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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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I will make this brief, the FT/PT ratio will have a devastating affect on LAA FT clerks. Lets say the total number of clerks at LUS equals 6800[1]. They are already at the 40% PT ratio. The total number of clerks at LAA equals 10292, our current ratio is 24%, knowing that LUS is already at the 40% level, and has been for sometime, our numbers have to be adjusted to the system wide 40% ratio. Keeping the same number of clerks on the LAA side, and downgrading FT to PT, the numbers would look like this. Combining the two work forces we arrive to a total work force of 6800+10292= 17092, out of that, about 6836 are PT and 10255 are FT. The current number of FT at LAA is 7820, in combining the total number of FT for both sides to maintain the 40% PT/FT ratio, LAA would have to down grade about 1645 FT clerks to PT. And for the pure entertainment of it, 1/27/1996 is as low as it would reach.

[1] SEC filings pre-merger of records 2014

Not sure I agree with your math as you have PT/FT for the percentage, whereas NYer cites the total Fleet Service as the denominator. For example, if we have 50 PT and 100 FT, your percentage would be 50% (50/100); however, using NYer's standard the percentage would be 33% (50/(100+50)). Obviously, the difference would be substantial. In my experiences with HP/US, we used NYer's methodology.
I did find errors, new post above will explain.
I reviewed my code to get the numbers and you were right.
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I will make this brief, the FT/PT ratio will have a devastating affect on LAA FT clerks. Lets say the total number of clerks at LUS equals 6800[1]. They are already at the 40% PT ratio. The total number of clerks at LAA equals 10292, our current ratio is 24%, knowing that LUS is already at the 40% level, and has been for sometime, our numbers have to be adjusted to the system wide 40% ratio. Keeping the same number of clerks on the LAA side, and downgrading FT to PT, the numbers would look like this. Combining the two work forces we arrive to a total work force of 6800+10292= 17092, out of that, about 6836 are PT and 10255 are FT. The current number of FT at LAA is 7820, in combining the total number of FT for both sides to maintain the 40% PT/FT ratio, LAA would have to down grade about 1645 FT clerks to PT. And for the pure entertainment of it, 1/27/1996 is as low as it would reach.

[1] SEC filings pre-merger of records 2014

Your hypothesis is only plausible if the Association sends out and the Membership accepts some type of doomsday scenario language for ratios without protections for current statuses.

And the Company also doesn’t just arbitrarily look to have PT heads just because the language in the contracts says they can. It’s the operation to a degree that drives the classifications Bob.

Your own numbers prove that not to mention that again I was told the IAM side is currently at around 32% PT.

(No matter what Chicken Little might scream out, the sky is not always falling)
I will make this brief, the FT/PT ratio will have a devastating affect on LAA FT clerks. Lets say the total number of clerks at LUS equals 6800[1]. They are already at the 40% PT ratio. The total number of clerks at LAA equals 10292, our current ratio is 24%, knowing that LUS is already at the 40% level, and has been for sometime, our numbers have to be adjusted to the system wide 40% ratio. Keeping the same number of clerks on the LAA side, and downgrading FT to PT, the numbers would look like this. Combining the two work forces we arrive to a total work force of 6800+10292= 17092, out of that, about 6836 are PT and 10255 are FT. The current number of FT at LAA is 7820, in combining the total number of FT for both sides to maintain the 40% PT/FT ratio, LAA would have to down grade about 1645 FT clerks to PT. And for the pure entertainment of it, 1/27/1996 is as low as it would reach.

[1] SEC filings pre-merger of records 2014

I would doubt they'd make an immediate turn to downgrade FT to PT.

Their trip towards a speculated 40% PT number would probably enlist having possible new stations for the TWU manned by PTers rather than recalling or restaffing anyone to FT. I'd also suspect any other additions to PT would be done through attrition or replacing vacated FT positions with PT positions.

Aside from the ratio itself, there is other language in the TWU CBA that could curtail or slow down any moves towards more PT. If we lose that language then we'd be in danger or being drowned in PT.
I don't get into math conversations, as Clint Eastwood said a mans got to know his limitations
Because BABU is as full of chit as a Christmas goose
Nelson is only interested in insulting members here and spreading whatever lies he sees fit in hopes of getting 20% of the vote instead of the 10% or so he’s at now which is an optimistic guess
Comments like your last one is why i said there are posters who act like morons.
I have no idea what your IQ is or if you are more intelligent than me but when you dont listen and close your eyes towards the truth ive openly revealed publicly, you become massively ignorant.
I told you knucleheads things had changed over a month ago. Specifically, i mentioned catering was now gone and that it appeared that the grandfather language for the lus small stations would be gutted if Sito kept "the stall" going due to politics. Am i in the room? Nope. But i have no reason to doubt superflys credibility. What i dont know is anything about mx.
The reality is that weez has lied to you or alex is simply misled by sito and iam politics. Mr Baskett is clueless about negotiations. Clueless about what is going on. But he doesnt listen. And these guys arent strong enough like maccarone, chandlee, and miklavic to demand a LUS ramper be in those talks.
And LUS rampers like you stoke it be acting like its ok to have ONLY negotiators who do NOT work under our contract involved.
Mr Baskett himself posted to me in humor, on this page, asking me what changed and why catering is gone now.
I told him it changed AND that they risk shutting down all talks in place for section 6 if they continue the stall. To be fair, i fully disclosed that i myself saw no reason to give up health care and was fine with holding the position on health care, but thats not whats holding things up according to superfly. Our deal was done other than cosmetic stuff from last august according to Superfly (consider it all hearsay). Imo, Sito has held back fleet due to politics and not because of mx.
Admittedly, im not sure, but hearing how he already coughed up health care i would think that he wouldnt sign the ta until he knew the election was over.
But a funny thing happened along the way, the election was kicked down the road as we work through the issues of violations and we lift the postponement.
A wise man wouldnt discount what i am saying here as i tried to tell your morons that there was "change" in negotiations and that much more will be lost with sito misleading everyone. Including him misleading management who thought they had a deal and now realize sito is playing politics. Consider all this to be hearsay.
Btw, parker himself knew of the change in lead negotiations and the image of the new negotiator signifies a big change.

I tried informing baskett and all of you but you guys dont listen. You all keep believing the BS and new excuses of Sito.
American Derails Negotiations: ...
American Airlines is demanding that legacy US Airways members lose the healthcare that they earned through a strike and which has survived two bankruptcies. The Association’s position is that the better healthcare should be extended to cover all Association members...
...which resulted in Johnsen having a tantrum, leaving his other company negotiators in the lurch and storming out of the room...

Alex Garcia,
TWU International Executive Vice President
TWU/IAM Association Director

Sito Pantoja
IAM General Vice President
TWU/IAM Association Vice Director

As rumors are still encouraged in Version 2.0, the word around the campfire was that the Association negotiators stormed out of the latest round over the Company's refusal to accept the IAM health insurance in the new JCBA.

Right now all indications are that there was no place they’ve been that they could have “stormed out” from? And the comment “stormed out” always comes across to me as a very over dramatic statement if anyone uses it anyway.

Doesn't sound as if my sources were too far off from reality... it seems that someone "stormed out" (although I was told it was the Association), and it was over, in part, providing IAM health insurance in fleet service JCBA.
If the company holds on to the 40% PT, things will be a whole lot different for the LAA camp.


A evening out scenario could occur on the LAA side,
Total head count LAA-LUS 17092, total PT LUS 2720 + total PT LAA after evening out 4116
2720+4116= 6836, 6836 divided by total head count of 17092 = 39.999%
Doesn't sound as if my sources were too far off from reality... it seems that someone "stormed out" (although I was told it was the Association), and it was over, in part, providing IAM health insurance in fleet service JCBA.

You stormed out. No YOU stormed out. I didn’t storm out. Well don’t you dare try to say I stormed out.

Wait a minute. Who the hell was it again who stormed out? And do they slam the doors too?
The invitation is always open for you to discuss me being a moron in person, other than that fk you I’m going to put you were you belong on ignore
The invitation is always open for you to discuss me being a moron in person, other than that fk you I’m going to put you were you belong on ignore

rat that guy just started texting me and I was telling him the same thing. His corporate handlers are pissed off as hell about that update and Jerry told the kook to go full bore crazy.

Otherwise let’s let him rant. If we ignore him I’ll bet the anti union arms will stop supporting him and giving him money.
The invitation is always open for you to discuss me being a moron in person, other than that fk you I’m going to put you were you belong on ignore
I have no interest in visiting you or any other anti unionist that is destroying our talks.
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