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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Ironically, He is in there telling the negotiation team that the company "can't afford" to honor your retirement, healthcare, profit sharing etc.
However, the company CAN 'afford' to pay him 30 million dollars, plus who knows how much profit sharing and stock options, to tell you that!

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Ironically, He is in there telling the negation team that the company "can't afford" to honor your retirement, healthcare, profit sharing etc.
However, the company CAN 'afford' to pay him 30 million dollars, plus who knows how much profit sharing and stock options, to tell you that!

The guy looks like a bookworm who has no people skills. It's a disgrace to pay a guy like this 30 million and have him act as he does. It's a wonder the investors don't question the compensation given these people.
At this juncture given the horrid pace of drawn out negotiations what is the most likely scenario for AA membership to get rid of the Association? Would you be opposed to just the TWU as the sole surviving representative?

At this juncture given the horrid pace of drawn out negotiations what is the most likely scenario for AA membership to get rid of the Association? Would you be opposed to just the TWU as the sole surviving representative?

When we approach that question, the better question would be if the membership is opposed to just having one union. It really doesnt matter if im opposed or if iam members are opposed since we are minority. But to answer that question, its obvious that samuelson is politically tied but would love to pick up the combined 12,000 iam members.

His solution would be simple. Get a trusted twu person in dfw and mia to simply fill out a lm1 for a new union named, lets say, One Union. Then float that card to trusted twu peeps in ord lax and all 17 stations. Compliment that by getting the card in the hands of special key people in clt phx and phl. There is lil loyalty to the iam. And im sure the right people will get hundreds of cards in phl and phx, and enuf in clt. Of course key people would make sure iam other stations will sign as well.
So, im guessing a 90% signup in less than 30 days. Then 1 of the two twu persons petitions the cards and triggers an election in which im guessing only the twu would win since the iam has pissed off most peeps.
The only forseen alternative if it came to that is for the iam to plead to the twu for one of the crafts.
Why didn’t the IAM step aside like they did after TWA? Or like how the TWU ultimately honored the process after HP and let the IAM assume representation. Why is it different this time?

Ironically, He is in there telling the negation team that the company "can't afford" to honor your retirement, healthcare, profit sharing etc.
However, the company CAN 'afford' to pay him 30 million dollars, plus who knows how much profit sharing and stock options, to tell you that!

typical AA mgmt. style greedy idiots running the airline not one of them is worthy of the millions they never worked a day in their life on the ramp in every weather condition none of them has a clue what its actually to work the ramp or in maintainance area so they have no clue yet theyre so darn rich it is a pathetic sham what a bunch of idiotic morons there are running the airline
Why didn’t the IAM step aside like they did after TWA? Or like how the TWU ultimately honored the process after HP and let the IAM assume representation. Why is it different this time?

I think sito hoodwinked the twu but it worked out for our seniority. But since thats been worked out, no love lost for Sito who has since become the biggest anti union person in the history of the world.
Of course, since weez has been called out as a liar by telling everyone that the association will blanket all stations that the cwa is at, he has scattered like the anti union roach he is. He laughed at me speaking the truth and saying pain was coming with change and specified with losing catering now. The morons laughed.

Contract negotiations between American and the TWU-IAM Association continue. The company’s July 2017 comprehensive proposal has been enhanced over the last two bargaining sessions and now includes:

Highest pay rates and premiums in the industry

Beyond the increases from August 2016 (varied between 15 – 55%, averaged 24%), increase base pay to higher than the current industry leader at signing with additional 2% increases in each following year of the contract’s duration. All members would receive a sign-on bonus of $3,000.

Members with 15 years of service who no longer want to work at American could take an early out to include approximately one year base salary severance.

Significantly increased paid time off package

10 paid holidays; any holiday worked paid at 2.5 times the current rate; 6 weeks of vacation at top of scale; 10 annual sick days paid at 100% on the first day of sick leave; 20 on-the-job injury days, if necessary.

Industry leading 401(k) plan

All TWU-IAM-represented team members would transition to an enhanced 401(k) plan. Company contributions would be an automatic 5% of your annual salary (no matching funds required by members), which is a higher contribution toward retirement than the current IAM pension plan or the current TWU 401(k). In addition, the company would match employee contributions up to 4% of the team member’s salary, for a total company contribution of up to 9%. IAM pension plan participants would retain any benefits already vested in their pension plan.

Competitive medical plans consistent with the industry

Association members would participate in the American medical plans as all other team members do. These are highly competitive plans that provide cost sharing that is in line with or better than other large companies. Average annual out-of-pocket costs (what you pay at the doctor + what’s deducted from your paycheck each pay period) for legacy US team members would increase by $1,600/year. All plans have yearly out-of-pocket maximums that cap what team members pay in the event of a catastrophic illness. Moving from the legacy US plans to the American plans, as all other team members have done, provides more contemporary coverage for things like free preventative care/screenings, infertility treatment, behavioral therapy treatment for autistic children (ABA therapy), family/marriage counseling and hearing aids.

Keeps more Maintenance and Fleet Service jobs
in-house than any other airline

American employs more fleet service team members and mechanics than Delta or United (about 7,000 more). Offer maintains the most restrictive Scope clause among our competitors and American will continue to employ more fleet agents and mechanics than either competitor. American also employs more full-time fleet service team members (relying less on part-time workers) than Delta or United.

Delta and United do much of the same work with lower paid third-party contract workers. Although we plan to retain the vast majority of our currently insourced work, over time, certain functions could be moved to third parties based on competitive need. This work is listed below. However, any transition would occur over time and through attrition over many years, and we will provide system wide job protection to all members. Team members performing this work today will complete their careers with American.

Outsourced work down the road could include:

  • Deicing; no one today is employed solely to deice aircraft so there is no job loss.
  • Catering at 5 stations; vendors today manage this function at all but 5 stations. Current catering workers move to other fleet service positions at their current station. No job loss.
  • Keep GSE and Facilities/Plant Maintenance in stations where we have it today; possibly transition some of this work to vendors as those team members retire from or leave American. Carve-outs include GSE work at our 12 largest stations. No job loss.
  • At some of the 40 stations where one legacy carrier performs fleet service work in-house, the other legacy carrier uses a vendor to perform that same work. In those 40 stations, we would remove the vendor and move the work in-house to American employees.
  • Cargo will remain as it is today at all of our hubs. No job loss.
  • Tulsa engine overhaul work remains as it is today. No job loss.
  • Component work continues as is; as team members retire, this work could transition to a vendor. No job loss.
  • Aligns outsourcing percentages to today’s TWU Line and IAM Base outsource criteria, and establishes a Base Maintenance minimum headcount requirement to ensure we maintain a world-class Base Maintenance operation. No job loss.
So the guy with 6 months gets the same bonus as the guy with 35 years...lol
There’s enough gray there to paint a fleet of battleships in that proposal
No it doesn’t and it mentioned catering going away but cargo not coming to Clt
How the hell could you justify someone just getting out of their orange vest getting the same bonus as a 35 year guy? That’s nothing but a vote grap attempt for junior workers
If the company doesn’t want to contribute to the pension that’s one thing but then if that turns out to be what happens then I want my money out of it.
And that is bullchit it doesn’t grow and they can cut it if they want
I had already been told that but it’s bullchit
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