A lot of money is spent on negotiations but a lot of dues is collected also often the company picks up the tab for negotiations. I know you are looking at the bigger picture but don't start beating your plowshares just yetMetal if they amend the RLA you would no longer be required to be a member of the Union or pay dues. But the Union that for awhile still exists would have to continue to represent you.
If the Union over time doesn't get enough money they wouldn't have the financial ability to be able to represent you anymore as many things whether people want to hear this or not cost money.
Do any of you on here realize how much is spent to negotiate on your behalf? So if they can't afford the Lawyers, Economists, Hotels, Food and time off to go where they need to be they would eventually just have to accept whatever it is the company is offering. Then they would lose even more people because they would say the Union is weak for bringing them back a crappy contract.
But some of your posters here I'm sure don't think they need a Union. They'll say Delta is doing just fine without one. Now imagine there are no Unions left in the airlines? No AMFA,TWU or IAM. Do you think the airlines would still pay your group really well with benefits?
A lot of money is spent on negotiations but a lot of dues is collected also often the company picks up the tab for negotiations. I know you are looking at the bigger picture but don't start beating your plowshares just yet
Weez we're going to a book burning tonight, afterwards we're coming for you. You'll be looking in your rear view mirror all the way.Don't worry we know what best for youYes many times the company has picked up the tab for negotiations in the industry. But they don't pick up the tab for everything and you still have to pay the up front costs first.
And yes I am looking at the big picture. Always am.
Yeah, they have a choice, they leave.But no your last contract still wouldn't expire. But what happens if your Union is forced out of business?
Go look up the drop in Union membership in Wisconsin. Or look at some of the other Right to Work States.
Hey cool. Looks like you guys may be able to get rid of the ASSociation sooner than you thought?
The National Right to Work Act would not add a single word to federal law. It would simply repeal five provisions in the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and one in the Railway Labor Act (RLA) that authorize the firing of workers for refusal to pay union dues or fees to union officials.
Does anyone disagree with this quote?
I don't disagree at all with you wanting to opt out of being in the Union and still maintaining your job. But what I do have a problem with is if you get into any trouble at work a Steward and the Union still need to defend you by Law. I personally call that "Theft of Services" Like being able to demand your own personal Lawyer without paying him.
RTW or Right to not belong to the Union should mean that you are not subject in any way shape or form to any stipulations or language in a CBA Negotiated by those who still chose to contribute.
In other words, you become a "Free Agent" You can negotiate for anything you want on your own with the Company. Pay, Benefits, Working conditions, Holidays, Vacations, whatever you want. Maybe you would even be liberated from the Seniority system. And if you have any issue with the Company or Management you will be responsible to handle your own issue yourself.
Perhaps the Company will consider your work so much above par to your represented counterparts that they will even pay you more than them?
As long as Trump is on his "America First" push, it would be nice to see our Association urge the government bring home aircraft overhaul being performed overseas in third world shite holes by America hating scumbags.
Anybody who wants out of the union has 2 easy ways:
1) Go into management
2) Quit and work for a contractor. You will be able to have it all, you can sit down with them and see what you can negotiate for yourself.
Im tired of this anti-union crying, nobody is keeping you in the union!