That is a report of the PBGCs financial condition and how much money THEY have to cover the plans they are currently trustees of.
The IAMNPF is definitely a multi-employer plan and it is NOT under the trusteeship of the PBGC. (Yet) As to the IAMNPF health, well, that's the subject of much debate now isn't it.
"The Street" said this in 2013, "Not only is the IAM fund financially strong but also the IAM has battled to preserve members' access to it, most notably at
United (
UAL), which emerged from bankruptcy in 2006 with only IAM-represented fleet service workers and passenger service agents still covered by a defined benefit pension plan."
You could go to the 2012 Credit Suisse article "Crawling Out of the Shadows" (check out page 4) :
Its shows the "actuarial funding" at 108% but the "fair value" at 57.5% -not good, in the red.
And the plan itself say its in the "green zone"
As for me, since Credit Suisse are the guys with all the money, I'm gonna go with their viewpoint. The thing is underfunded.
It is a "multi employer plan" per the PBGC, and the PBGC doesn't have enough money to cover the plan, (by their own report) so if it fails which to me is likely, there will be benefit cuts.
Finally, don't think for one milli-second that the trustees cant agree to merge the 2 plans, one being the IAMPNF and the other the TWUDPB, they can do that brother. And, don't just take my word for it, call the PBGC and ask them or email them, they will answer you.
Well, now that Ive thrown a dose of the cold hard truth.
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!!