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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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rat that guy just started texting me and I was telling him the same thing. His corporate handlers are pissed off as hell about that update and Jerry told the kook to go full bore crazy.

Otherwise let’s let him rant. If we ignore him I’ll bet the anti union arms will stop supporting him and giving him money.
NYer was totally right about you. Ill go further than NYer and say that it seems to me that you have to be getting paid by Sito or management to lie to the morons on this page that WILL now cost jobs.

Alex is so far up Sitos arse that him and mayes are bungling any respect that the association has left. I told you changes were coming but you and lying mr baskett just laughed.
You are doing your union a disservice and should just quit your job and go back to NY instead of lying.
Not until alex gets sito to cooperate with rallies, etc, nothing will change.
And please stop your madness of guaranteeing jobs in those 5 stations after september. STOP IT!
rat that guy just started texting me and I was telling him the same thing. His corporate handlers are pissed off as hell about that update and Jerry told the kook to go full bore crazy.

Otherwise let’s let him rant. If we ignore him I’ll bet the anti union arms will stop supporting him and giving him money.

I just put the fool on ignore they just briefed us on the whole thing here
Weez gets caught in more lies. His "March TA" is gone with another iam election. Lol.
Worst part is him and alex are controlled by sito.
And every time i point out something that comes true, weez has a barbie tantrum and scatters. Cripes!
Can you share anything about the details? nelson supports the president (of the USA) and seeing him call anyone else anti-union after that is a joke.

Sorry gulfcoast no can do. Social media has enemy eyes all over it.
Just found out that NOBODY stormed out of a room.
At some point, fat arse lying sito needs to be held accountable. Stalling due to political gain of the upcoming april 2019 election has only him to blame. Unfortunately, alex and other twu bosses are with sito, weez, 700.
New York-Area Airport Workers on Way to $19 Per Hour

“New York proudly set an example for the nation by raising the minimum wage to $15, yet the fight for economic justice for our working families continues, and we won’t stop until every New Yorker is paid the fair wages they deserve,” Mr. Cuomo said in a statement. “This action is about decency and respect, and by raising the minimum wage for the dedicated men and women who fuel our regional economy, New York will continue to serve as a beacon of progress and opportunity for all.”


I would doubt they'd make an immediate turn to downgrade FT to PT.

Their trip towards a speculated 40% PT number would probably enlist having possible new stations for the TWU manned by PTers rather than recalling or restaffing anyone to FT. I'd also suspect any other additions to PT would be done through attrition or replacing vacated FT positions with PT positions.

Aside from the ratio itself, there is other language in the TWU CBA that could curtail or slow down any moves towards more PT. If we lose that language then we'd be in danger or being drowned in PT.
In your last paragraph, I would use caution in believeing the popular consensus that the old language wouldn’t slow that effect towards more part time.
Another Lie in the Association update is that fleet service health care survived a strike. We never struck for health care and never lost our health care. Period. Sito and 700 and mr baskett are liars.
I don't get into math conversations, as Clint Eastwood said a mans got to know his limitations

I agree especially since Bob is flying all over the map now calculating formulaic examples.
American Derails Negotiations:

In this period between scheduled negotiating sessions, the Association leadership met with American Airlines management principals in the hope of better understanding each other’s position on the outstanding issues that need to be resolved in order to conclude negotiations. Significant issues, including wages, job scope protection, pensions and medical benefits remain open.

The Association entered these meetings expecting to set the stage to conclude negotiations in our next full negotiating session. If American management had that same goal, a tentative agreement to present to you for your consideration and vote would have been close. Unfortunately, American management had a different plan.

American Airlines Executive Vice President Steven Johnsen, who had never participated in a single negotiating session since opening proposals were shared more than two years ago, led the discussions for the company. Johnsen’s presence not only failed to bring us closer to an agreement, but he single handedly derailed the significant and steady progress that both sides had been making in these negotiations. As a result of Johnsen injecting himself in the process, we are now further away from a tentative agreement than we were a month ago.

Johnsen, who American Airlines paid more than $30 million over the last four years, delivered the message that American could not afford to provide proper healthcare, job security and retirement income for Association members.

In discussing profit sharing, he said no improvements were possible. This completely contradicts CEO Doug Parker who acknowledged American’s sub-par profit sharing scheme in a discussion with employees on January 18, 2018 and said it had to be improved in negotiations.

American Airlines is demanding that legacy US Airways members lose the healthcare that they earned through a strike and which has survived two bankruptcies. The Association’s position is that the better healthcare should be extended to cover all Association members, the cost of which would be less than the annual compensation of the carrier’s top three officers.

Johnsen also refused to discuss defined benefit pensions for Association members. Instead, he wants to mandate major employee concessions when the airline is making more than $3 billion a year in pre-tax profits.

Negotiating is a process where both parties engage in discussions to reach a common agreement. There must be give and take from both sides. Steven Johnsen is not interested in negotiating. He is not interested in agreement. He is only interested in the Association acquiescing to his will. The Association, however, responded to his demands appropriately, which resulted in Johnsen having a tantrum, leaving his other company negotiators in the lurch and storming out of the room.

Steven Johnsen’s presence has marked a dramatic shift from the productive discussions we had been having with American’s experienced negotiators. In these meetings Johnsen displayed a unique combination of arrogance and ignorance that will prevent us from reaching an agreement.

The entire Association negotiating committee will meet next week in Washington, D.C. to discuss the sudden and insulting shift American has taken. We will also discuss the coordinated mobilization of the Association’s more than 30,000 members in response to Steven Johnsen’s deliberate sabotaging of your career, your future and your contract negotiations.

The Association is committed to quickly concluding negotiations. But we must have a willing partner across the table to do so.

Alex Garcia,
TWU International Executive Vice President
TWU/IAM Association Director

Sito Pantoja
IAM General Vice President
TWU/IAM Association Vice Director

Things get to the nitty gritty and mgmt unveils their real view of things. They've been blowing smoke up our asses for quite some time and took advantage of the difficulties of putting the 2 work groups together. Seeing their compensation numbers is actually funny. What a team. Well, at least we got a straight forward update. It's remarkable this guy made 30 million in 4 years and acts like we need to give in to support his and the other mgmts deal.
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