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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Well I’ve never wanted to look like I’m being a pitchman for the IAMPF because we have to be fair and admit that it has been showing economic difficulties lately and that last report was under an onfire Stock Market.

But the comment that the IAMPF is the Titanic is absolutely ridiculous and untrue. It “may” just be overpromising on the long term benefits it can truly deliver but that issue can be solved with a few early tweaks.

These SOB’s robbed us of our continuing Defined Benefit Pension through the Company and they know it. Yes using Bankruptcy simply as a tool to dump that obligation that they weren’t fully funding anyway should be criminal and unlawful but we live in a society that won’t punish that behavior so.

Weez-- The Truth has never been spoken so clearly --- Virtually ALL of the complaints in this forum that are directed at the IAM/TWU... are actually the consequences of the Company(s) playing the Corporate BK laws like a banjo... (I'll bet they cold play "Rose of Alabama")

As a plan participant you should contact the IAMNPF and ask what label was consumed and where. They should be able to produce the receipt for you upon request.

Weez-- Another reason Employers love 401k's... is that they can creatively make money for themselves with them.
There are corporate tax loopholes, and administrative fees that can be passed to the employee, etc.

Watcher-- Your links show the underbelly that we don't get to see...

Think of it this way -- if you were Wall Street, and you had access to Trillions of American Workers' assets, and the Corporate Lobbied US Government is intentionally looking the other way, and your JOB is to make money... and it was all legal (wink-wink)... what would you do?


The old AMR POS Managers were guilty of this. But I do think the new group has come a long way towards offering more options with less fees (A good Lawsuit by the Pilots doesn’t hurt either)

PIEDMONT at worst if I’m offered inclusion in your IAMPF and I agree to jump in I’ve mentally put into my mind around a 10% cut on future payouts? It could be more or it could be nothing at all.

And again I’m going to continue to fund my 401k as my primary retirement financial vehicle along with my AA DBP and then hitting my SS between 67 to 70 (Depending) For me the IAMPF would just be an extra added supplement for whatever.

And I may at the end of the day how it might be leaning not be offered inclusion at all?
As a plan participant you should contact the IAMNPF and ask what label was consumed and where. They should be able to produce the receipt for you upon request.



You do know that this topic is now way over killed. With over 11 Billion (Yes I checked and had the 20 wrong) in the bank one stupid bottle of wine that the DOL slammed some people for buying is not that big a deal.

And with the scrutiny that’s on Multi Employer Pensions today I highly doubt there will ever be any further shenanigans.

You do know that this topic is now way over killed. With over 11 Billion (Yes I checked and had the 20 wrong) in the bank one stupid bottle of wine that the DOL slammed some people for buying is not that big a deal.

And with the scrutiny that’s on Multi Employer Pensions today I highly doubt there will ever be any further shenanigans.

1) I am not Tim

2) So using your logic is it also ok for someone who makes $65k to go and take from Wal-Mart (annual revenue just under $500 billion)?

1) I am not Tim

2) So using your logic is it also ok for someone who makes $65k to go and take from Wal-Mart (annual revenue just under $500 billion)?


Tim give me a break. No one fights Human Nature and Human Nature is to take a little advantage of any situation they find themselves in sometimes even irregardless of the consequences. Actually sometimes the consequences are what drive the excitement behind taking the risks.

My DBP had people skimming
My SS has people skimming
My 401k has people skimming
My Candy Store has kids stealing Swedish Fish
And the IAMPF had people skimming too.

Even I skimmed in my life. But the excitement of skimming just isn’t there anymore and I’ve grown too old to risk the consequences anymore either.
BTW in case any readers were ever trying to figure out the Tim/Josh connection it’s actually pretty simple really.

Tim considers himself to be a Moses type figure and Josh/Joshua

“According to the Hebrew Bible, Joshua was one of the twelve spies of Israel sent by Moses to explore the land of Canaan. In Numbers 13:1–16, and after the death of Moses, he led the Israelite tribes in the conquest of Canaan, and allocated the land to the tribes. According to Biblical chronology, Joshua lived some time in the late Bronze Age. According to Joshua 24:29, Joshua died at the age of 110.”

Remember Tim was studying to be a Priest and has a Degree in Theology. He likes to pretend he has degrees in other areas but those are just blatant bald faced lies.

Anyway there is no getting rid of Tim because of his twisted Religious views. If you knock Tim down he’ll only come back harder.

Anyway personally I see the Tim/Josh connection more as an Edger Bergen/Charlie McCarthy scenario rather than any Biblical hooey myself.

Let me connect the dots for you-- Airline Workers are comprised of a demographic that falls within the classification of "Average American". Over the last several decades Corporate America, which incidentally is a demographic that the Company falls within, has been unilaterally eradicating pension plans in lieu of the 401k.

Now, since almost half of the stated Average American demographic (Airline Workers included) fails to invest properly, or even at all... the Company (AA/LUS) escapes the entire cost of a once certain labor expense that they in the past incurred under pension plans. When a large percentage of workers do not invest, the Company simply pockets the match contribution, and escapes all administrative costs.

The 401k is essentially is a useless negotiated benefit if it is never used by the benefiting worker!
History has proven that many workers will NEVER use the benefit. This is the very reason Corporations lobbied Washington over the decades to eliminate defined pension plans to begin with... It saves them MONEY!

When the Negotiating Team accepts a compensation that may, or may not even be used -- we ALL lose by lowering the entire compensation equation value that was originally agreed upon. Thus, the ENTIRE Represented Group gets shortchanged, and not by f-ing "CHOICE"!



Maybe unions should be doing a better job getting the rank and file to participate.

Weez-- It's all bigger than just the IAM Pension as we have seen... the IAM pension could be certainly improved upon, but that is up to the Membership...
I can tell you younger workers typically don't give a chit either way -- The problem is, those younger workers eventually become older workers, and you can't fix it at that point!


Not sure what “younger workers” you’re around, but I’m surrounded by ‘em, and they are far more financially savvy than most of us Boomers or X’ers give them credit for.
Maybe unions should be doing a better job getting the rank and file to participate.

Not sure what “younger workers” you’re around, but I’m surrounded by ‘em, and they are far more financially savvy than most of us Boomers or X’ers give them credit for.

Kev I’m sorry but I really don’t consider you that financially savvy only because you seem to completely discourage and discount even the idea behind Pensions. Defined Benefit or Multi Employer.

Personally your stool would be one I’d be afraid to sit down in because it’s missing a leg.

Multiple legs Kev, multiple legs.
Back on topic. This letter from the new TWU Local 512 President Juan Elvira just released.

That’s funny, we literally have the same freakin’ plan.

You mean the financial road I put out? Yea but Dude you’re always knocking the idea of a Pension.

I don’t really care for that “portability” word in my chosen profession. It’s not like I’m thinking about quitting AA soon and apllying for your widget in Atlanta.

So like I’ve said before I like lots and lots of financial legs propping up my stool.

Pension (DBP)
Social Security
Debt paid down
Health (Hopefully)
Pension (Multi Employer) Maybe?

I’m sorry Sir but you did take your ball and leave the court.

The ball is now mine and you can go sit on the bench if you don’t want to be a part of how I play the game.

I personally like to have a little fun on the Court myself.
It was worth asking at least. Nobody likes him in mia plus ive been told he blows off work.
That busybody cant keep his mouth shut on most pages. He trashes delta site, southwest, etc. A real goof.

I know his kind. I have delt with a many of them before just like him any 3 of them are no longer here.
I’m sorry Sir but you did take your ball and leave the court.

The ball is now mine and you can go sit on the bench if you don’t want to be a part of how I play the game.

I personally like to have a little fun on the Court myself.
Grow your little puke baby ass up.
Geez...I closed the other because you had it so cluttered up. You have that whoop ass syndrome. Happened a lot in school I’m sure.
Oops, I’m sorry, I’m cluttering YOUR forum up now. I’m such a hypocrite.
Put me on ignore...
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