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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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You mean the financial road I put out? Yea but Dude you’re always knocking the idea of a Pension.

I don’t really care for that “portability” word in my chosen profession. It’s not like I’m thinking about quitting AA soon and apllying for your widget in Atlanta.

So like I’ve said before I like lots and lots of financial legs propping up my stool.

Pension (DBP)
Social Security
Debt paid down
Health (Hopefully)
Pension (Multi Employer) Maybe?

Yep, my list checks those exact same boxes. Plus a Roth IRA, too.
Grow your little puke baby ass up.
Geez...I closed the other because you had it so cluttered up. You have that whoop ass syndrome. Happened a lot in school I’m sure.
Oops, I’m sorry, I’m cluttering YOUR forum up now. I’m such a hypocrite.
Put me on ignore...

Ignore is BS and everyone knows it.

You’re the little girl who contacted the Moderators to have your thread taken down sweetie pie.

Now if you notice “mostly” since you went away the thread got back on topic. Looks to me like maybe YOU were the biggest problem sweetie.

Now do you need to have the last word before your period stops bleeding?
The old AMR POS Managers were guilty of this. But I do think the new group has come a long way towards offering more options with less fees (A good Lawsuit by the Pilots doesn’t hurt either)

PIEDMONT at worst if I’m offered inclusion in your IAMPF and I agree to jump in I’ve mentally put into my mind around a 10% cut on future payouts? It could be more or it could be nothing at all.

And again I’m going to continue to fund my 401k as my primary retirement financial vehicle along with my AA DBP and then hitting my SS between 67 to 70 (Depending) For me the IAMPF would just be an extra added supplement for whatever.

And I may at the end of the day how it might be leaning not be offered inclusion at all?
Weez -- I respect your observation... at least you take the effort to do RESEARCH, and consequentially consider the findings from that research...
The Co, along with Tim/Josh would love for us all to simply follow their shiny bright objects without questioning their motives...

Did you grow up homeless son, or did your parents do a pathetic job in raising you. I’m thinking the latter. Please don’t give them grand kids. Society is already in the tank. I’m sorry, when on the rag, you say some really mean things.
I’m sorry Sir but you did take your ball and leave the court.

The ball is now mine and you can go sit on the bench if you don’t want to be a part of how I play the game.

I personally like to have a little fun on the Court myself.
He handed the thread to over to you, now he wants to run it like he's still the OP...

He handed the thread to over to you, now he wants to run it like he's still the OP...


Actually some times he can write some pretty good stuff and come up with some good observations too. The problem with this guy though is he’s a control freak. That’s how I was able to guess who he is cause he did the same thing on FB too (So I blocked him)

He’s a very senior man at AA and he “thinks” that gives him special privileges on how to talk to more junior members. He can’t STAND people talking back to him.

He just hit me with a comment on Jetnet yesterday BTW.
I don’t have a personal beef with you like you got with me.
I’ll be honest W, I’m not Ken, seriously. I’ll move on and let you run your show. Your last to comments were not to bad, not factual but not nasty. I’m gone.
Grow your little puke baby ass up.
Geez...I closed the other because you had it so cluttered up. You have that whoop ass syndrome. Happened a lot in school I’m sure.
Oops, I’m sorry, I’m cluttering YOUR forum up now. I’m such a hypocrite.
Put me on ignore...
He lied to all of us. When he was gone, there were alot of good conversation and no bullying.
But then he came back and interjected himself into none of his business. He post on every forum. Southwest, delta, etc. Sad
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