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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA AMTS

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management in dfw should read this article, everything they do is counter to what Dougie is talking about.
C'monnnnn Man!!!!

Dougies' LYIN..... If he wanted what he's saying from our management "Team" he could change it tomorrow.

He ain't no savior as some would have us all believe.We have been Parkerized!!!!
Thanks to the pilots and flight attendants.
management in dfw should read this article, everything they do is counter to what Dougie is talking about.

What decisions in DFW makes the management so bad?

Trying to figure out why DFW is not utilized to its fullest capability. There are 350 plus mechs on transfer list to DFW, and you have empty hangars. Please be specific as there are bad managers everywhere, what makes your managers that much worse.
Silence from the company on
No further negotiations scheduled
That certainly does not sound like a company that wants to get a deal done.
I love where it said change takes 5 to 10 years. Parker mandated better treatment of emplyees to his management team a long time ago and they ignored him. All anyone has to do is hang around with any AMTs and see how we are treated. In Tulsa it's like we're in prison and the manager is the warden. Meanwhile these people are raking in dough that you wouldn't believe. There is no manager in 'Tulsa that could figure out how to run a lemonade stand but they still get their bonuses off of our backs. Parker did change the culture. He made it to where lousy managers make even more dough while they destroy our product. Also his America West way of running things is to outsource all the maintenance he can.
I love where it said change takes 5 to 10 years. Parker mandated better treatment of emplyees to his management team a long time ago and they ignored him. All anyone has to do is hang around with any AMTs and see how we are treated. In Tulsa it's like we're in prison and the manager is the warden. Meanwhile these people are raking in dough that you wouldn't believe. There is no manager in 'Tulsa that could figure out how to run a lemonade stand but they still get their bonuses off of our backs. Parker did change the culture. He made it to where lousy managers make even more dough while they destroy our product. Also his America West way of running things is to outsource all the maintenance he can.

Now you're starting to understand where I've been living for the past 12 years. We were "Parkerized" back in '05, and it's been down hill ever since. DP's past dealings with labor has been stall... stall...stall. So a contract might be a little longer off into the future.

And speaking of that, USAir never had a junior Mechanic program until we merged with AWA in '05. They called it a "Interior Mechanic".

And to this day, they are still foreign to me. I have never seen or worked with one, and I have no idea what their job function is. I think they are all based in PHX.
For the last time.... As a junior mechanic, Buck and I were expected to do AMT work along side full mechanics and sign off our work and basically do the same job for less money while we had the same or more experience as the guys that were making AMT money.
You won't get much sympathy from me on this issue Oldguy@AA. I worked as a JFSC for 6 an hour. The fact is they made an offer and you accepted. I understand you feel it is different because you had made an investment but at the end of the day........ they made an offer....... and you accepted.

I hold no grudge against AA because they paid me 6 an hour for JFSC while my peers made much more. In the end I agreed to it because I wanted something out of them.

While working in aviation in the military you make less than minimum wage but you do the job. This is the experience you document to get in the door at AA. The junior mechanic program that AA started for other work groups paid them the junior mechanic pay while they were basically watching AMTs do the job. We had a few assigned to the dock I was on and when they were able to be found never were asked or expected to touch a thing. One even tricked out a bicycle he stole while he was there. Completely different situation where coming in the door and put in a J.M. slot I was expected, since I had an A&P license to do the same job as a full AMT only for less money. Now you have baited and paraphrased and tried to turn this into something that it is not. If you claim you don't understand the above I can't help you. I'm tired of spending time on this issue. I'd rather discuss current issues and not spend any more time on this. The TWU used this program to further the careers and increase the wages of career cleaners, stock clerks and fleet service people who would never had taken their own initiative to get their license. I went to Spartan after the AF and there was no program at Tulsa Tech then. Now if that isn't enough information or if you don't understand then I can't help you. Don't quote this post and then ask some obscure question or make assumptions of what my intended words were. The point you refuse to recognize it there was NEVER any program to help AMTs such as making a path for us to flight engineer. It was all about a union dominated by fleet service clerks giving them a way to upgrade. I know you got sold out by the TWU and your job was outsourced. I have seen hundreds of my fellow AMTs laid off and have to relocate. But please remember that it was a fleet service clerk who was the local president at the time that sold you out and covered his own tail. He's now in plant maintenance. It surely wasn't my fault since not only did I not vote for Sirri, but I voted against the contract. Lots more than I wanted to type but I will not address this with you again. If I want to argue I'll do it on Facebook like everyone else.
I won't deny you have made some points but where was all of this before you agreed to take the job?

La Li Lu Le Lo did I use the word liar in my post?

Were you there when I was hired?

I was responding to this.

When in the military you earn military pay (Less than minimum wage). The Junior Mechanic Program recipients were paid mechanic pay while training. That is a big difference right there. Not going to waste my time on any more of your points. Obviously you consider me a liar too so I don't see any reason to continue.

I called you no liar and OldGuy@AA called you no liar. In fact this post was directed at me.

I can see the benefit to all if the company is actually using the program to get folks with no experience enough experience to be journeyman mechanics. But..... when the company uses the program to put guys with verifiable heavy experience just to save money... well.. thats intolerable and the bargaining representative should be all over it and correcting that practice, not condoning it.
I agree with you 100%.

OldGuy@AA being upset years after the fact is pointless though when he CHOSE to accept the job under those conditions. Again I don't complain about getting JFSC pay. I made a CHOICE. I knew what I was getting into before I accepted employment. They made it very clear.

I understand you need to maintain a standard in the industry however and support any actions to achieve that goal

Hello! We're in a Fleet Service dominated association.

Being in a Fleet dominated UNION did not help me any as a FSC in TULE. In fact they insourced my job to title one employees. While there was a FSC serving as president of the local 514 I might add.

Not sure of your point, but, I will tell you this. I was not going to take a more than 50% cut in pay to go from an experienced mechanic to a junior mechanic just to start at an airline. To go from $20 bucks an hour plus down to $9 bucks an hour and as a junior mechanic, I said no way AA.
Great. What you did not do is accept it then hold a grudge over your career.

That is the difference from my point of view.

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So in all the Town Hall, State of the Airline meetings. The Company always states that it wants to get this contract done. In these meetings why hasn't there been some Union official in attendance to ask a simple question. "Why is the Company stalling these negotiations?" And if your not stalling than can you please explain why you have responded in the last 3 months to the Unions proposals on OT,SICK,VACATION, etc. and not letting them so easily off the hook. Parker, Isom always have answers for everything and never get pressed for the real answer. All this company sees is $$$$ signs and that is all they care about. When is this Union going start throwing some $hit back at them. And say we are done with your damn games. The membership is done with the union playing Patticake with this idiots.
So in all the Town Hall, State of the Airline meetings. The Company always states that it wants to get this contract done. In these meetings why hasn't there been some Union official in attendance to ask a simple question. "Why is the Company stalling these negotiations?" And if your not stalling than can you please explain why you have responded in the last 3 months to the Unions proposals on OT,SICK,VACATION, etc. and not letting them so easily off the hook. Parker, Isom always have answers for everything and never get pressed for the real answer. All this company sees is $$$$ signs and that is all they care about. When is this Union going start throwing some $hit back at them. And say we are done with your damn games. The membership is done with the union playing Patticake with this idiots.

I've asked that same question as to why there is never a union official at any of these town halls to rebut.
I know we don't to do our negotiating there, but at least bring to light WHO is stalling.
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