Laptops and CS policy. Mess with those and we will fight like it's the end of the world.There is only one thing they understand.
Laptops and CS policy. Mess with those and we will fight like it's the end of the world.There is only one thing they understand.
Laptops and CS policy. Mess with those and we will fight like it's the end of the world.
We still have not received Delta +7. The pilots start whining and articles are written. How about the union publish a few articles how we still do not have a contract. Spend my union dues on something with wild! Not just food and hotels for our negotiators!
What decisions in DFW makes the management so bad?
Trying to figure out why DFW is not utilized to its fullest capability. There are 350 plus mechs on transfer list to DFW, and you have empty hangars. Please be specific as there are bad managers everywhere, what makes your managers that much worse.
TTL 267 of (alleged 350)
I guess I just wonder why so many folks want out of those stations?
And BTW, just to correct the misinformation (alternative facts), the hangars are NEVER empty.
They want out of those stations Because they are former AFW guys trying to get home to Texas, and of course there are the former mechs throwing bags for AA at dfw rather then leaving theirs homes and commuting.
You are a clear indicator why dfw is such a problem child. Rather then focus on the real question you focus on something else. It's like if a 777 comes to the gate with a flight control status msg, you focus on a reading light.
You don't think we all know that AA is moving work away from dfw? Problem planes are routed away from dfw or DWH picking up planes at gate to repair them, or that checks were moved from dfw and sent to Mia and S America.
So the question is, what is dfw management doing that is so much worse then other station managers?
How's about you put your name on the transfer list and come on down here and find out for yourself ...... or.... wait.... let me guess, you don't have enough horsepower. Whatcha got? 98, 99? PPPPhhhhh.... LOL....Or, who knows, maybe your a management guy, telling people their a "problem child" . Well, if my 30+ years producing for this company makes me that,,, then call it like you see em. Just keep on sittin there where ever it is you call home and throw stones mister about something you know nothing about.
We don't know what's going on in dfw that's why I asked. How about filling the rest of the system in on the management there, so we don't think you're all a bunch of whiners.
Typical 30 year guy, Thinks his seniority means something outside of bidding.
We have a contract. It becomes amendable September 2018. We should not be in a rush for a jcba. Everytime we get a new contract we keep losing language. If they want they can give us the 10 holidays and doubletime. Just like the pay adjustment. But the company wants concessions in return. Wake up people it's not just about the money.We still have not received Delta +7. The pilots start whining and articles are written. How about the union publish a few articles how we still do not have a contract. Spend my union dues on something with wild! Not just food and hotels for our negotiators!
You should be asking why so many people want out of DWH just across the field? Maybe you should look into what goes on with regards to overtime and holidays over there? Find out what kind of "Line Maintenance" work gets done at the overhaul station. I think you would find the answers interesting. Instead you continually have an axe to grind with DFW making the assertion that we should stop overtime so the transfer list would get called. Tell us, what station has ever done such a thing and when has the company responded in kind? You make the assertions that work has been lost from DFW due to lazy mechanics here, you think the company moved the work because they couldn't get it done here, well, we all know those kinds of assertions are ridiculous. This has never been the case ever, the company moves work to where they want it to be for a financial reason. You make the assertions that hangars are empty and guys work max overtime on nothing? C'mon man, listen to yourself, think about what your saying. THINK
And if you look at Section 3 he includes us under the Railway Labor Act too.
But no changes to that Strike language. Isn't that a shame.
I believe, for instance the CBA might trump it. For instance Florida is a Right to Work state, yet the condition of AA employment requires that you have to join the union if your position is union represented. But I could be wrong regarding this legislation.