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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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No. Actually we are very well informed and know exactly what is going on, and the membership agrees to sit and wait. Status quo is the better of the 2. That why you hear nothing from the SWA membership. They know as they are informed, not kept in the dark.
This is AA Board, more specifically its about Fleet at AA, not WN.

Well informed that nothing is going on, lol!
Did I say WE were done?

And my TA day is around the corner, how many more years away is yours?

Nope, I clearly stated what my Negotiators have informed us of what is left, Scope, Retirement, Insurance and Premium Seniority.

Our negotiators have more dates in this month and next than you have had at WN in six months.

I suggest you concentrate on your negotiations, or lack of, and not worry about MY negotiations.

And please stop posting misinformation, when you have zero idea of what is going on, your not an AA mechanic, I have 28 years at LUS as a mechanic, you have zero years.

Things so bad at WN, you come here with misinformation and try to stir crap?
Only the truth which you will see on your T/A day.
Oh yea, your so informed Tom, because the asso. told you you have the 4 articles left and they told you what articles those are. That's just great. What are the agreements for all the rest of the articles? What is agreed to for outsourcing?? What will your final pay be??? What will be the amount of sick, vac holidays, prem pay for shift diffs, leads (CC) or inspectors???? C'mon man tell us how informed you really are about what will come out. Like I said you will know until T/A day, watch and learn, then open your eyes to how bad this asso. is keeping the membership in the dark... Yea your informed alright.
This is AA Board, more specifically its about Fleet at AA, not WN.

Well informed that nothing is going on, lol!
I don't care that this is an AA board. Aircraft mechanic industry is the same across the board. Tell us Tom, how informed are you really? Tell this AA board everything you know that has been agreed upon. We do know at SWA it's all over the web sites, very detailed info. NOT just what articles are T/A'd and not T/A'd on as of yet. Take the blinders off dude.
This thread is about Fleet, not maintenance.

I attend my union meetings, and are friends with people on the committee, the information is there if you want it.

Too bad your going on five years and are on ice with no meetings scheduled and no agreement in sight.

We have four articles left in Maintenance and Three in Fleet, see I work here and have for 28 years, you havent.

Now go back and eat the scraps WN tosses to you.
I don't care that this is an AA board. Aircraft mechanic industry is the same across the board. Tell us Tom, how informed are you really? Tell this AA board everything you know that has been agreed upon. We do know at SWA it's all over the web sites, very detailed info. NOT just what articles are T/A'd and not T/A'd on as of yet. Take the blinders off dude.
This is about Fleet, not Maintenance once again.

I dont answer to you, nor anyone else.

I am informed and thats all that matters to me.

So go back and sit in the corner and twiddle your thumbs as WN is playing you and your group like a fiddle.

Three articles left for fleet, and four for maintenance, in two years and the end is almost near for a JCBA.
Have fun with that guy. I finally had to put the guy on ignore. Trying to converse with him just wasn’t getting anywhere.
Just pointing out the obvious.

He doesnt work here like us, he doesnt know whats going on and is so bitter that nothing is going on at WN, he comes here and spreads misinformation, and I for one wont put up with it, and just had this nice exchange to point out to everyone what he is really about.
Yes. I look at the LM2 for my Local every year not to mention the LM2 of other Local’s and the International. And I also have looked at expense reports and monthly expenditures in the past.

When these people are out they are not eating expensive meals every night. They’re eating a meal. People need to eat. $100 drinking tabs? Every night? I think they’d croak. Anyway alcohol is not supposed to be paid on the members dime but I’m not naive that that hasn’t been fudged here and there. But I did hang with the Negotiators one time and I saw cash being exchanged with the Bartender. (Honestly) Anyway if you don’t drink at all don’t criticize those who do.

While I’ve never been there, I talk to a few of them who are there and others who have been there in the past. I think I got a pretty good grip on it all. (Not sure if it’s something I’d ever want to do from what I know now? Certainly doesn’t sound like fun)

I think I get the rest of what you’re saying? Stop bitching and moaning if you’re not going to do what it takes. But that’s what they do don’t they. They won’t ever really put their necks on the line Larry. NYC would I think. Here in MIA, nope. We have no real leaders here.

Ouch .... Zinger
Just pointing out the obvious.

He doesnt work here like us, he doesnt know whats going on and is so bitter that nothing is going on at WN, he comes here and spreads misinformation, and I for one wont put up with it, and just had this nice exchange to point out to everyone what he is really about.

He sadly comes across as desperate to try and convince us that the seas are brutal and unforgiving.

He really needs to look in a mirror.
Ouch .... Zinger

Not a zinger at all. It’s what I see and what I’m told. They could barely get any FSC’s to come up to the protest here. It was almost all Mechanics.

They know I’m right Al. I have people (decent people) who hold office here. But they are not Leaders.
First of all your a mechanic posting in a fleet thread, your making accusations you cant back up.

Every penny spent that is reimbursable is on an expense report approved by the officers and members, and is made available to any member who wants to see it.

Also every penny a union spends is on public record with the DOL on the LM2.

Sounds like sour grapes to me and a red herring, this is JCBA negotiations, not concessionary bargaining.

Hotel is reimbursable and they get per diem, so they cant write off meals and drinks.
You don't have a clue. LM2 don't show how your money is spent. You should not speak if you don't know what the hell you are talking about. I am talking about the bills that are turned in by each person. That does not show on the LM2. but you don't have a clue because you are speaking out of your butt. I took the people that was stealing money from our local to the DOL and got them removed from office when the people on the floor got to see what they were doing. But because you like to just run you mouth you don't have a clue to what I am talking about, Do your home work and ask who Jack Bateman and his boys was. The only sour grape hear is going to be when LUS get a taste of whats waiting for them when we join working together. Majority Rules. Smile.
You don't have a clue. LM2 don't show how your money is spent. You should not speak if you don't know what the hell you are talking about. I am talking about the bills that are turned in by each person. That does not show on the LM2. but you don't have a clue because you are speaking out of your butt. I took the people that was stealing money from our local to the DOL and got them removed from office when the people on the floor got to see what they were doing. But because you like to just run you mouth you don't have a clue to what I am talking about, Do your home work and ask who Jack Bateman and his boys was. The only sour grape hear is going to be when LUS get a taste of whats waiting for them when we join working together. Majority Rules. Smile.

Oh jeez WTF, sigh. Dude I don’t care what you did, congratulations.

Larry I like you sometimes and other times you’re seriously WTF out there.

BTW I’m back on Gate D1. Stop by.
You don't have a clue. LM2 don't show how your money is spent. You should not speak if you don't know what the hell you are talking about. I am talking about the bills that are turned in by each person. That does not show on the LM2. but you don't have a clue because you are speaking out of your butt. I took the people that was stealing money from our local to the DOL and got them removed from office when the people on the floor got to see what they were doing. But because you like to just run you mouth you don't have a clue to what I am talking about, Do your home work and ask who Jack Bateman and his boys was. The only sour grape hear is going to be when LUS get a taste of whats waiting for them when we join working together. Majority Rules. Smile.
A person who needs a clue is yourself.

Every expense report must have a receipt and bills attached to it before the trustees review it, sign it and approve it, then the RS issues a voucher for the ST to cut a check.

Any member, can review the expense report, and if the DOL does an audit, they have access to it also.

If you are getting per diem while out of town, meals are not reimbursed as Per Diem covers that.

Seems you are the one who clearly doesnt know how the process works.

There is a check and balance system in place for a reason, and its called the Landrum-Griffith Act.

Your such an angry person, attacking someone shows to me your nothing but a bully and you try and bully your way to being correct when you are in the wrong.

And the TWU has zero to do with how the IAM's Locals and Districts operate and reimburse expenses.
You don't have a clue. LM2 don't show how your money is spent. You should not speak if you don't know what the hell you are talking about. I am talking about the bills that are turned in by each person. That does not show on the LM2. but you don't have a clue because you are speaking out of your butt. I took the people that was stealing money from our local to the DOL and got them removed from office when the people on the floor got to see what they were doing. But because you like to just run you mouth you don't have a clue to what I am talking about, Do your home work and ask who Jack Bateman and his boys was. The only sour grape hear is going to be when LUS get a taste of whats waiting for them when we join working together. Majority Rules. Smile.
Your contract and seniority will rule
I don't care that this is an AA board. Aircraft mechanic industry is the same across the board. Tell us Tom, how informed are you really? Tell this AA board everything you know that has been agreed upon. We do know at SWA it's all over the web sites, very detailed info. NOT just what articles are T/A'd and not T/A'd on as of yet. Take the blinders off dude.
I thank Tom is n700 he sounds just like him. You are right we have no clue what is tad I can go to AMFA I know what the union and the company have discussed. Go to twu page no clue what was discussed .
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