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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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I don’t and I know lots of others who don’t either.

They need to go home once in awhile and get some sleep.
He was speaking of union members in general not just AA and Weez you never had kids otherwise you would need OT
Full time shouldn’t be working part time shifts for overtime unless they exhaust the part time list.

They bid separate from full timers, so part time should get their OT for part time shifts before full timers.

And all you are posting is your opinion, nothing has been released officially on it.

And if you are so worried about OT, then your priorities are screwed up, they are way more important items in your CBA than OT

People need to live within their means, as the company can and has shutoff OT before and will again.

So let me ask again, is the President of 568 attending the meeting with the Negotiating Committee and Union leadership on Thursday?

That's not how we do things in MIA. All extra hours go to FT before any PTer can get extended. It puts their cost structure at a disadvantage by having to pay OT rather than extend a PTer at straight rates. It helps to get more FT positions and not make PT a preferred cost structure.

If we allowed them to have PTers cover PTers, they would drown us in PT and it would drag down our FT numbers. Not only does our current language allow for more OT, but it also helps in creating permanent FT positions and control PT expansions.
Separate bids, separate vacation. Overtime should be by classification.

The JCBA addresses it and is a good compromise rumor has it.

And like I said you seem to only care about OT, which is controlled by the company, way more important articles in the CBA than OT.

There are 39 other stations, not just MIA.

The Negotiating Committee represents everyone, not just MIA.
APA, APFA, and TWU all opposed it.

I seem to recall reading Crandall saying something to the effect of “they have nothing we want” when asked several years before about the merits of acquiring TW as a whole entity or by acquiring substantially all assets.

The LHR slot purchase from a distressed entity at fire sale price was opportunistic and brilliant; going for the carcass was a dire mistake.


This is what was happening at the time, including some details that have been forgotten to history.

"American Airlines Inc., in a surprise move, this week is to announce plans to buy financially troubled Trans World Airlines Inc., effectively ending one of the oldest names in U.S. aviation history, industry sources said yesterday."

"At the same time, American has reached an agreement to buy 49 percent of DC Air, the airline being created by Black Entertainment Television founder Robert Johnson, and is close to a deal with United Airlines Inc. to jointly operate the US Airways Shuttle on routes from Washington to New York and Boston."

"All three deals are to be announced Wednesday, sources familiar with the negotiations said. Cost figures were not available yesterday."

"The moves are part of a complex deal designed to address federal antitrust concerns about United's proposed merger with US Airways Group Inc. as well as to improve American's competitive position in the United States. The acquisition of TWA would make American comparable in size to the combined United and US Airways after the planned merger. United already is the nation's largest airline." --January 2001, Washington Post
And in the last two years you had more than ample opportunity to engage with both TWU and IAM Fleet Negotiators and debate or convince your positions on the issues. You easily could have attended any Negotiations session you chose and I can guarantee you would have been mostly welcome.

Even on here Charlie Brown offered you his personal phone number and you politely refused his offer?

If these issues were really a paramount concern to you then you should have done everything in your power to at least attempt to try and prevent them.

I would have.

Not that you care about the facts, but the concerns expressed here were shared with the Negotiating Committee, at the time, including the sharing of our local OT guidelines which could be used as a reference for future language.
Separate bids, separate vacation. Overtime should be by classification.

The JCBA addresses it and is a good compromise rumor has it.

And like I said you seem to only care about OT, which is controlled by the company, way more important articles in the CBA than OT.

There are 39 other stations, not just MIA.

The Negotiating Committee represents everyone, not just MIA.

And MIA (At least officially) “chose” not to have a voice in the talks. I’m not saying that voice would have ultimately changed anything as it’s going to stand but at least that voice would have had some responsibility and at least some influence and language that would exist because of its participation.

It’s much easier though to throw rocks from the sidelines after the fact than actually getting in the game and risk being tackled.
DCAir never happened.

Neither did UA and US or the Shuttle agreement. The TWA deal was too far along and part of a BK to be scrapped. We don't know how it would have turned out since the 9/11 attacks changed the industry from one day to the next.

In hindsight, it looks bad but at the time there was a bigger deal in the works and it was a reaction to a competitor trying to gain an advantage by becoming much bigger than they already were.
Not that you care about the facts, but the concerns expressed here were shared with the Negotiating Committee, at the time, including the sharing of our local OT guidelines which could be used as a reference for future language.

Oh that’s right. You mean when Tom Lee was still in office. That was in the beginning when no he wasn’t chosen to be on the main Negotiating committee but he could have been on the “sub committee” But he left and retired anyway and someone else won the election.

Can I ask “seriously” how exactly has Sidney Jiminez participated since winning the MIA Presidency?

I think there’s an excellent possibility that I’ve had far more influence than him? And I’m not even a Steward.
Not that you care about the facts, but the concerns expressed here were shared with the Negotiating Committee, at the time, including the sharing of our local OT guidelines which could be used as a reference for future language.
If your not at the table, your on the table as food.
If your not at the table, your on the table as food.

Exactly. Sharing information with the Debate Captain doesn’t mean the Debate is going to be won.

A convincing argument needs to be done in person vocally.
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