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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Weez I personally watched both here and on Fb as Klemm trashed UA members who didn’t like the first agreement as dumb and uneducated ,mind you the people paying his 6 figure salary.Ive got no use for the guy myself

I believe you rat and absolutely not cool or appropriate for a guy in that position at all. Maybe he negotiated it and maybe he sold it but you got to accept the outcome even if you disagree with it.

Kind of one of the points of being in a Union in the first place is accepting the majority will of the Membership.
Apr 10 2018__DSC5565.webp
All work and no play just make you an a hole.
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So what’s your solution to avoid all of these chitty Contracts as you call them?

Better language. Especially scope. Reps that understand why that's important, and don't spout missives like "we just wanted to get a little cash in our member's pockets," or "we had a gun to our head."

Curious? Do you personally know this guy Klemm or do you just seem to despise him because of what others tell you about him?

Sometimes your disdain for the man does come across as slightly personal?

It is personal. The buck stops with a PDGC. You trot out a craft-killing contract that destroys our profession, and I'm definitely gonna have something to say about it. Same with anyone else that does it.
Weez I personally watched both here and on Fb as Klemm trashed UA members who didn’t like the first agreement as dumb and uneducated ,mind you the people paying his 6 figure salary.Ive got no use for the guy myself

What I find compelling is the IAM has Sito as their UAL Board of Directors Representative for their special class of shares. In the past it was the DL 141 PDGC (Delaney and before that Canale), but they designated Sito this time who never worked for UA.

The IAM had a BOD rep and special class of shares at TWA and they had someone from DL 142 (O’Driscoll) not from the Grand Lodge. Wonder why Sito and not Klemm this time.

This is off topic again and we’ve also beaten the chit out of this horse too but I’m assuming you’re talking about their last agreement that was worked out under Oscar Munoz that passed by a high majority over 70% yes.

In consideration for what they had and were locked into YES this agreement was a dramatic improvement.

Al I consider you to be extremely intelligent and it’s almost offensive if you’re looking for this entire story to be covered again claiming you don’t know it.

Go to the Contract they had in place prior (Another that the majority voted yes too again BTW) and list the amount of improvements over any additional harms done?

The deck was stacked in favor of the YES camp and that guy Klemm did a good job despite I’m sure Tim thinking he’s a moron as well.
Wrong. The jcba was a complete concession. Of course at the time you suggested their health care and no or restrictions was offset by the bonus and wage.
As far as the munoz agreement, they got more money but the company got the iam to sign loa9 that will allow the company to have no further commitment to 2A after 2024. Klemm also screwed up his "full time commitment" letter which proved me right again. Honestly, you monkeys should get a degree. Monkeys! Certainly we are behind the 8 ball with Sitos GED, and unaccredidated labor degree ta
Of course klemm is an idiot. He still doesnt know what he signed. Loaded up on temp workers/ready reserve as well.
Better language. Especially scope. Reps that understand why that's important, and don't spout missives like "we just wanted to get a little cash in our member's pockets," or "we had a gun to our head."

It is personal. The buck stops with a PDGC. You trot out a craft-killing contract that destroys our profession, and I'm definitely gonna have something to say about it. Same with anyone else that does it.

Sorry Kev but Bankruptcy is a gun to the head whether you want to accept it or not. Anyone who’s even tried to go up against that gun has lost period. History is littered with those admirable morons. All losers though still.

And excuse me? “Craft killing” “Craft”? You didn’t go to School for the work you do so no we’re not part of a Craft. No matter what interpretation wherever you read it leads you to believe differently. Nothing personal to our hard working profession but we’re Baggage Handlers. That’s it.

The problem with people is when they need to think just a little TOO highly of themselves.

And at UAL those people ratified by over 70% so they didn’t give a rats ass if you liked it or not obviously cause THEY did. You just have no respect for that MAJORITY.
Wrong. The jcba was a complete concession. Of course at the time you suggested their health care and no or restrictions was offset by the bonus and wage.
As far as the munoz agreement, they got more money but the company got the iam to sign loa9 that will allow the company to have no further commitment to 2A after 2024. Klemm also screwed up his "full time commitment" letter which proved me right again. Honestly, you monkeys should get a degree. Monkeys! Certainly we are behind the 8 ball with Sitos GED, and unaccredidated labor degree ta
Of course klemm is an idiot. He still doesnt know what he signed. Loaded up on temp workers/ready reserve as well.

You’re right Tim. Yes we Humans technically are Monkeys as proven first by Darwin.

Genesis with Adam and Eve is one of the most ridiculous things ever written.

So Much Alike...

Human and chimp DNA is so similar because the two species are so closely related. Humans, chimps and bonobos descended from a single ancestor species that lived six or seven million years ago. As humans and chimps gradually evolved from a common ancestor, their DNA, passed from generation to generation, changed too. In fact, many of these DNA changes led to differences between human and chimp appearance and behavior.

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Weez I personally watched both here and on Fb as Klemm trashed UA members who didn’t like the first agreement as dumb and uneducated ,mind you the people paying his 6 figure salary.Ive got no use for the guy myself
Rat, I have some advice for you, and all others that read here... The Union Leadership is NOT the union, the MEMBERSHIP is!
Now, having said that, remember that the leadership can be replaced, as you well know!
In terms of union leaders with condescending attitudes, I agree... there is no place for that.

My point is this...

If a leader, or anyone else attacks the Memberships' intelligence, they are omitting the very factor that got them to their position to begin with, and that is the "collective IQ" of the ENTIRE workgroup. As a whole cohesive group, the represented group calls the shots regarding everything from deciding on representation, leader elections, and ratified contracts. However, we need to remember the following when we read here and elsewhere.

There are elements here, that want to keep the collective uneducated in certain selective terms. As a matter of fact, I think they have told you that you are unintelligent, misinformed, and lazy... am I correct?

Good examples of this have been posted thousands of times here over, and over for years. These are attempts to drill an alternate reality into our heads. The reasons are to misguide, and redirect ire away from the Company, and toward the Union and it's Leaders. It's a 'divide and conquer' strategy that has thus far only succeeded in a 'divide and weaken' --with intermittent results.

Never underestimate our collective intelligence, and keep your eye on the prize, not the carnival barker!
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You’re technically right Tim. Yes we Humans technically are Monkeys as proven first by Darwin.

Genesis with Adam and Eve is one of the most ridiculous things ever written.

So Much Alike...

Human and chimp DNA is so similar because the two species are so closely related. Humans, chimps and bonobos descended from a single ancestor species that lived six or seven million years ago. As humans and chimps gradually evolved from a common ancestor, their DNA, passed from generation to generation, changed too. In fact, many of these DNA changes led to differences between human and chimp appearance and behavior.

if we go further down the rabbit hole, it get's even weirder..
Some people share the exact same DNA with multiple others that are said to be completely different people...
This phenomenon is mostly isolated to social-media platforms...

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Rat, I have some advice for you, and all others that read here... The Union Leadership is NOT the union, the MEMBERSHIP is!
Now, having said that, remember that the leadership can be replaced, as you well know!
In terms of union leaders with condescending attitudes, I agree... there is no place for that.

My point is this...

If a leader, or anyone else attacks the Memberships' intelligence, they are omitting the very factor that got them to their position to begin with, and that is the "collective IQ" of the ENTIRE workgroup. As a whole cohesive group, the represented group calls the shots regarding everything from deciding on representation, leader elections, and ratified contracts. However, we need to remember the following when we read here and elsewhere.

There are elements here, that want to keep the collective uneducated in certain selective terms. As a matter of fact, I think they have told you that you are unintelligent, misinformed, and lazy... am I correct?

Good examples of this have been posted thousands of times here over, and over for years. These are attempts to drill an alternate reality into our heads. The reasons are to misguide, and redirect ire away from the Company, and toward the Union and it's Leaders. It's a 'divide and conquer' strategy that has thus far only succeeded in a 'divide and weaken' --with intermittent results.

Never underestimate our collective intelligence, and keep your eye on the prize, not the carnival barker!

And the people who constantly attack the majority will always be on the outside looking in because they can’t put down their “I know better than you” type personalities.

Arrogant, egotistical buffoons frankly. No humility.
View attachment 12707
All work and no play just make you an a hole.
Lucky you. I visited there on Sunday. What I didn't know was it was the Rome Marathon race so most of the streets were closed off and many of the M train stations, including Coloseo. Had to walk a bit without much train service. Saw the pope on Sunday for his mass over at the St Pete but the chapel was closed. At any rate, on Sunday, most everything was free over at the Vatican. Saved me some euros.
Sorry Kev but Bankruptcy is a gun to the head whether you want to accept it or not. Anyone who’s even tried to go up against that gun has lost period. History is littered with those admirable morons. All losers though still.

Nope it’s a silly analogy, used to pacify the masses and/or explain away weak leadership.

And excuse me? “Craft killing” “Craft”? You didn’t go to School for the work you do so no we’re not part of a Craft. No matter what interpretation wherever you read it leads you to believe differently. Nothing personal to our hard working profession but we’re Baggage Handlers. That’s it.

Yes. Class and craft. Don’t project your insecurities on to me.

That whole “I just throw bags” mindset is a large reason why we’re in the shape we’re in.

And maybe that’s all you do, but it’s certainly not my entire day.
Nope it’s a silly analogy, used to pacify the masses and/or explain away weak leadership.

Yes. Class and craft. Don’t project your insecurities on to me.

That whole “I just throw bags” mindset is a large reason why we’re in the shape we’re in.

And maybe that’s all you do, but it’s certainly not my entire day.

Wow you’re an elitist, lol. You’re an elitist who needs validation that what you do for a living has some kind of serious level of skill and complexity. It does NOT. You have a profession and it’s an honorable profession. But Alex Rieger in TAXI said it best once when he told Elaine Nardo

“I’m just a Cab driver, I’m the only Cab driver in here”

Alex Rieger was a humble man. You’re the insecure man who can’t accept that he doesn’t have a piece of paper hanging on a wall to tell him he’s SPECIAL.

Oh and you and I are in just terrible shape???? Give me a break seriously. Stop over exaggerating cause frankly you look stupid while you have people in your very same profession still “Fighting for 15” while WE make DOUBLE plus.

And frankly after Historical evidence of the damage caused by YES a BK gun held to your head can do if you can call that just a “silly analogy” I have to seriously say you would make a terrible leader cause you ignore what History teaches you.

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