As for the Fake News. You sound just as stupid as YOUR president.

Oh and your union. I promise you WE will be getting rid of this AZZ deal as soon as we get a contract.
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