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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Hey I got some advice for ya. Try watching the video and figuring it out for yourself.

Then since he’s TWU you can call him a liar and tell us more about what’s going on over at Your Airline that we never actually ask you about here.
Oh sooooo sensitive... Some here have asked for updates. You sound a little razzled weez, is it because of all the negative updates from your nego's? Don't take those updates personal, and support your NC fully so they can go back and get you guys/gals an ILC as promised by the company and asso.
Oh sooooo sensitive... Some here have asked for updates. You sound a little razzled weez, is it because of all the negative updates from your nego's? Don't take those updates personal, and support your NC fully so they can go back and get you guys/gals an ILC as promised by the company and asso.

Bubby I “read” ALL of your Negotiations updates. And if you’re Negotiators put out a video I would watch them.

Meanwhile you come on here constantly bashing our groups and wanting to make a CONTEST out of the Unions. And you don’t even actually watch the update for yourself?

WHY would the TWU President of Maintenance make a separate video or even focus his message more for Fleet Service than the group who voted him in to office?

WHY couldn’t you watch the video instead of pretending then that you give a chit at all about any of the AA Groups?
Good luck JFK, but it appears that you guys are a good ways from the ILC or a T/A or AIP.

I’m sure you’re hoping that’s true so you can gloat and say Ha Ha. It’s just a contest to you that you want to win.
Timmy, my final attempt will be this, and I then will drop the mike,

The only way you could get that kind of check is as follows,

work your regular shift 40hours, pickup 1 CS for each of your days off, and work a 8hour OT shift 7 days in that same week.

(30.81*8*7) + (30.81*1.5*8*7) = 4313.40 per/week before tax

I still find it odd that even if you were telling the truth, which you clearly are not by the way, that the odds of even getting awarded 8 OT hours consistently every day for a entire 2 weeks let alone just for 1 week solid is truly amazing.
Dude, you are just like a manager stealing my OT. Lol.
What did you do with my 48 hours of double time?
And no, you are wrong. There were times of unlimited OT here. Not always but yes an 8,000 check. You keep wiping out my double time. And even though i routinely do 19 hour days, one only needs to work 16 hours each day of the week then 16 hrs OT for both weekends. Including bouble time. And that $8,700.
The biggest check i heard of here when overtime is unlimited was around 10,000 but dude worked 16 hrs x 14 days including tons of ot.
Josh. I personally dont care what freedom thinks. Bottom line is the Assoc is fighting for the best contract . The chit the company pulled is n should not be a shocker . mgmt is greedy
Josh. I personally dont care what freedom thinks. Bottom line is the Assoc is fighting for the best contract . The chit the company pulled is n should not be a shocker . mgmt is greedy

Robbed I thought Freedom supported the 08 agreement and cheered on stations closing. Is that accurate?

He did . Some of us posters myself included warned what the consequences would be. He didnt listen or cared.
I just did the math for one week. For 2 weeks juxt x 2 and you get $8700.

Yes i got an $8,000 check. It obviously was the exception. Normally $5,000 over 2 weeks. Not too difficult to do. Sometimes I bag multiple 19 hour days as well.

How? You spend at least 19 hrs, 7 days a week on this site, and Facebook... Your posting history over the last three years proves it.

Maybe the Bank Teller works for you while you post, or is it the other way around?
On Jetnet/Workbrain the Company has posted their proposal to us that has circumvented our Union Negotiators. I ask that you please let your feelings either good or bad be known and passed on through that forum by leaving a comment.

Be as respectful as possible and remember that it is a Company resource tool and is monitored for inappropriate behavior.

But your message and your voice needs and should be heard now.

Oh sooooo sensitive... Some here have asked for updates. You sound a little razzled weez, is it because of all the negative updates from your nego's? Don't take those updates personal, and support your NC fully so they can go back and get you guys/gals an ILC as promised by the company and asso.
Can you please take the weesle with you at southwest?
On Jetnet/Workbrain the Company has posted their proposal to us that has circumvented our Union Negotiators. I ask that you please let your feelings either good or bad be known and passed on through that forum by leaving a comment.

Be as respectful as possible and remember that it is a Company resource tool and is monitored for inappropriate behavior.

But your message and your voice needs and should be heard now.

View attachment 12572

American Airlines Management this is now the second time you have tried to circumvent my Union Negotiators and contact me and my Brothers and Sisters directly. You do realize that my Union is my Collective Bargaining Agent and I pay them to negotiate for me.

This proposal (Absolutely terrible BTW) is offensive and I refer you to TWU Local President Gary Peterson‘s recent video for the most appropriate response.

Your team by putting this out shows how incredibly disconnected they are from what we will and won’t accept from you.

Front loading the deal with a measly carrot of 3K and backloading it with a buyout is absolutely disgusting on your part. And thankfully I’m reading almost unanimous condemnation against the entire wretched offer.

Now bring in Doug Parker and do your Employees right.
Bubby I “read” ALL of your Negotiations updates. And if you’re Negotiators put out a video I would watch them.

Meanwhile you come on here constantly bashing our groups and wanting to make a CONTEST out of the Unions. And you don’t even actually watch the update for yourself?

WHY would the TWU President of Maintenance make a separate video or even focus his message more for Fleet Service than the group who voted him in to office?

WHY couldn’t you watch the video instead of pretending then that you give a chit at all about any of the AA Groups?

I’m sure you’re hoping that’s true so you can gloat and say Ha Ha. It’s just a contest to you that you want to win.

You got it all wrong there weezal, you see I still remember way back when the TWU and the IAM was ram rodding this asso. that they were promising that they would get the best of both contracts and get a ILC if you all voted for the asso. then bam!!! No vote and they slammed the asso. down the membership's throats without any promised vote. What I will do is hold that asso. to what they promised, the best of both unions contracts, an ILC contract and all within 3 years which was also promised. You see as time goes on the asso. in in great hopes that the membership will fully forget all they promised to get the asso. in, so that when they do not bring the best of both contracts (which they have not so far) an ILC contract and within 3 years I would predict a record card drive to have them removed prior to the next contract. I hold people to their word and when they don't produce as promised I replace them with someone that will, that simple.
I would never hope for the mechanics group to not get an ILC, it will benefit all of us mechanics in the industry. You see dummy, that is why we mechanics like to share the wealth of info. during contract nego's as it only helps us all in the long run. And when you learn all this then you will finally see that there is no contest, dummy, I simply hold a union to it's promises or you have to replace them, and I honestly think the AA'ers (mechanics) will finally do it if they do not get an ILC, best of both contracts, restore all that was taken in BK. And you know what weez? I don't even care if they don't choose AMFA, I just would like to see them go with a class and craft union for mechanics, you fleet boys can keep your twu/iam asso. POS as you wish, I would have fired them a long, long, long time ago. I still can't believe they haven't done it yet, but I will always fully support them when they try again.
And BTW, YOU are the one that thinks it's a competition of sorts. So, if you ever figure it all out, reach back down into your pants and pull out that big ole wadd in your panties that are all bunched up and deep...
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