Rat, I have some advice for you, and all others that read here... The Union Leadership is NOT the union, the MEMBERSHIP is!
Now, having said that, remember that the leadership can be replaced, as you well know!
In terms of union leaders with condescending attitudes, I agree... there is no place for that.
My point is this...
If a leader, or anyone else attacks the Memberships' intelligence, they are omitting the very factor that got them to their position to begin with, and that is the "collective IQ" of the ENTIRE workgroup. As a whole cohesive group, the represented group calls the shots regarding everything from deciding on representation, leader elections, and ratified contracts. However, we need to remember the following when we read here and elsewhere.
There are elements here, that want to keep the collective uneducated in certain selective terms. As a matter of fact, I think they have told you that you are unintelligent, misinformed, and lazy... am I correct?
Good examples of this have been posted thousands of times here over, and over for years. These are attempts to drill an alternate reality into our heads. The reasons are to misguide, and redirect ire away from the Company, and toward the Union and it's Leaders. It's a 'divide and conquer' strategy that has thus far only succeeded in a 'divide and weaken' --with intermittent results.
Never underestimate our collective intelligence, and keep your eye on the prize, not the carnival barker!