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Dear Fellow Flight Attendants,
I cannot deny that I was disappointed in the outcome of the T/A balloting results. As with any balloting or election, the outcome is usually less harmful than the disunity it can cause. We cannot let that happen. We have an amazing workforce that has endured incredible challenges and disappointments, and we have always managed to pick ourselves up because we take care of, and truly care for, each other. Let's commit - right now - that we are going to continue our battle to better our profession, and that we are going to do it together.
It is time to start preparing for the next steps. We need to put our absolute best foot forward in arbitration. It is imperative that we work together on creating the best possible outcome.
My discussions with the company – and there have been many – have confirmed that they are unwilling to make any moves that would in any way signal to our workgroup, as well as all the other groups on the property, that a No vote would result in anything other than what was promised: arbitration within the parameters outlined in the NPA. I have been pushing for mediation and the possibility of discussing any and all possible relief but the company will only agree to meet to discuss arbitration protocol.
I encourage all Flight Attendants to talk to your local leadership. The APFA Board of Directors has been a rock throughout these many challenges. I cannot thank them enough for their leadership. The APFA Leadership’s primary concern has always been, and will always be, the work lives of Flight Attendants.
Continue to hold your heads high. We have achieved amazing things before and I know we have a tremendous amount of fight left in all of us. We must stick together. Unity has not failed us.
Always in Unity,
Laura Glading
ABOUT APFA: The Association of Professional Flight Attendants, founded in 1977, represents the more than 24,000 active flight attendants at American Airlines. In November 2011, American’s parent company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Throughout the bankruptcy trial, APFA President Laura Glading served on the Unsecured Creditors’ Committee where she advocated for the American Airlines Flight Attendants. In February 2013, American and US Airways announced their intention to combine the carriers and on December 9, 2013, AA exited bankruptcy and the merger was final. Achieving a merger inside bankruptcy is unprecedented in the industry and would not have occurred without the efforts of American’s labor unions, particularly APFA.
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