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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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The IAM Constitution prohibits dual unionism.
Can I ask you a question Watcher, what do you want. Do you only want the IAM, or the TWU? You seem to be all over on the Association, do you like it, or hate it? If you hate it, then I say do a card drive it's within Federal law, who the workforce wants to represent them. Whatever union wins then you guys have one union to deal with.
Remember for Negotiations there is no IAM so technically there is no Constitution to be violated.

Same argument early on for the TWU Constitution.
They are IAM members, paying dues to the IAM, have an IAM Book number, can hold offices in the IAM.

So if there is no IAM or TWU then no dues should be paid, no District 141 or 142 and all of the Negotiating Committee members should be removed since they are elected officers of the IAM and TWU.
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If it goes to Mediation. They can have Fleet, Maintenance and Stores on three separate tracks and not stay together as they're trying to do now.

Ok first off who has asked for or tried to trigger Mediation? It could of course be requested or Linda Pachula could merely begin attending as she was asked early on and agreed to. You do know I think Linda has only attended one session so far?

And the point of remaining together is to continue with Solidarity. Why would any of the Groups wish to separate when they have been on the same page and supporting each other from the beginning?

Little birdie says you may want to thank the Mechanics for those 10 Holidays in Fleet.
So would you agree then that the Association would also be required to service and negotiate for the separate contracts that we work under today if those contracts reached their amendable date?

Would it be the responsibility of the Association to file those separate Section 6’s and at the same time continue on with by that time obviously fruitless JCBA talks?

The only separation is the Association and three classes which would be Fleet, Maintenance and Stores. Section 6 would be to reach a JCBA.
They are IAM members, paying dues to the IAM, have an IAM Book number, can host offices in the IAM.

So if there is no IAM or TWU then no dues should be paid, no District 141 or 142 and all of the Negotiating Committee members should be removed since they are elected officers of the IAM and TWU.

Can I be Grand Poohbah of the Association then? I’ll wear a paper hat.
Ok first off who has asked for or tried to trigger Mediation? It could of course be requested or Linda Pachula could merely begin attending as she was asked early on and agreed to. You do know I think Linda has only attended one session so far?

And the point of remaining together is to continue with Solidarity. Why would any of the Groups wish to separate when they have been on the same page and supporting each other from the beginning?

Little birdie says you may want to thank the Mechanics for those 10 Holidays in Fleet.


So Section 6 will assuredly lead to the mediation level because neither side will move off certain points.

I'm sure the groups would want to remain together but in mediation the goal of the NMB would be to reach deals and that would be one of the tactics they'd use to reach that goal.
The only separation is the Association and three classes which would be Fleet, Maintenance and Stores. Section 6 would be to reach a JCBA.

I’m sorry but in respect I disagree with you. I believe we are still separated by 2 in Groups or else Management could have already begun the process of having us placed in the same bids. We still have separate seniority lists. And we can only work on each other’s Metal by the agreed upon parameters of the cross utilization language.

Separate groups, separate contracts. No clear Legal framework to have to continue fruitless JCBA’s with no movement.

I’m honestly still looking for Legal definitions within the RLA that we must continue to reach JCBA’s?

So Section 6 will assuredly lead to the mediation level because neither side will move off certain points.

I'm sure the groups would want to remain together but in mediation the goal of the NMB would be to reach deals and that would be one of the tactics they'd use to reach that goal.

Are there really no plans for a show of solidarity at the earnings meeting this month?

So Section 6 will assuredly lead to the mediation level because neither side will move off certain points.

I'm sure the groups would want to remain together but in mediation the goal of the NMB would be to reach deals and that would be one of the tactics they'd use to reach that goal.

I don’t know who is necessarily going to move off positions? Of course Negotiations is give and take, push and pull to reach deals. But there also have to be some issues that draw the line in the sand and you and I both know the major ones very well.

And I’m not sure I like the term tactics as far as inviting the NMB to officially step in to the process. Not to mention waiting on their schedule could make the process take even longer than it could otherwise without them involved.
Are there really no plans for a show of solidarity at the earnings meeting this month?

gulfport surely there are plans being cooked up to apply further pressure to satisfactorily concluding the talks but I highly doubt you will get any official early telegraphing of what those plans are.
gulfport surely there are plans being cooked up to apply further pressure to satisfactorily concluding the talks but I highly doubt you will get any official early telegraphing of what those plans are.

Fair enough I hope they have something good planned.

More information


If that's your example than it is wholly different than our current situation but similar to the IAM situation prior to JCBA negotiations.

In both those instances there were open negotiations taking place while the mergers were finalized, which needed to close as a standalone before moving on to joint agreements.

At LUS, the Association was certified in April 2015, while the IAM standalone was ratified the July prior, as they needed to close that out before starting to prepare for joint talks.

Our current situation has both the TWU and IAM with ratified deals that allowed everyone to move towards a joint contract. At this point, and with the UA example, once a joint negotiation commenced it didn't revert back to standalone negotiations.
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