I have no interest in getting into the back and forth pissing contest that this forum has became. I would like to express my concerns of what's been posted by the company as well as the association. Being that I have a family to cover, the medical coverage is a big issue. Even if the company doesn't want to keep the LUS plan, I'm sure that they can come up with lower deductibles, and out of pocket costs for the LAA plans.
Next up is the outsourcing of Catering. Looking to getting rid of this on the LUS side, and agreeing to keep Cargo on the LAA side, isn't acceptable. If you're going to have Cargo in the hubs and larger stations, have it in all of them.
Scope concerning the Express work with the 175s hasn't really been directly addressed by either side.
Giving a flat rate signing bonus, is complete BS. Do the same as UA did based on years of service. No way should the guys with one year get the same as a 30 year guy who has given up more than the junior guys even know about.
The pension needs to get straightened out, one way or another. Most of us on the LUS side have a mixed bag of retirement to deal with. The cut rate PBGC plan, the old 401k with no company contribution since 2003, and the cluster IAM plan.