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Nw Members Speak Out!

Checking it Out said:
Reading this BB and looking back I find it funny how the AMFA officials/organizers lies become more glaring and obvious . AMFA misrepresented every possible angle or issue to screw the mechanics AND BETTER THEMSELVES..

In July of 2000 the Amfa officials/organizers John Flanagan, Jim Seitz and George Guilford preached that the mechanics were under paid and over worked. Their typical claims were that mechanics could get jobs as elevator mechanics, tile setters, auto mechanics ect.ect.ect and make more money and enjoy better working conditions. More rhetoric the amfa officials/organizers spewed was that the mechanics could not vote on the contract without the other workgroups.. To add insult to injury Amfa officials/organizers used an overtime ban to show how powerful they were at the IMC. Their logic was it would be easier for the union and the company to get a deal and it would be harder for them/ amfa to get the cards signed if thing were running smoothly.

Fast forward to 1/2004 the vast majority of the mechanics at the IMC took the AMFA officials/organizers John Flanagan, Jim Seitz and George Guilford advice. In the Indy Star 1/11/04 http://www.indystar.com/business/ Business section is an article about the IMC being shut down How the workers can not find jobs and are leaving their families friends and homes to seek work. Their unemployment benefits are exhausted. It is apparent that the AMFA officials/organizers will tell you anything you want to hear. It is all lies designed to get you to act more on emotions then on logic. Maybe we should have worked more overtime prior to people being laid off. The jobs that the AMFA officials/organizers John Flanagan, Jim Seitz and George Guilford promised were not available for the average A&P mechanic technician. The mechanics voted on the contract by themselves. As a matter of fact they voted by themselves to turn down the pay reductions to try to save their jobs.

Taking the Amfa/Organizers John Flanagan, Jim Seitz and George Guilford advise one more time and voted no. The rest is history read the article. I am sure this story can be told by thousands of mechanics around the country that fell for the AMFA lies. The IAM has some unsavory moments but in the last six years AMFA and if officials/organizers have done more to harm the mechanic group as a whole then any other force in this country. When will these AMFA officials/organizers be held accountable for what they preach and lack of action?

Compliments of Amfanuts .com.

Please excuse me for intruding in your debate.
This reply addresses ‘CIO’ in the topic of this post.
CIO, your sources (amfanuts.com) are infamous in their pursuit of disinformation, lies and forgery.
For you to use this information as the basis of your knowledge of AMFA is foolhardy.
The people in your reference are UAL people (FYI - Jim is our AMFA Local 9 VP).

Furthermore, you are missing the point.
(I hate repeating this but some people never learn)

So ‘Oh Great and Wise’, look through your AFL-CIO handbook of lies and intimidation
and tell me what the ‘point’ is.

Looking forward to your reply.

Actually one amfa rep present on Thursday stated "they do not know enough about amfa to rep them at an international level debate". I believe that to be the only truth I have heard them utter yet.

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