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Just going by what I can see and understand I would have to vote no. I do not expect a TA with no concessions, but this seems like a job killer for the longterm and I agree with Weez there should be some stations reopened even if just a few. I also think $1600 more in insurance for the average IAM employee is too much.
The TWU people I hear are saying a lot like it so it might pass if we vote. I don't think we will though.
What I do think is it sounds like the company wants to get this done and this could move both sides closer to a deal. The Association letter said it sounded like they were getting close. That is the main positive I see in this. The members are restless. They company is restless. Maybe that is what we need to get this done finally.
What I think will be difficult is resolving the IAM medical. I cannot believe the company mentions $1600 like it is a small amount. I would not find it to be a small amount. I would not know how to recommend a resolution and how to sell it to IAM members. That will be difficult.
Opening up more stations and keeping more jobs might change my no to a yes. I can understand that why an IAM member would feel differently. Of course I will want to see what their final wage offer is. If it is only .74 cents then 2% a year then that would be a no also because DL and UA profit sharing would put them ahead of us on compensation and that is not industry leading.
the company is just pushing back after the negative fall-out from the bad cop. the wages weren't quantified, unlike the company figuring out to the last penny what lus will need to pony up. also, no mention of laa getting their cc vs. lead language. they must have forgotten that part.
personally, i don't like it on the whole (i expect more compensation) and just about every other 25-35 yr. fsc i know, rejected what the company floated out.
ua is big here and we know how ua distributed signing bonuses and that was also a big sticking point. the amount and the fact that a 1 yr fsc will get the same as a 35 yr fsc.
the buyout was also disappointing. they will still have 70 y/o fscs limping to work to an easy shift; earning $80k falling out of bed.