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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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I rest my case.

You’ll make a helluva labor leader someday, WeAAsles.

I’m sorry I forgot that your opinions (Even though mostly wrong) are the only ones that count.

BTW you live in Fargo yourself right?

What a complete pos offer. I watched Dougie's MIA town hall and these jackasses are laughing in our faces. Hey Dougie, keep buying back stock in an attempt to drive the share price up because being worth $50-60 million isn't enough, huh? If you haven't watched the MIA town hall, I recommend because it will show you how important you are. Hint, you aren't important at all. Dougie wants to cut a minimum of 17% of the association jobs. Fact. The no furlough language is a flat out lie. I hope you are all ready to fight!!

P. Rez

So I guess you live in Brooklyn NY then right.

IGM mentality hit you in the ass much?

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Be careful I might be your boss someday! 🙂
You will NEVER be my boss. My boss wears a skirt and looks way better than you.

Obviously all sides were clamoring for something to be put out for a vote, so that is what happened.
They were at a stalemate on movement.

Ok if we can stay civil for the conversation I’d enjoy talking about it?

What’s wrong with finally having a “vote” after almost 5 and a half years? I mean I always read people on this site pissed off cause they didn’t get a vote on something or other but then I’m reading some guys on your thread don’t want to basically get their hands dirty.

It’s insane to stay at loggerheads forever.

I know my feelings on the basics of what I read you were offered and how I would vote but it’s not my furniture coming into the house.

Do yourselves a favor though. However the vote turns out live in peace with it. Don’t let your anger over the possible decision be written on your tombstone.
We will not just cave and give up even after 6 years of waiting. Why give in at 5.5 to wait however longer to get the deal we deserve? That would be just complete stupidity, period...

As of today, there has been no commminication between the association and company on future dates for negotiations.
Sad to hear that CB...

What a complete pos offer. I watched Dougie's MIA town hall and these jackasses are laughing in our faces. Hey Dougie, keep buying back stock in an attempt to drive the share price up because being worth $50-60 million isn't enough, huh? If you haven't watched the MIA town hall, I recommend because it will show you how important you are. Hint, you aren't important at all. Dougie wants to cut a minimum of 17% of the association jobs. Fact. The no furlough language is a flat out lie. I hope you are all ready to fight!!

P. Rez

P. Rez, I know you know but I have told you this was coming. It is time to get the members fully on board and give them "ALL" the info on what the company really wants in outsourcing and reductions of headcounts. This will be the NC's strongest avenue to get the membership fully involved and all info. Otherwise you guys will go down in flames. Work it to the NC's advantage not the companies...

What a complete pos offer. I watched Dougie's MIA town hall and these jackasses are laughing in our faces. Hey Dougie, keep buying back stock in an attempt to drive the share price up because being worth $50-60 million isn't enough, huh? If you haven't watched the MIA town hall, I recommend because it will show you how important you are. Hint, you aren't important at all. Dougie wants to cut a minimum of 17% of the association jobs. Fact. The no furlough language is a flat out lie. I hope you are all ready to fight!!

P. Rez

I think many people are, but it would help a lot to see you and CB at the quarterly meeting. You mention the MIA Town Hall and how you want to fight. Well so far I think you have in negotiations, but the TWU side has not seen much from the IAM outside of negotiations and on here. If you want your members to fight, I think seeing you and CB stand with the TWU in DFW this month would motivate them to do so. What do you think?

It’s also not me advocating for people doing the same work to make less.

Again although I won’t get into the back and forth of it with you but I will say all you cats who live in dirt cheap cities always too easily want to rally the troops to continue your high on the hog lifestyles. (IGM Defined)

The context was to come up with solutions on how to keep cities that economically due to low revenue generation could come up on the chopping block. The solution to how to secure new locations for people to work and still make a very decent living.

And if I’m EVER put into the position and a position I would prefer not to be in, I’ll vote you that paycut with the “choice” to move over voting you a closure with NO “choice” whatsoever in a heartbeat every day of the week. Every single solitary day of the week 100%.
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It’s also not me advocating for people doing the same work to make less.

So Kev if you could transfer out of the Country and do the same work for your Airline should you also expect to be paid what you make there in Fargo? Say you could transfer to Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport?
Why would they pass something back...I thought it was said to be a "take it or leave" proposal.

who said that? if the company made that clear, i believe we all would have known that.

I think the odds are better than 80-20 that we reach section 6. I personally have given up on any T/A that can satisfy both party's. Too far apart on the main issues imo.

you could be right. what are the 'main issues'?

for us, it looks as though the insurance is the main issue. the fact that the company and assoc. are still playing frisbee tells me that there is wiggle-room. it will probably be: playing with the toggle switch of getting more money in exchange for all on laa insurance. will the company's overall compensation package offer be enough to win over the laa and especially the lus negotiators to agree to TA the article and bring it to a vote.

i'd say that is doable.

the dilemma is what the company wants in regards to outsourcing AMT o/h work and the number of o/h AMTs. we know aa signed on to spend apprx. $100 million on a 2 bay maintenance center in brazil. if aa can't escape that agreement without forfeiting millions, there is no way the company will keep the same amount of o/h AMTs and pay for this new base and everything associated with it in brazil.

ok. that doesn't look good at all. we're tied together, so we both sink or swim.

i know this will come across the wrong way: when i got hired, fsc veterans told me how maintenance broke off from fleet service, in search of greener financial pastures. 30 years later, maintenance waited for fleet service to catch up to their offer of 6 vc weeks. they waited and we got the company to offer fleet 6 weeks vc. thank you.

now, it looks as though fleet is helpless waiting for something that doesn't look good for the AMTs. my question is, would they wait and forfeit a potential TA for themselves to protest the company contracting out freight?? us, the 'bag-smashers'.

hopefully, they will reach some compromise. someone on the assoc. side will have to come up with some miraculous number-crunching that satisfies both parties...american airlines is not a charity and i don't believe they have any incentive to get creative and give in enough to satisfy the assoc.

the company is rolling the dice right now...just before a summer season with predicted 90% load factors. AMTs are working safe and doing their checklists. unfortunately, some flights are delayed and some pulls are late. it could get ugly.
I don’t see Elvira, Hughes or even Fa saying yes to giving up any more of our work personally. Jiminez might be ok with it since obviously he represents S Florida and I don’t know about the other two individuals?

Places where Deicing is no longer going to be worked should get Freight or Fueling as an exchange IMO.

Edit: NYC couldn’t go for the Deicing loss either.

i'm not for losing deicing jobs. i only stated what a member of management said about deicing. he said that if a contract was signed tomorrow - deicing being outsourced, that my station will still have deicing shifts for the 2018-19 deicing season.

we still have freight here...probably about 160-175 fscs & ccs combined.
But fortunately, or unfortunately, hard lessons learned from the past for our membership.
My take, from the members I deal with, they are vary aware that the truth is in the details, and not the highlights.
CB-- This is the "Collective Intelligence" that the Company, and some of the naysayers here refuse to acknowledge...
i can't see a lot of folks in Catering voting yes... that alone kills any 95% prediction!
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