You got it all wrong there weezal, you see I still remember way back when the TWU and the IAM was ram rodding this asso. that they were promising that they would get the best of both contracts and get a ILC if you all voted for the asso. then bam!!! No vote and they slammed the asso. down the membership's throats without any promised vote. What I will do is hold that asso. to what they promised, the best of both unions contracts, an ILC contract and all within 3 years which was also promised. You see as time goes on the asso. in in great hopes that the membership will fully forget all they promised to get the asso. in, so that when they do not bring the best of both contracts (which they have not so far) an ILC contract and within 3 years I would predict a record card drive to have them removed prior to the next contract. I hold people to their word and when they don't produce as promised I replace them with someone that will, that simple.
I would never hope for the mechanics group to not get an ILC, it will benefit all of us mechanics in the industry. You see dummy, that is why we mechanics like to share the wealth of info. during contract nego's as it only helps us all in the long run. And when you learn all this then you will finally see that there is no contest, dummy, I simply hold a union to it's promises or you have to replace them, and I honestly think the AA'ers (mechanics) will finally do it if they do not get an ILC, best of both contracts, restore all that was taken in BK. And you know what weez? I don't even care if they don't choose AMFA, I just would like to see them go with a class and craft union for mechanics, you fleet boys can keep your twu/iam asso. POS as you wish, I would have fired them a long, long, long time ago. I still can't believe they haven't done it yet, but I will always fully support them when they try again.
And BTW, YOU are the one that thinks it's a competition of sorts. So, if you ever figure it all out, reach back down into your pants and pull out that big ole wadd in your panties that are all bunched up and deep...