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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA AMTS

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The guards were given their full company time in Title I. DOH. The reason we were told was that since they were being outsourced they had no place to bump or transfer.Same with Air Cal given full seniority even though they hadnt worked 1 day for AA. They were represented by the TWU.
Doesn't surprise me. I know there were a total of 20 of them and I know some are still around. The TWU has a way of putting people in our title group who have absolutely no clue as to how to do our jobs or any qualifications. The TWU has always done what was contrary to what would benefit AMTs.
When the SRPs were invented, why did TULE and AFW (our largest voting blocks, and the AMTs mostly effected) let that contract pass?

Looking for info, not being snarky. 🙂
That is actually a very good question. When we got the SRPs (It was the 95 contract I believe) we had a lot of AMTs that we called "The Class of 67". These were A scalers that sold us out and agreed to the B and then C scales and told us we wouldn't have been hired if they had not. But I digress.... The TWU had ALWAYS catered to the A Scalers at the expense of the rest of us and low and behold in 95 they invented the SRP and included a 5 and 5 retirement incentive for the A Scalers that added 5 years to their age and 5 years of service for retirement purposes. The A Scalers voted yes in droves and carried the vote. There was a study done later on and it was found that had the A Scalers who voted yes for the 5 and 5 that decided later on to not take it had voted no then it would have failed. They voted yes without reading the details and found out that they would not get to choose when they retired. There was a window and it was done by seniority so of course the high seniority guys wanted to go at the end and the lower seniority guys didn't want to go at the beginning so after voting yes for it they decided not to partake in what the voted yes for. Turned out the high seniority guys who took the latest part of the window were allowed to stay a year after their target date. So the TWU changed the rules at the end of the game too. Very screwed up.
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Thanks for the info Old Guy. That's been a while.

TWU at AA. Gotta Love 'em. They know how to get the votes to pass the concessionary contracts!
I understand that the company has approached the union with a monetary amount? However the only subject I was told about, is the change the company wants to the Parts Washers and Aircraft Cleaners classification as a Title 1 group to be removed. These members would become part of the Utility classification ( Title II ). I have no other information at this time.

I can't think of a reason the company could benefit from this.
That is actually a very good question. When we got the SRPs (It was the 95 contract I believe) we had a lot of AMTs that we called "The Class of 67". These were A scalers that sold us out and agreed to the B and then C scales and told us we wouldn't have been hired if they had not. But I digress.... The TWU had ALWAYS catered to the A Scalers at the expense of the rest of us and low and behold in 95 they invented the SRP and included a 5 and 5 retirement incentive where the A Scalers that added 5 years to their age and 5 years of service for retirement purposes. The A Scalers voted yes in droves and carried the vote. There was a study done later on and it was found that had the A Scalers who voted yes for the 5 and 5 that decided later on to not take it had voted no then it would have failed. They voted yes without reading the details and found out that they would not get to choose when they retired. There was a window and it was done by seniority so of course the high seniority guys wanted to go at the end and the lower seniority guys didn't want to go at the beginning so after voting yes for it they decided not to partake in what the voted yes for. Turned out the high seniority guys who took the latest part of the window were allowed to stay a year after their target date. So the TWU changed the rules at the end of the game too. Very screwed up.
If I remember correctly each title group had a new lower entry position. Title 1 had SRP, Title II had MSP, Title III got the jr. Fleet program, Title V got the base warehouseman. The senior guys got the $$$$$ ! Now it's time to see how our vote will turn out. Let them offer a signing bonus, Vc time, and holidays then toss a little something for the senior guys and you will have a repeat of 95.
If I remember correctly each title group had a new lower entry position. Title 1 had SRP, Title II had MSP, Title III got the jr. Fleet program, Title V got the base warehouseman. The senior guys got the $$$$$ ! Now it's time to see how our vote will turn out. Let them offer a signing bonus, Vc time, and holidays then toss a little something for the senior guys and you will have a repeat of 95.
Yeah and please note that none of the other title group's lower position exists anymore. They changed the name of Title 1's from SRP to OSM so we are the only group that still has it. This should not surprise anyone in Title 1. Just further proof that not only is the TWU intent on destroying our craft but they succeeded in getting enough sheeple who were too stupid to sign cards to get away from either the TWU or the association.
Yeah and please note that none of the other title group's lower position exists anymore. They changed the name of Title 1's from SRP to OSM so we are the only group that still has it. This should not surprise anyone in Title 1. Just further proof that not only is the TWU intent on destroying our craft but they succeeded in getting enough sheeple who were too stupid to sign cards to get away from either the TWU or the association.
The members are the ones that must change! Everyone has analysis paralysis ! We can analyze something to death yet be paralyzed to take any action so you have not accomplished a thing. There has not been one collective opposition to the pace of these negotiations. We are filled with IF's. If somebody would have told me! If I could have I would have. If only they ___. IF, IF, IF ! You get the point Old Guy. IF = Intelligent Fools! This should be my last contract. IF only I would have listened to my old man!
All you former ramp guys should kiss the feet of the TWU leadership, it's because of them you can just transfer into aircraft maintenance, if the AMTs were in a different union, you would have to get 3 years experience then apply and go through the interview process.

How many ramp mechs could pass an interview without experience, especially now. The new mechanics coming aboard now are pretty sharp.

This is just another case of some know nothing spouting off.

The ramp guys have trouble passing the stores interview/test, i couldn't see them having an easier time trying to pass an AMT interview. We see ramper after ramper trying to come into stores and they just cant get through the interview.
The ramp guys have trouble passing the stores interview/test, i couldn't see them having an easier time trying to pass an AMT interview. We see ramper after ramper trying to come into stores and they just cant get through the interview.

I'm surprise that have to interview, they don't for Maint.
The members are the ones that must change! Everyone has analysis paralysis ! We can analyze something to death yet be paralyzed to take any action so you have not accomplished a thing. There has not been one collective opposition to the pace of these negotiations. We are filled with IF's. If somebody would have told me! If I could have I would have. If only they ___. IF, IF, IF ! You get the point Old Guy. IF = Intelligent Fools! This should be my last contract. IF only I would have listened to my old man!
Can't fix stupid and I guess you can't fix apathy either. I and others have tried to rally the no vote on many contracts but the local used fear to carry the yes votes. I try to be informed and educate myself on each contract issue. Many do vote yes because they feel certain things don't affect them and so they don't care. I have always thought that if they screw you this time and I allow it then you'll allow them to screw me later but if we stand together they can't screw either of us. This theory has never been tested however as the "I got mine" crowd will always take the bone offered and screw everyone else.
So when will people come to realize that the only solution to seniority is DOH.

Why should someone be penalized by going to the bottom of a seniority list when they have a desire to change jobs within the company? It does no make any sense!

I was hired first at the company so therefore I have more seniority. Done, end of story. It's simple!

Who came up with this "occupational", now "date in classification" seniority BS anyway?

I agree with you 100% and have made this same argument. I even made the same "penalized for trying something new" pitch you did. The reaction was rather negative. I don't think you will find any (besides me) receptive to that idea.

If someone decides to upgrade to AMT on their own dime after several years I am proud of them. But they have no business outbidding experienced AMTs for Crew Chief and inspector jobs. In your world a twenty year stock clerk who was handed an A&P license for free from a BS program like the old Junior Mechanic Program should be able to outbid a nineteen year AMT for shifts, and/or CC and Insp jobs. They would pick their vacation per their DOH and I think that is more than fair. I don't care how long you have been in the airline. Experience in your job does and should determine who gets CC and Insp and shift bids. End of story.
Can the company and UNION not hammer out experience requirements for crew chief and inspector positions?

I never could figure out why you mechanics had such a problem with the Junior Mechanic Program. From my perspective that is similar to an apprenticeship and apprenticeships have worked well in several trades for thousands of years. The only hypothesis I have is your rejection of the Junior Mechanic Program is purely political.

Care to elaborate why you reject an aircraft mechanic apprenticeship program?
The company and union fail miserably in the "professional standards" program!
I would say that is more company than UNION.

The company declares the qualifications required for a job. If they have a low standard that is on the company and a sign of weak management.

That is not to say the UNION would not go along with it to line their pockets with more dues money.
Care to elaborate why you reject an aircraft mechanic apprenticeship program?[/QUOTE]

Glad to. For me and thousands of other AMTs, we were required to possess an A&P license in order to be considered for hire at AA. In order to attain this license it required Military experience and or trade school or, like me, both. There was an investment in this that continued to spiral. At some point AA could no longer attract qualified people to apply as AMTs due to the fact that AA mechanics made several dollars per hour less than United, Delta and even US Air. Instead of the TWU pushing the company to increase pay to the rates paid elsewhere so qualified AMTs would apply, they came up with a plan to basically gift A&P licenses to career cleaners (Who carried Title 1 seniority with them), stock clerks and fleet service clerks (Who thankfully didn't). So those AMTs who were still paying off student loans for their license requirements were double screwed. They now had AMTs above them on the seniority list (The cleaners) who did not have the student loan debt they had. Also we never got AMT pay to match the other airlines which AA would have had to do to get applicants. For the record one of my best friends was a stock clerk who took advantage of this and has been an AMT for many years now. He does a great job and he knows how I feel and we agree to disagree and remain brothers. He did offer that he had to pay $250 for his practical test. That was total investment in his A&P. Many AMTs had amassed debt of tens of thousands of dollars they were still trying to pay off. The TWU could at least have paid off these loans for these guys. As it turned out they were outbid for CC and Insp jobs by guys who had been cleaners for ten years with no intention of investing in any kind of education to get a license. Maybe in someone's mind this was all fair but not in anyone's who paid dearly in money or indentured servitude for their qualifications. I will also add that AA required three years experience too so many had to spend years working general aviation at minimum wage to get this experience.
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