Funny, I've seen SRPs and people who got their A&P from the Junior Mechanic Program I wouldn't let work on my twenty year old truck. I have seen good crew chiefs and I have seen bad ones too but now at AA management decides who gets crew chief bids so they get the brown nosers. Maybe those are some of the guys you know? I also know that when AA invented the SRP, much to the delight of the TWU, they hired management's family, friends, Credit Union people, staff assistants and women from the typing pool. Oh yeah... Every single security guard became an SRP too. Lots of experience waving cars through the gate. Many long time SRPs are these people. We had a staff assistant on the dock I was on and she became an SRP too. She had never been even remotely connected to aviation before becoming a staff assistant but somehow got an SRP job. Of course she was in the first wave of SRP hires Had another one on my dock that was upgraded after going to VoTech (She had been at the Triad building for a few years) and she asked me one day to show her how to bend a cotter pin. Also a few wives of AMTs got hired as SRPs too so I guess they got their aircraft maintenance prowess from osmosis? Please don't generalize. There are good and bad at every job. I would not be comfortable with anyone not licensed doing our work but the TWU grandfathered painters and other non licensed workers into the AMT group didn't they? It's the TWU way. We had a guy hired as a painter who was made an AMT by the TWU that couldn't read a micrometer. But this was supposed to be about seniority and if someone should be able to carry their seniority into another classification. I don't think the guards kept their seniority and they shouldn't have. Not going to argue anymore. This is how we do it and how we have done it. It doesn't matter if I agree or not. They don't ever ask me to make rules. If they did we would never have had cleaners and parts washers in Title 1.