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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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My mistake. I assumed everyone here would know I was talking within the context of deferred compensation.

That said, the benefits for a DC plan far outweigh the benefits of a DB plan- especially for those coworkers with a long time horizon.

I intentionally live close to mine, but 40/week is plenty.

Kev I have both. You also have multiple investments in your portfolio whether you chose to make those choices yourself or let someone else do that for you (And monitor it)

And sorry but your comment is a 100% speculation that neither one of us or anyone else for that matter can make period.

If that DB never has any financial problems whatsoever and they find a drug to help you live to 130, that DB will ffffffffffaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr outlast your Blue Collar 401k. Or you can be single and pop dead 2 days after you retire in which case the 401k is better.

But wait a minute here. I’m DEAD. Who the F cares what money I leave behind to whoever the F enjoys it man. I’m FREAKIN DEAD!!!!!
Ok gulfcoast I don’t know where you’re getting your gauge that you say “There are a lot of TWU who say they like it though”?

This “dump” on us was only made yesterday. I haven’t heard one person yet say they like it? I just looked at 3 FB Group pages and only one is even talking about it. All in the negative except one POS who said “Buy me out”

An ex Crew Chief of mine read it on the bus yesterday and when he got to all the outsourcing at the bottom he was a no way.

Topped out Clerks/Agents make $65,000 a year. If any of them are enticed to sign because of the 3 Grand then that’s it. I’m calling them out on here and to their face
“Are you that pathetic”

Yes almost all the people where I was working yesterday, and most of the people who texted me about it said they were ready to sign. It was maybe 6 people but the majority wanted to vote on it. They said they think the offers will always get worse after the initial offer. This was their opinion not mine. I tried to emphasize the outsourcing but even with the newer folks it was not an issue and it should be. There were some new employees and some with 30 years. It was a good range of seniority.

This was not a scientific poll and it was just one day, but I admit the lack of concern about outsourcing worries me.

I repeat in the current form I am a no vote. The unions and the company need to keep working.

I am certain there are areas that the company can sweeten and I am an automatic no with the proposed Scope and not knowing what their industry leading wages are. The social media put out by the union, and most of the comments are against the deal, but when you engage in person, the results might be different?
That guy also said he works lots of extra hours so he can travel. Even with all the OT you’re not going to make $130,000 and be able to take off to travel. You’re basically going to have to be at work around the clock all the time to come close to that kind of scratch.

A guy working that much? Now that’s the guy who really needs to get a life, sad.
Well, honestly, it's really not that much and yes I travel and enjoy the finer things in life. Of course, I'm getting double time as well. But any LUS topped out ramper will be around $100,000 if he only work 12 hours on his first day off. Not sure what you are talking about? And yes, we do have a few who may approach $200,000. But I've had some $8,000 gross checks when the double time was readily available (holiday season, spring break, some summer days, sick coverage, etc). Not sure what you are talking about but working around the clock is well above $150,000+.

But, if someone really did work around the clock (Double every day) with no overtime and wasn't a lead, that would be $180,000. Not adding in holiday pay, profit sharing, bonus', or anything.

We have people here who you hosed with your last TWU contract that knocked people out of their station. So they live at the airport in their campers in the lot and take showers in our lockerrooms and do in fact work around the clock.
Yes almost all the people where I was working yesterday, and most of the people who texted me about it said they were ready to sign. It was maybe 6 people but the majority wanted to vote on it. They said they think the offers will always get worse after the initial offer. This was their opinion not mine. I tried to emphasize the outsourcing but even with the newer folks it was not an issue and it should be. There were some new employees and some with 30 years. It was a good range of seniority.

This was not a scientific poll and it was just one day, but I admit the lack of concern about outsourcing worries me.

I repeat in the current form I am a no vote. The unions and the company need to keep working.

I am certain there are areas that the company can sweeten and I am an automatic no with the proposed Scope and not knowing what their industry leading wages are. The social media put out by the union, and most of the comments are against the deal, but when you engage in person, the results might be different?

I’m sorry bro. I find it VERY hard to believe you really had people ready to sign not knowing how much the wages will be?

And if those people did tell you that and it was only because they wanted the $3000 they’re pathetic people. And you should tell them that.

They’re pathetic people.
Yes almost all the people where I was working yesterday, and most of the people who texted me about it said they were ready to sign. It was maybe 6 people but the majority wanted to vote on it. They said they think the offers will always get worse after the initial offer. This was their opinion not mine. I tried to emphasize the outsourcing but even with the newer folks it was not an issue and it should be. There were some new employees and some with 30 years. It was a good range of seniority.

This was not a scientific poll and it was just one day, but I admit the lack of concern about outsourcing worries me.

I repeat in the current form I am a no vote. The unions and the company need to keep working.

I am certain there are areas that the company can sweeten and I am an automatic no with the proposed Scope and not knowing what their industry leading wages are. The social media put out by the union, and most of the comments are against the deal, but when you engage in person, the results might be different?
While I may agree that once an official TA comes to the membership for ratification , many times the first offer is the best offer.
This is not a TA.. it is merely a proposal. That’s all. Nothing more than that. I’m sure Proposals by the dozens go back and forth from comp to union and union to comp. We will see a TA to vote on when those proposals are agreed upon.
I was probably released to counter the Johnson story.

They did the same thing last summer when the Association vilified the LAA comprehensive proposal.
Just goes to show that Parker has this guy's back and was FULLY aware of what was offered. The Association made it sound like this guy was inexperienced and went rogue and had a Barbie tantrum. My source says nothing could be farther from the truth. The guy was very professional, very well prepared and understood how they got to this point. A careful check of his credentials simply shows that Sito is overmatched. Sito had to go back for his GED and doesn't have a vocab more than 30 words. He got a BS from the "Labor College". The reality is that Sito wasn't prepared. He thought that Parker would continue having the JV team in there to negotiate the billions of dollars. NO WAY. The JV team was only in there to work out the non economic items like preamble, representation, grievance, bulletin board, uniforms, safety, etc. Sad that the Association did what they did but it solicited a response.

Moving forward, my understanding is that it will be up to the Association to take a "Take it or Leave It' proposal very very very soon. That proposal is rumored to have the following enhancements from the previous offer: One additional year with LUS health care ($1,600 gain), and some relief for catering, i.e., CLT and PHL cargo.

I have no opinion on the above as I haven't seen any language whatsoever to formulate one total opinion but I think that's going to be about it and if they can't tidy things up then I don't believe there will be any interest until September, but that's just my "Gut Feeling". All should be taken as hearsay and entertainment.
Yes almost all the people where I was working yesterday, and most of the people who texted me about it said they were ready to sign. It was maybe 6 people but the majority wanted to vote on it. They said they think the offers will always get worse after the initial offer. This was their opinion not mine. I tried to emphasize the outsourcing but even with the newer folks it was not an issue and it should be. There were some new employees and some with 30 years. It was a good range of seniority.

This was not a scientific poll and it was just one day, but I admit the lack of concern about outsourcing worries me.

I repeat in the current form I am a no vote. The unions and the company need to keep working.

I am certain there are areas that the company can sweeten and I am an automatic no with the proposed Scope and not knowing what their industry leading wages are. The social media put out by the union, and most of the comments are against the deal, but when you engage in person, the results might be different?
I couldn't find one person who was less than ecstatic about the deal. I was the party pooper reminding people that there will be less scope and more part time but nobody seemed to care and said I was just being a conspirator and being too negative. They want their money, bonus, vacation, sick time, holidays. The company knows what it is doing.

For the most part, the total attitude was "What the hell is the union waiting on" after people saw what the company put out. Even the old farts looking at the buy out. I was the only negative person but even I love the idea of getting the hell out of the IAMPF, and all of the extras offered, I just want to make sure this job is here for generations to come. I mean, my insurance won't be going up $1,600 since I'm the only one on it. I may see a spike of about $500 a year and being in a hub I doubt I'll be subject to layoffs down the road.
Well, honestly, it's really not that much and yes I travel and enjoy the finer things in life. Of course, I'm getting double time as well. But any LUS topped out ramper will be around $100,000 if he only work 12 hours on his first day off. Not sure what you are talking about? And yes, we do have a few who may approach $200,000. But I've had some $8,000 gross checks when the double time was readily available (holiday season, spring break, some summer days, sick coverage, etc). Not sure what you are talking about but working around the clock is well above $150,000+.

But, if someone really did work around the clock (Double every day) with no overtime and wasn't a lead, that would be $180,000. Not adding in holiday pay, profit sharing, bonus', or anything.

We have people here who you hosed with your last TWU contract that knocked people out of their station. So they live at the airport in their campers in the lot and take showers in our lockerrooms and do in fact work around the clock.

One year I decided to pack on the hours and I’ll tell you there you fruitcake kook. I earned.


Now I double dog dare you to try and top that you Section 8 guy.
I’m sorry bro. I find it VERY hard to believe you really had people ready to sign not knowing how much the wages will be?

Why? People get tired of the "unknown." Throw in a flyer with some feel-good language ("no layoffs!" "$3000 for everyone!") and it's an easy pit for people to fall into. Same with JFK Fleet Service's account of people already talking about when they'll get their money. Companies know this; that's why they continue to use the same playbook year in/year out.

We're our own worst enemies.
Why? People get tired of the "unknown." Throw in a flyer with some feel-good language ("no layoffs!" "$3000 for everyone!") and it's an easy pit for people to fall into. Same with JFK Fleet Service's account of people already talking about when they'll get their money. Companies know this; that's why they continue to use the same playbook year in/year out.

We're our own worst enemies.

Of course we’re our own worst enemies. But we just got HUGE raises in October 2016 and another raise in September. So again at least as far as TOS goes if anyone “needs” to jump on that crap for $3000, they’re pathetic.

And I’m STILL not seeing or hearing people out there jumping on it?
I believe you; I'm just saying that my experience(s) fall in line with what JFK Fleet Service and GulfCoast1 have posted.

Sure cause they hit people when they reach the point of financial desperation.

If we had never gotten those raises in late 2016 oh yea there’d be absolute anarchy right now to get that money.
Did the LUS side not learn from the 2008 JCBA they voted for the money and voted away 35 stations!

Here’s how they word it:
  • At some of the 40 stations where one legacy carrier performs fleet service work in-house, the other legacy carrier uses a vendor to perform that same work. In those 40 stations, we would remove the vendor and move the work in-house to American employees.
Ok so again the wording here is keeping all 40 Stations. But again the problem I have with this “proposal” is that it doesn’t open up or back any other Stations.

I’m not comfortable not being staffed in Stations where there are already CWA/IBT Agents.
Here’s how they word it:
  • At some of the 40 stations where one legacy carrier performs fleet service work in-house, the other legacy carrier uses a vendor to perform that same work. In those 40 stations, we would remove the vendor and move the work in-house to American employees.
Ok so again the wording here is keeping all 40 Stations. But again the problem I have with this “proposal” is that it doesn’t open up or back any other Stations.

I’m not comfortable not being staffed in Stations where there are already CWA/IBT Agents.
Well then you simply are not going to be comfortable. No matter how many times you insist on your moronic "Deal breaking: I want the same stations as CWA", IT ISN"T GOING TO HAPPEN. Get over yourself! Stop lying to people. Cripes, just last week you even argued with John John because you don't have the skillset to read contracts. John John set you straight in a kind way, lucky for you.

At any rate, you are all over the map. One week you say we are getting all the CWA stations, then the next week you seem depressed and tune out and seem to indicate all is doom. Which is it?
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