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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA AMTS

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Has everyone or anyone sent an email to this Arbitrator Joshua Javits about the seniority integration? Does anyone think if enough LAA people voice thier opinions it will make a difference on the outcome of the integration? 
Shafted said:
Has everyone or anyone sent an email to this Arbitrator Joshua Javits about the seniority integration? Does anyone think if enough LAA people voice thier opinions it will make a difference on the outcome of the integration? 
It won't make any difference and its too late now anyway, 7/31 was the last day.
OldGuy@AA said:
He is asking for 50% outsourcing.  US Air has that but we have 35% so that is a concession.  There are other things.  Go to Youtube and watch Peterson's video he has more examples.
USair farms out 50% OH and does 100% of line Maint.

We farm out 35% total Maint.

We have 20 mechs in LAS and USair has 80 mechs. They're a smaller airline but have mechs in more cities then we do.
Buck said:
Isn't it true that LAA  can outsource to 35% but is currently using only 17%?
The LUS is at 50% and I guess Doug and his team want to maintain that amount. 
If the Association allows that,  it should cost them to have it.
Buck it is true about the 35% but there is no way to tell if the company is exceeding that limit. The company is required contractually to report outsourcing every three or four months to the union but there is nothing contractually requiring the company to provide documentation to the union showing how they came up with that percentage. 
Yes, but it seems to be that the TWU historically makes deals that are to be worked out once contract ratification has taken place.
Buck said:
Isn't it true that LAA  can outsource to 35% but is currently using only 17%?
The LUS is at 50% and I guess Doug and his team want to maintain that amount. 
If the Association allows that,  it should cost them to have it.
 DOT data from 2014 (2015 is American+US since AOCs were merged) shows you guys at 30 or so %. 
however I'm not exactly sure how it works (math wise) because I don't see a clear formula. Also I believe the company can outsource big mod work without it counting. It also got "adjusted" with TAESL closing. 
Its reported quarterly to the DOT via form 41. The problem is the TWU (stupidly) agreed to basically let American hide all the math and add "ifs" and "buts" to it.  So the TWU number is off of what the DOT number is because American can send out work that "doesn't count"
What is really going to be interesting is the next few years when all those airbus, 777-300ER and 787 engine, components and airframe come due for overhaul. The budget is going to jump up quickly. 
Parker knows this which is why he wants the US scope model. If he keeps the legacy American scope he will have to bring a lot of work in-house pretty much overnight. That means he has to make big capital spends to set up the maintenance bases for the work plus hire more evil union workers. 
funny thing is, they are banking on you guys to let it happen. They have already signed a lot of contracts with vendors for the work above. All the new GE engines have OnePoint agreements attached to them already for example. 
bigjets said:
USair farms out 50% OH and does 100% of line Maint.

We farm out 35% total Maint.

We have 20 mechs in LAS and USair has 80 mechs.
LAS was a US hub (well more of American West) even though the hub is gone I think most would expect them to have a higher AMT count because it was still, IIRC, a large station for them. 
and US's last report to the DOT showed them at 55-60% outsourcing total. Comparable to Southwest. Delta was in the low 40s for 2015, United was in the low 50s for 2015. 
bigjets said:
They're a smaller airline but have mechs in more cities then we do.
because you guys allow 15% or something like that of line work out. 
but if you go to there model of outsourcing you'll lose thousands of jobs over time. (I know it doesn't matter to you but just point it out) 
The virtual training equipment for the Air Bus fleet is coming back to TULE soon.
I saw a picture of some senior mechs changing a tire on a S80 at night, the picture stated something like TAESL mechs, who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks. The sad thing is that could be any night including Christmas or thanksgiving. How many Tulsa guys pooped themselves a little when they saw that.

I'm pretty sure that both LUS and LAA mechs are not going to fall for the old trick of pay for jobs scam.
bigjets said:
I saw a picture of some senior mechs changing a tire on a S80 at night, the picture stated something like TAESL mechs, who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks. The sad thing is that could be any night including Christmas or thanksgiving. How many Tulsa guys pooped themselves a little when they saw that.

I'm pretty sure that both LUS and LAA mechs are not going to fall for the old trick of pay for jobs scam.
If I understand the IAM correctly, that even Facilities Maintenance and the Machinists who operate the machines like a lathe, carries seniority on the same list as all the other AMT at LUS and do they work on the aircraft, then how will it be for any of these members to venture out into that line environment you speak of? ( including my colleagues performing Hangar work )
Sorry to intrude but here is a real good update from a negotiations meeting that will leave no reasons for rumors to start:
AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #43
August 3, 2016 -- AMFA met with the Company in Dallas, Texas on July 26–28, 2016, for a scheduled mediated session. To begin the session, the AMFA Negotiating Committee chairmen met with the mediator, and with her guidance we worked as a Committee to again prepare a list of our "asks" to be presented to the Company. AMFA later met with the Company and presented our list, which included... 
Thanks for the update. This is the way to keep the membership should be informed with no secrets. To bad the twu and the iam can't do things this way but they are not working on behalf of the membership they are only working on there behalf.
Our updates are a complete joke compared to that. That update shows exactly where everyone is at and what dealings are going on. The lack of information from our arse hole representation  indicates there is lying going on. There's no doubt Parker is lying and I would say given the lack of good info, our representatives are not telling the whole truth either. IMO
Keep one thing in mind. The company in no way is obligated to negotiate a JCBA until both unions contracts have reached amendable dates. So all this dancing around and vague updates could be a stall from the company to put on a show. The company is using this time to set up outsourcing and aligning it's maintenance operations as THEY see fit. Sadly I see another concessionary contract in some form coming our way. The problem is will we vote for a package with concessions out of fustration and desperation just for a pay raise? I hope not. Time will tell.
Heard from reliable source - company negotiators are standing firm on keeping many of the contract articles unchanged from the bankruptcy negotiated terms.  Jim Wheel was quoted as saying "we are not Delta or United", when referring to our current vacation disparity.  Seems the company is playing hardball, contrary to what Doug Parker is claiming.  Keep that in mind next time you're even considering going above and beyond. 
Again, this is exactly why the Association should come out and tell us everything that is being discussed, proposed and rejected. I do not need a ridiculous update or "reliable source" to pass on info telling me it's the company. Show me and all the members the crap that the company is offering so I can vent 100% of my anger their way and form MY new work rules, habits and attitude. Until then, part of that anger will be directed at the Association until they start listening to the members. Lombardo, are you going to do anything for your members that work at AA? How long have you been in office? You sir have done nothing but accepted your pay from my pocket. Become a leader...What the hell is good about being in a union if you can't beat the company at ANYTHING! Prefunding anybody!
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