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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA AMTS

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Again swamt, they are still in negotiations. A JCBA has NOT been voted on. I have a pretty decent raise now that I will not lose. I will have a contract to vote on in the future that has been negotiated. IF I don't like it, I will vote it down time and time again. I will still be earning that decent money while they go back and negotiate some more. Scope, work rules, Holidays etc...are all still in play and being negotiated, even PAY.
I know they are still in nego's and fully understand that.  And I honestly hope this asso. will get you guys that missing 4% (or even more) at DOS.  At least your co. sees the importance of giving their employees raises now while still nego the JCBA.  Making note of this move from the co. makes me think they (both asso. and the co.) is possibly seeing a long road ahead of them to get to a deal.  Again let me say again, CONGRATS to all the AA employees receiving the raises.  Hoping you guys get more at DOS then all following years.
Maybe this will trigger UAL to get deeper into their meat and potatoes part of their contract and come to terms soon. Us?  Not sure, but it appears the co. is still stallin as their last offer had no movement what so ever from the previous offer 3 months prior. Maybe, just maybe we will get moving forward at the next session scheduled for next week.
BTW I have read several articles including the Aug 5th letter from the union that said this will become effective Nov 2016. Then I have read where this will be immediate raises.  Can anyone elaborate a little?  Is it now or later?
jcw said:
its great to see the pay issue getting resolved - it's make you really wonder how much is left to negotiate - I hope this will help folks begin to get to a better place
I think both sides are seeing the possible lengthy time to get to a JCBA, AND I think the co. really needs that relief of all mechs working all metal badly enough to throw the raises out to get it. Just hope nothing else was givin up that they have not revieled as of yet. And yes that's my negative thinking again, but the old TWU and old IAM now being this new asso. has made me think like this because of their past dealings with companies during contract nego's.  We will all see later...
swamt said:
I know they are still in nego's and fully understand that.  And I honestly hope this asso. will get you guys that missing 4% (or even more) at DOS.  At least your co. sees the importance of giving their employees raises now while still nego the JCBA.  Making note of this move from the co. makes me think they (both asso. and the co.) is possibly seeing a long road ahead of them to get to a deal.  Again let me say again, CONGRATS to all the AA employees receiving the raises.  Hoping you guys get more at DOS then all following years.
Maybe this will trigger UAL to get deeper into their meat and potatoes part of their contract and come to terms soon. Us?  Not sure, but it appears the co. is still stallin as their last offer had no movement what so ever from the previous offer 3 months prior. Maybe, just maybe we will get moving forward at the next session scheduled for next week.
BTW I have read several articles including the Aug 5th letter from the union that said this will become effective Nov 2016. Then I have read where this will be immediate raises.  Can anyone elaborate a little?  Is it now or later?
This is the way I was told (I'm just using fake raise numbers)
The raise started yesterday (immediately), but to make it simple here let's say you got the extra $7.00 Aug 8th. You will get a lump sum check of that raise ($7.00) for Aug 8th to Nov 8th, based on a 40 hr work week. That check will be cut in 21 days. If you work more than 40 hrs between now and then, you will get another check in Jan based on anything you worked over 40. Like I said, these checks would be fore the raise amount per hour. Hope this helps.
Let me add, that check is an advance...you will not see your raise in your normal paycheck until November. Apparently they can't get all 30,000 employee raises implemented until then...hence, the advance...just the messenger here.   🙂
Since it is becoming more and more evident that having an A&P license is not worth it. It is time for an major increase in license premium. No disrespect to my fellow fac/plnt and auto mechanic employees, but we are getting hammered with much more rule and regulation discipline than probably any other work group, even more so than the pilots. We deserve more in license pay. 
2ndGENAMT said:
Will we the membership of TWU/IAM get to see the text of this agreement that the Association signed off on without a vote?

I agree 100%, have we forgotten the United agreement that we had only access to
the highlights. We all thought that Delta plus 7 was just a starting point after seeing
the offer on the table that the Teamsters negotiated, but a crazy thing happened the
membership voted it down by a very wide margin. The guts of the contract were so
bad the money on the table was irrelevant, so what did the Association sign off on?
Sure the money sounds great but this is proof the internationals can do what ever
they want, when they start seeing shiny new pick-ups and Mustangs in the parking
lots then they know the hook is set. Sorry for raining on everyone's parade but
after 29 years I question everything, I really hope Iam wrong.
I'm certainly happy for you guys and our industry, as with Northwest's increase in 2001, will all profit. It seems Parker is taking a road never traveled at the previous AA. Time will tell what he expects to get in return for his investment. I suppose this puts and end to expectations that AA will remit the medical pre-fund match. We should all double down on getting the language right to guard against the abuse, including financial loss, we all have suffered due to lack of due diligence. 
chilokie1 said:
I agree 100%, have we forgotten the United agreement that we had only access to
the highlights. We all thought that Delta plus 7 was just a starting point after seeing
the offer on the table that the Teamsters negotiated, but a crazy thing happened the
membership voted it down by a very wide margin. The guts of the contract were so
bad the money on the table was irrelevant, so what did the Association sign off on?
Sure the money sounds great but this is proof the internationals can do what ever
they want, when they start seeing shiny new pick-ups and Mustangs in the parking
lots then they know the hook is set. Sorry for raining on everyone's parade but
after 29 years I question everything, I really hope Iam wrong.
Two months ago, I recalled a lesson an old timer taught me early in my time with AA and posted it here. He told me the way the airline operates is to shove a baseball bat up everyone's posterior all the way up to the knob. Of course everyone is unhappy because of the extreme discomfort. Then the company pulls the bat out about halfway and everyone is happy and walking around with a baseball bat shoved halfway up their ass! That was 31 years ago. It seems that not much has changed. Be very aware.
BeechDriver said:
Two months ago, I recalled a lesson an old timer taught me early in my time with AA and posted it here. He told me the way the airline operates is to shove a baseball bat up everyone's posterior all the way up to the knob. Of course everyone is unhappy because of the extreme discomfort. Then the company pulls the bat out about halfway and everyone is happy and walking around with a baseball bat shoved halfway up their ass! That was 31 years ago. It seems that not much has changed. Be very aware.
I would think that after 31 years walking around with a bat half way up your ass, you would make some effort to pull it out. You sir seem to enjoy the proverbial feeling the company has violated your anus and have a strong tendency to allow it to continue to no end. May I suggest you retire before you infect others with this apparently awful affliction. Maybe start a business knitting dog sweaters.
The bat analogy is a bit coarse, but the theory is sound. It's kind of like when you really only need $20, but ask your parents for $50. They freak out, and you offer to accept $25....
Again swamt, they are still in negotiations. A JCBA has NOT been voted on. I have a pretty decent raise now that I will not lose. I will have a contract to vote on in the future that has been negotiated. IF I don't like it, I will vote it down time and time again. I will still be earning that decent money while they go back and negotiate some more. Scope, work rules, Holidays etc...are all still in play and being negotiated, even PAY.
Just a thought AANOTOK, but swamt always implies he knows more than the rest of us poor mortals.
I agree with your response to him for the reasons you stated.
Realityck said:
Just a thought AANOTOK, but swamt always implies he knows more than the rest of us poor mortals.
I agree with your response to him for the reasons you stated.
C'mon man stop it. You're blowing that AMFA drive.

Hey wait a minute. Am I in the right thread here?
bob@las-AA said:
I would think that after 31 years walking around with a bat half way up your ass, you would make some effort to pull it out. You sir seem to enjoy the proverbial feeling the company has violated your anus and have a strong tendency to allow it to continue to no end. May I suggest you retire before you infect others with this apparently awful affliction. Maybe start a business knitting dog sweaters.
The difference between you and BeechDriver is he knows the bat does not belong there,
 you on the other hand think it is just another appendage, and who knows you may even
like it. You are welcome to add anything constructive on this thread dealing with like issues
but take your personal crap back to your own thread 
chilokie1 said:
The difference between you and BeechDriver is he knows the bat does not belong there,
 you on the other hand think it is just another appendage, and who knows you may even
like it. You are welcome to add anything constructive on this thread dealing with like issues
but take your personal crap back to your own thread
You do have a sense of humor.
I was only doing a drive by taking pot shot any way.
The conspiracy theory's are flying, but let's get this straight, none have ever come true.

AA is just looking to fire people
Eagle is going to take over ALL domestic flying.
AA is going to layoff all mechs and outsource 100% of Maint
Emirates is going to buy AA.
ETC ETC ETC .......

Now take your pay raise, say thank you, let the negotiating committee do their thing and STFU

when the association decides never to return our 14% then we get AMFA or IBT. Being part of one union has got to be better for us then part of two unions.
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