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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA AMTS

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Anybody who wants out of the union has 2 easy ways:

1) Go into management
2) Quit and work for a contractor. You will be able to have it all, you can sit down with them and see what you can negotiate for yourself.

Im tired of this anti-union crying, nobody is keeping you in the union!
1) I submitted my application to American Airlines, not the TWU.
2) See #1.

But they won't,,,, and for this one reason one could say a person would be justified to stop paying dues to the bloodsucking a holes provided national rtw finds itself as the law of the land.

For far to long these people have not earned their keep where aircraft maintenance is concerned, they have let our wages and benefits slip to below non union shops. They have let our jobs be shipped overseas by the thousands. Good paying skilled jobs that cant be done by a robot. They have let the skill be watered down by allowing folks with no formal training to do our work for less money. Year after year its always something they have let slip from the grasp of skilled AMTs.

Believe me, I will be among the first to stop paying the blood sucking scumbags.
Unions of today have lost their way. They have become businesses. Maybe if they remembered what they were there for and actually listened to their membership. Attitudes would be different. Unelected, illegitimate associations, being unaccountable to their members is not they way to achieve a cohesive unified membership. All the chest thumping and tough talk has done what? The fact is we have a non union carrier consistently setting the bar on compensation and benefits higher and higher.

TopCat870 the only thing the UNIONs need to win favor is to have a product that people want to buy. However when they have the "captive" audience of a closed shop where is the motivation?

If you question why people are turning against the UNION read the comments above.
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Its backlash...the dems claiming to be for the working man has done nothing for unions and they held 2 branches, legislative and executive. No need to say what happened in the last election, that's water cooler talk. The unions should take notice, especially the ASS. They have marginalized AMTs leaving us undervalued for our skills when compared to the industry. TWU has given our work away at every turn, allowed it to be shipped overseas and south along with the dems inaction on the hill and in executive. AFL-CIO sat by while it all went down in their big leather chairs and wood paneled offices. Lots of union people voted dems out of office, they didn't produce. There's no reason to expect any different outcome if rtw gets passed, why should I pay these folks nearly a grand a year for nothing?
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Anybody who wants out of the union has 2 easy ways:

1) Go into management
2) Quit and work for a contractor. You will be able to have it all, you can sit down with them and see what you can negotiate for yourself.

Im tired of this anti-union crying, nobody is keeping you in the union!
THE only ones that are anti union is the unions themselves. Association included. If they were pro union we would not be in this mess.
But they won't,,,, and for this one reason one could say a person would be justified to stop paying dues to the bloodsucking a holes provided national rtw finds itself as the law of the land.

For far to long these people have not earned their keep where aircraft maintenance is concerned, they have let our wages and benefits slip to below non union shops. They have let our jobs be shipped overseas by the thousands. Good paying skilled jobs that cant be done by a robot. They have let the skill be watered down by allowing folks with no formal training to do our work for less money. Year after year its always something they have let slip from the grasp of skilled AMTs.

Believe me, I will be among the first to stop paying the blood sucking scumbags.

How much do you expect to earn this year?

Its backlash...the dems claiming to be for the working man has done nothing for unions and they held 2 branches, legislative and executive. No need to say what happened in the last election, that's water cooler talk. The unions should take notice, especially the ASS. They have marginalized AMTs leaving us undervalued for our skills when compared to the industry. TWU has given our work away at every turn, allowed it to be shipped overseas and south along with the dems inaction on the hill and in executive. AFL-CIO sat by while it all went down in their big leather chairs and wood paneled offices. Lots of union people voted dems out of office, they didn't produce. There's no reason to expect any different outcome if rtw gets passed, why should I pay these folks nearly a grand a year for nothing?

You're Gross pay minus $1000.00 equals?


Unmmm, how about less then my counterparts at UA, DL, and SWA.

Do you have their numbers for Base pay and license Premiums? Who got SWA their last contract if it's better than yours? Didn't UAL just get a contract from a Union? Do average Nationwide wages for your profession mean anything to you? Outside of perhaps Delta do you know of any other non Union airline that compensates their Mechanics more than you?
Under "Average Yearly wages" on this site for Aircraft maintenance the only group out there I see higher than AA is SWA. Hate to always have to bring this into the conversation but I just hate ignoring the entire picture.

How many Aircraft Mechanics does SWA have and how many does the combined AA currently have?

Do you have their numbers for Base pay and license Premiums? Who got SWA their last contract if it's better than yours? Didn't UAL just get a contract from a Union? Do average Nationwide wages for your profession mean anything to you? Outside of perhaps Delta do you know of any other non Union airline that compensates their Mechanics more than you?

All spin W, bottom line is Im #4 in pay and benefits. Your bls and mit charts are bs and have no meaning to me. And this is where you and I will always disagree. You pull the charts for oa's , I know and dont need to prove it to you.

You come here in the AMT thread and try to sell a basket of bs. I take issue with it because you have no idea what it took get where I am and no idea what I do. Then you get uncivil and insulting when you cant make your point and the go to lengths to minimize and degrade my skill. Very insulting.
All spin W, bottom line is Im #4 in pay and benefits. Your bls and mit charts are bs and have no meaning to me. And this is where you and I will always disagree. You pull the charts for oa's , I know and dont need to prove it to you.

You come here in the AMT thread and try to sell a basket of bs. I take issue with it because you have no idea what it took get where I am and no idea what I do. Then you get uncivil and insulting when you cant make your point and the go to lengths to minimize and degrade my skill. Very insulting.

I'm not being uncivil at all. So far all you prove is that you don't have the ability to back up your comments or offer proof for your claims.

As far as being an insulting individual you need to look in a mirror yourself once in awhile.

Now can you back up your claims or not?
Under "Average Yearly wages" on this site for Aircraft maintenance the only group out there I see higher than AA is SWA. Hate to always have to bring this into the conversation but I just hate ignoring the entire picture.

How many Aircraft Mechanics does SWA have and how many does the combined AA currently have?


You are comparing apples to oranges. SWA has one fleet type, AA has over 10 - with different variations. SWA doesn't have an LMP program, AA does. Until recently, SWA didn't have an ETOPS program, AA does. Also, people like to include non licensed "and related" types in our classification - complete BS. That's the union and company's doing, to water down our profession, or more importantly - our voting block. Thereby preventing us from voting in the AMFA.

AA's AMTs lag UALs in pay and benefits, as well as Delta's AMTs. Delta's AMTs will be receiving over $20K in profit sharing; in addition to a 4% raise coming in April! SWAs AMTs are off the charts ahead of us in pay and benefits, the company won't even include them in the comparison charts. Forget about UPS and Fed Ex AMTs, they leave us in the dust. Reality is, they all compete for our skills, experience, and training! It's not our concern whether AA does more overhaul than SWA. Did AA ask me in my interview if I was willing to accept less - in exchange for keeping more overhaul in house? Not my problem, we don't get to write off the difference as a charitable contribution. That was a TWU guilt trip many of us never bought into.

Your posted survey has many shortcomings.
You are comparing apples to oranges. SWA has one fleet type, AA has over 10 - with different variations. SWA doesn't have an LMP program, AA does. Until recently, SWA didn't have an ETOPS program, AA does. Also, people like to include non licensed "and related" types in our classification - complete BS. That's the union and company's doing, to water down our profession, or more importantly - our voting block. Thereby preventing us from voting in the AMFA.

AA's AMTs lag UALs in pay and benefits, as well as Delta's AMTs. Delta's AMTs will be receiving over $20K in profit sharing; in addition to a 4% raise coming in April! SWAs AMTs are off the charts ahead of us in pay and benefits, the company won't even include them in the comparison charts. Forget about UPS and Fed Ex AMTs, they leave us in the dust. Reality is, they all compete for our skills, experience, and training! It's not our concern whether AA does more overhaul than SWA. Did AA ask me in my interview if I was willing to accept less - in exchange for keeping more overhaul in house? Not my problem, we don't get to write off the difference as a charitable contribution. That was a TWU guilt trip many of us never bought into.

Your posted survey has many shortcomings.

I looked at total cost for wages between all the Airlines and AA came in second. Average benefits at AA were $10,000.

As an "individual" maybe you are shortchanged to the people you "chose" to compare yourself too?

You can figure that out for yourself.

Could any of you earn more if you left AA and moved on somewhere else?

I have to assume that the answer is no if you're still with us? If it's yes then what is honestly keeping you here?

What is honestly keeping you here?
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