It would be awesome to hear that everyone feels the same way.
Well the new President of TWU Local 512 ORD feels that way.
Weekly Update
April 06, 2018
This week, we attended the monthly Joint Safety Meeting, and a few items were discussed. Facilities will be testing new KVA's cables on 8 gates and these new cables will be in a solid orange. The installation of gripes on the powerstow will help from members slipping when climbing up or down from it. They will be applying an anti-skid coating in the inbound bagroom because of slickness and hopefully, it will be happening very soon. Concerns continue with jet blasting from Alaska Airlines on the crews from H5, and H6 and safety observations will continue until there is a solution that will safeguard the crews on those gates.
Lighting Detection System will have a new type of warnings, the color yellow will be the sign to disconnect headsets from the aircraft and red would be for suspension of operations.
We also attended our first efficiency meeting with upper-management this week. Discussions on the start of the LaGuardia shuttle service on H5, H6, H8 and the May 4th inauguration of the Venice flight. This summer's calculated load factor will be around 88% to 92%, so we can expect a lot of work. We also expressed concerns about dangers of losing deicing and any Title II work at ORD. A presentation of the new Project Spring would be presented to us at a future date. We agreed to build a better line of communication with weekly meetings and a monthly efficiency meeting.
We must continue to stay focus on our goal of getting the best industry-leading contract. The association's response to the company's propaganda machine has moved quickly with bulletins on informing our members of their sub-standard proposals. We must not accept anything that leads to job loss and especially when the company is making billions since the merger of American and USAir.
Our sacrifices should not go unnoticed, our hard work should be rewarded, our jobs should be protected. We are at a time that we can stand strong and united in our pursuit of a future. Their two ring circus show us no reward, no relief of our sacrifices, nor it protects us from job loss. They call us "team members" but they are looking out for their team and not ours.
Let us take a look back at our sacrifices and blood that we have spilled. the loss of aircraft polishers, aircraft washers, building cleaners, domestic cabin, international cabin, fueling, bus drivers and etc....
Your negotiation committee needs you to stand with them, stand united and stand strong and only then can we push the company back to the table.
Saftey on the Ground leads to Safety in the Air.
Juan Elvira
TWU local 512