Buck said:
Isn't it true that LAA can outsource to 35% but is currently using only 17%?
The LUS is at 50% and I guess Doug and his team want to maintain that amount.
If the Association allows that, it should cost them to have it.
DOT data from 2014 (2015 is American+US since AOCs were merged) shows you guys at 30 or so %.
however I'm not exactly sure how it works (math wise) because I don't see a clear formula. Also I believe the company can outsource big mod work without it counting. It also got "adjusted" with TAESL closing.
Its reported quarterly to the DOT via form 41. The problem is the TWU (stupidly) agreed to basically let American hide all the math and add "ifs" and "buts" to it. So the TWU number is off of what the DOT number is because American can send out work that "doesn't count"
What is really going to be interesting is the next few years when all those airbus, 777-300ER and 787 engine, components and airframe come due for overhaul. The budget is going to jump up quickly.
Parker knows this which is why he wants the US scope model. If he keeps the legacy American scope he will have to bring a lot of work in-house pretty much overnight. That means he has to make big capital spends to set up the maintenance bases for the work plus hire more evil union workers.
funny thing is, they are banking on you guys to let it happen. They have already signed a lot of contracts with vendors for the work above. All the new GE engines have OnePoint agreements attached to them already for example.
bigjets said:
USair farms out 50% OH and does 100% of line Maint.
We farm out 35% total Maint.
We have 20 mechs in LAS and USair has 80 mechs.
LAS was a US hub (well more of American West) even though the hub is gone I think most would expect them to have a higher AMT count because it was still, IIRC, a large station for them.
and US's last report to the DOT showed them at 55-60% outsourcing total. Comparable to Southwest. Delta was in the low 40s for 2015, United was in the low 50s for 2015.
bigjets said:
They're a smaller airline but have mechs in more cities then we do.
because you guys allow 15% or something like that of line work out.
but if you go to there model of outsourcing you'll lose thousands of jobs over time. (I know it doesn't matter to you but just point it out)