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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Look, the iam pension is retarded. Period.
Why dont you scram?
We dont want your chit pension and we are tired of you thugs stealing what lil we have.
In the meantime, i appreciate the company kind offer to give me $9,000 in my retirement per year instead of capping their contributions at $2700.

And 40% of our members are pt and you asshats only negotiated .65 an hour then you give them a 30% credit cut. A 5.5 hr pt only gets $230 a month after 10 years. And thats only if the kooks dont cut it again.

Get the pension the hell out.

Stop with the $9000 a year you flake. I don’t want to work like a nut job trying to make $100,000 a year and live 3 miles away with planes flying over my head dropping their excess Jet Fuel on my head. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with ya?

You’re staying in the IAMPF and you’ll like it, so there.
Nah; just tired of watching corporate America hold DB plans over labor’s head like a sword of Damocles. Labor needs to adapt if it wants to survive.

And they’re going to rob workers blind on their 401k too soon enough. Are you kidding?
Stop with the $9000 a year you flake. I don’t want to work like a nut job trying to make $100,000 a year and live 3 miles away with planes flying over my head dropping their excess Jet Fuel on my head. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with ya?

You’re staying in the IAMPF and you’ll like it, so there.
What is the end game for twu? The company deal killer is catering and lus health. Im fine with keeping what we have. Tic tac toe?
What is the end game for twu? The company deal killer is catering and lus health. Im fine with keeping what we have. Tic tac toe?

Guess you didn’t see the (Official TWU response) last Peterson video.

The TWU 100% supports your catering and continuing on with the IAM Medical.

I’ve always maintained at least a compromise on your Medical costs.
Who pays for the Grand Lodge pension?

Why can’t the membership get the same pension as the Grand Lodge?

The members. Its a perk that needs to be dissolved. No reason in the world why brother prez and mr baskett should be having us pay for them to have another pension. So sad.
Guess you didn’t see the (Official TWU response) last Peterson video.

The TWU 100% supports your catering and continuing on with the IAM Medical.

I’ve always maintained at least a compromise on your Medical costs.
Catering should never go. The company is just being arrogant. It wasnt removed until last month.
Over the 19 years we have had the iam we have had 17 agcs. None of them let lus health care go because they understood. Even in mergers and bankruptcy.

However, we got a few agcs who will knife us in the back and give our lus health care up even though our company made billions. And im not going to enjoy calling them backstabbers and liars. They know who they are and ill be waiting. Watch.
Look, the iam pension is retarded. Period.
Why dont you scram?
We dont want your chit pension and we are tired of you thugs stealing what lil we have.
In the meantime, i appreciate the company kind offer to give me $9,000 in my retirement per year instead of capping their contributions at $2700.

And 40% of our members are pt and you asshats only negotiated .65 an hour then you give them a 30% credit cut. A 5.5 hr pt only gets $230 a month after 10 years. And thats only if the kooks dont cut it again.

Get the pension the hell out.
We? Who are you speaking for... it's been proven over and over the Membership does NOT want you as their leader. What part of losing elections by landslides do you not understand? My pension? It's OUR pension dude... like it or not!

We? Who are you speaking for... it's been proven over and over the Membership does NOT want you as their leader. What part of losing elections by landslides do you not understand? My pension? It's OUR pension dude... like it or not!

So you are an active employee participant in the IAMNPF?

Catering should never go. The company is just being arrogant. It wasnt removed until last month.
Over the 19 years we have had the iam we have had 17 agcs. None of them let lus health care go because they understood. Even in mergers and bankruptcy.

However, we got a few agcs who will knife us in the back and give our lus health care up even though our company made billions. And im not going to enjoy calling them backstabbers and liars. They know who they are and ill be waiting. Watch.

# 1 no one is knifing you in the back. Negotiations could possibly lead to your Medical cost being eliminated but I’m sure no one will accept that in Leadership or on the field unless there was a payment back making it worthwhile.

# 2 I don’t think any of those people are frightened by you. And if they are all I have to say to remind them not to be is “770 to 20” Shouldn’t need to say any more than that.
March 26, 2018

Brothers and Sisters,

The TWU/IAM Association seeks to protect your jobs and the WORK you do. Without protecting your work, your job is at risk; and without a job, every other benefit in a contract is meaningless.

Steve Johnsen and American are proposing FAKE SCOPE. In their most recent and insulting offer, Steve and company want to outsource at least 5,000 (a whopping 17 percent) Association jobs, across all classifications. This is not our number, it’s theirs, and it’s wholly unacceptable.

American Airlines should be ashamed of their cowardly attempt to bypass the negotiating committee by trying to fool us into believing how great their “take it or leave it” scope/job protection, medical insurance, wages and retirement security proposals are.

Without the 30,000 dedicated, hardworking Association members, there is no American Airlines, there are no profits that enrich the top executives and there is definitely no Steve Johnsen. If Steve Johnsen and American’s corporate leadership want a bargain, they should go shop at Walmart, not at the doorstep of the TWU-IAM Association.


Your Association Negotiating Committee
What a joke of union “leaders” you all have...

His name is “Stephen Johnson”

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