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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Can you please take the weesle with you at southwest?

I’ll bet you $20 (Desperate help for your Retirement) that if you started your own thread the only posters who would come there besides yourself, would be all your other selves.

You really should consider it so you can chat with yourself without anyone distracting you.
You got it all wrong there weezal, you see I still remember way back when the TWU and the IAM was ram rodding this asso. that they were promising that they would get the best of both contracts and get a ILC if you all voted for the asso. then bam!!! No vote and they slammed the asso. down the membership's throats without any promised vote. What I will do is hold that asso. to what they promised, the best of both unions contracts, an ILC contract and all within 3 years which was also promised. You see as time goes on the asso. in in great hopes that the membership will fully forget all they promised to get the asso. in, so that when they do not bring the best of both contracts (which they have not so far) an ILC contract and within 3 years I would predict a record card drive to have them removed prior to the next contract. I hold people to their word and when they don't produce as promised I replace them with someone that will, that simple.
I would never hope for the mechanics group to not get an ILC, it will benefit all of us mechanics in the industry. You see dummy, that is why we mechanics like to share the wealth of info. during contract nego's as it only helps us all in the long run. And when you learn all this then you will finally see that there is no contest, dummy, I simply hold a union to it's promises or you have to replace them, and I honestly think the AA'ers (mechanics) will finally do it if they do not get an ILC, best of both contracts, restore all that was taken in BK. And you know what weez? I don't even care if they don't choose AMFA, I just would like to see them go with a class and craft union for mechanics, you fleet boys can keep your twu/iam asso. POS as you wish, I would have fired them a long, long, long time ago. I still can't believe they haven't done it yet, but I will always fully support them when they try again.
And BTW, YOU are the one that thinks it's a competition of sorts. So, if you ever figure it all out, reach back down into your pants and pull out that big ole wadd in your panties that are all bunched up and deep...

Don’t care. I look forward to seeing you go help a Mechanic. You keep promising to but somehow your ass keeps landing back here in the AA Fleet thread?
Josh. I personally dont care what freedom thinks. Bottom line is the Assoc is fighting for the best contract . The chit the company pulled is n should not be a shocker . mgmt is greedy
Sorry to hear all the negative about your nego's robbed. We went thru it too, typical company nego. tactics. It sucks and is totally disrespectful, and childish to play the games. I hope we get done soon so you guys have a new ceiling to go after.

Can you please take the weesle with you at southwest?
No I can't Tim, he wouldn't pass probation period.
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thx swamt its really no surprise for the greedy mgmt. to offer a subpar chit crap like what they have done I hope you folks at SWA also get the best deal as well
Sorry to hear all the negative about your nego's robbed. We went thru it too, typical company nego. tactics. It sucks and is totally disrespectful, and childish to play the games. I hope we get done soon so you guys have a new ceiling to go after.

No I can't Tim, he would pass probation period.
It was worth asking at least. Nobody likes him in mia plus ive been told he blows off work.
That busybody cant keep his mouth shut on most pages. He trashes delta site, southwest, etc. A real goof.
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It was worth asking at least. Nobody likes him in mia plus ive been told he blows off work.
That busybody cant keep his mouth shut on most pages. He trashes delta site, southwest, etc. A real goof.

This guy likes me very much. Look at the smile on that face. I did have to scootch down about 2 feet to do the pic for the little guy though.

He was practically beaming. And I bought him some Candy and a Comic book for his flight back to Chicago.

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Man I’m really getting to enjoy this ignore feature
Prez never addressed much of what i said about the iamnpf. In addition, prez never talks about our part timers who he blocked from getting 5.5%. Remember, pt only gets 2.5% company contribution then the iam puts a 30% penalty on their benefits. A part timer who has 10 years only gets 7 years credit and gets a monthly pension check of $200+ a month, or one grocery cart. So sad.


I did the math for the pension, and math is math. Give me a crystal ball and I will be able to predict the future. As for part time, how do you want me to calculate the pension? Should I consider them part time for their whole 20, 30 or 40 year careers? Should I factor in that they pick up hours or drop?

I will say it again, the math supports my argument. I notice you stay away from the company charging us for putting money back in their pocket. What is your take on that? Should any Union negotiate for the company to pocket money? In the end, if it ends up that way, it's what it is, I'm just uncomfortable with it.

For all of you not interested in the pension, I'm not saying you should have to be in it, I'm just stating facts(Math).

P. Rez
I left my opinion of them on jetnet I’d urge others to do so as well just remember not to call them douchebags and such even if they are
P Rez I’m in it and oblivious I’m going to continue to be, where I have an issue is that if and I realize that is a big if it should not continue to be contributed to in a new deal then I feel very strongly that I should have the option to move my money to a 401 or whatever if it’s just going to be locked and not growing and worse could be subject to being cut

I did the math for the pension, and math is math. Give me a crystal ball and I will be able to predict the future. As for part time, how do you want me to calculate the pension? Should I consider them part time for their whole 20, 30 or 40 year careers? Should I factor in that they pick up hours or drop?

I will say it again, the math supports my argument. I notice you stay away from the company charging us for putting money back in their pocket. What is your take on that? Should any Union negotiate for the company to pocket money? In the end, if it ends up that way, it's what it is, I'm just uncomfortable with it.

For all of you not interested in the pension, I'm not saying you should have to be in it, I'm just stating facts(Math).

P. Rez
I think you would have a different opinion if your Grand Lodge pension was underfunded. Our members dont have two pensions like you.
On Jetnet/Workbrain the Company has posted their proposal to us that has circumvented our Union Negotiators. I ask that you please let your feelings either good or bad be known and passed on through that forum by leaving a comment.

Be as respectful as possible and remember that it is a Company resource tool and is monitored for inappropriate behavior.

But your message and your voice needs and should be heard now.

View attachment 12572
This guy likes me very much. Look at the smile on that face. I did have to scootch down about 2 feet to do the pic for the little guy though.

He was practically beaming. And I bought him some Candy and a Comic book for his flight back to Chicago.

View attachment 12573

Weez whenever/if we get to cross paths I want a pic too.


I did the math for the pension, and math is math. Give me a crystal ball and I will be able to predict the future. As for part time, how do you want me to calculate the pension? Should I consider them part time for their whole 20, 30 or 40 year careers? Should I factor in that they pick up hours or drop?

I will say it again, the math supports my argument. I notice you stay away from the company charging us for putting money back in their pocket. What is your take on that? Should any Union negotiate for the company to pocket money? In the end, if it ends up that way, it's what it is, I'm just uncomfortable with it.

For all of you not interested in the pension, I'm not saying you should have to be in it, I'm just stating facts(Math).

P. Rez

Speaking of “crystal balls”...

The IAMNPF won’t be frozen.

Do you have a crystal ball?

US scope prevents the company from farming out line, at AA they can farm out anything and everything up to 35% of the maintenance budget.

At US they can farm out 50% of billible hours of heavy maintenance.

Components were farmed out because of the CBA abrogation.

Why should LUS take concessions for LAA to make gains?

The IAM and TWU are working together in negotiations, yet every holiday that LAA doesn’t have they come on here and bash the LUS mechanics for the superior laungage in regard to holidays, sick and overtime.

Btw Starbucks has Crystal Ball Frappuccinos through the end of the day today. Not sure if the airport locations carry them though.

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