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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Dude, they have been coming for Catering since the early 90's... nothing new here...
the pension has been explained over, and over...
As far as the medical... Trump fixed that when he destroyed Obamacare --Nobody should ever have to worry about medical again...
That what's we were told...

And they were always coming after our Cabin Service too but were only able to finally pry it from our hands by again using the BK tool to their advantage and basically STEALING it from us.

We need to hold firm and support keeping that work because there is no TWU work or IAM work once we sign a JCBA. That all becomes OUR work. (We have a bunch of guys wanting to transfer to CLT)
And they were always coming after our Cabin Service too but were only able to finally pry it from our hands by again using the BK tool to their advantage and basically STEALING it from us.

We need to hold firm and support keeping that work because there is no TWU work or IAM work once we sign a JCBA. That all becomes OUR work. (We have a bunch of guys wanting to transfer to CLT)

And there a bunch of LUS F/As wanting to transfer to BOS so what’s your point?

Why would CLT be an attractive place to transfer to?

Not sure exactly what we could lose. We obviously don’t deice and we don’t have catering either but there could be a ripple effect if losing that work systemwide compels the company to align “Human Resources” where they feel it’s needed or could better support their overall numbers? Meaning bumping still could occur even if they guarantee all a job (somewhere)

But to be fair yes buyouts would smooth those numbers down depending on how many jump in to grab it.

Will the bumping push LLCers out?

This might not be to popular but I would prefer the IAMPF would make it 62 of 65 beforre you can collect it would probably ease the funds pain Id rather kow that at 40 than being told my pension is being halved when Im 75

I guess the question should be can they legally do what you propose and restrict the fund to a minimum age to collect? If they could do that wouldn’t they had done that in tandem with the cuts in future payouts you went through?

If I understood it correctly that change was a 40% cut and not the 50% that Tim again over exaggerated on.

Everyone who says anything of course is only speculating but I don’t think the IAMPF will face that dramatic a future cut again any time soon. But yes Tim is right and it could cut again soon? How much “might” be the question.
Will the bumping push LLCers out?


Sir as much as you like to play your unwelcome and unwanted games on this board. We have no LLCers. TWA and AA became one 17 years ago now. That means my Ramp Brothers and Sisters have 17 years of Seniority. 17 years here in MIA is excellent Seniority and they have no concern of losing their job.

One more time. You do realize 17 years has passed now and we really have no more animosity between the groups even if you’re attempting to drum up some.
And there a bunch of LUS F/As wanting to transfer to BOS so what’s your point?

Why would CLT be an attractive place to transfer to?


I know lots of people who want to transfer to CLT. You should ask them why.
Sir as much as you like to play your unwelcome and unwanted games on this board. We have no LLCers. TWA and AA became one 17 years ago now. That means my Ramp Brothers and Sisters have 17 years of Seniority. 17 years here in MIA is excellent Seniority and they have no concern of losing their job.

One more time. You do realize 17 years has passed now and we really have no more animosity between the groups even if you’re attempting to drum up some.

TWA has been a drain on AA and resulted in the lost decade of stagnation (2001-2011) culminating in bankruptcy and destroying the careers of nAAtives in the process. Had AA run lean the company likely would have been in a much stronger capital and strategic position and it’s likely USAIR would not be here.

And again why is the LUS side representation headed by an LLCer? The LAA TWU side doesn’t have LLCers as representatives except for STL. Why should LUS have someone who has never worked under their CBA directing the association?

TWA has been a drain on AA and resulted in the lost decade of stagnation (2001-2011) culminating in bankruptcy and destroying the careers of nAAtives in the process. Had AA run lean the company likely would have been in a much stronger capital and strategic position and it’s likely USAIR would not be here.

I deleted your second paragraph as the garbage I feel it is.

As for your first paragraph who gives a chit? Why are you speaking to us about this?

Do you have the phone number of Don Carty and the BOD from the year 2000 and you can ask them why they purchased the Airline?

Why should I focus again on something from SEVENTEEN years ago that was completely beyond my control?

Let me know when you invent the Time Machine and we can both go back in time and change things we want to change. So when were you and Tim born BTW?
Purchased the airline? They acquired certain assets of a distressed airline that managed to lose money in a booming economy with low fuel prices and robust demand.

Purchased the airline? They acquired certain assets of a distressed airline that managed to lose money in a booming economy with low fuel prices and robust demand.

I guess we all have our White Whales who took our legs and TWA was your Whale?


I lost a plastic toy on a Rollercoaster ride at Rockaway Beach when I was 5.

Now good luck to you in your life ok. Thumbs up. Bye bye now. Take care.
Not sure exactly what we could lose. We obviously don’t deice and we don’t have catering either but there could be a ripple effect if losing that work systemwide compels the company to align “Human Resources” where they feel it’s needed or could better support their overall numbers? Meaning bumping still could occur even if they guarantee all a job (somewhere)

But to be fair yes buyouts would smooth those numbers down depending on how many jump in to grab it.
Without reading the fine print this must look like a decent proposal for fleet if you're in MIA and DFW
TWA has been a drain on AA and resulted in the lost decade of stagnation (2001-2011) culminating in bankruptcy and destroying the careers of nAAtives in the process. Had AA run lean the company likely would have been in a much stronger capital and strategic position and it’s likely USAIR would not be here.

And again why is the LUS side representation headed by an LLCer? The LAA TWU side doesn’t have LLCers as representatives except for STL. Why should LUS have someone who has never worked under their CBA directing the association?


In hindsight, everyone likes to bash on the TWA deal.

At the time, which was before the industry changing events of 9/11, United was in the midst of trying to get together with US Airways in a consolidation spree. In response, AA went after the TWA assets. In the end, the UA-US deal didn't materialize.

AA-TWA closed their deal, months later 9/11.
...what would you lose in MIA?

The changes in other areas of the JCBA, not announced in the recent email, would impact MIA by creating the ability for the airline to make a seismic shift from FT positions to PT positions, which could also affect the W-2's of many, many MIA Members by making OT and CS's more difficult to gain.
You know the IAM Constitution discourages the practice of working overtime.

The overtime should be a job.

Not very union like if you are more worried about OT and Shift Swaps.

So is the President of 568 going to attend the meeting Thursday?
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